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Adjectives and adverbs


You've got a nice face. (adjective)

You sing nicely. (adverb)

(You sing nice.)

I'm angry with you. (adjective)

She spoke angrily. (adverb)

(She spoke angry.)

It's terrible. (adjective)

It's terribly cold. (adverb)

(It's terrible cold.)

You speak good English. (adjective)

You speak English well. (adverb)

(You speak English good.)



Spelling of -ly adverbs




kind careful extreme



carefully (carefuly)

extremely (extreHlly)


happy angry

happily angrily

comfortable comfortably


Position of adverbs


Don't put adveibs" ttw n:tbev j lid ab

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She speaks English well. (She speaks well ERglish.)

I opened the letter carefully. (I opeRed carefully the letter.)

I never read science fiction. (I read Re¥er scieRce fictioR.)



Frequency adverbs: how often?


How often?


How often do you go to the cinema? Do you ever go to the opera?


From most to least often


Ialways have coffee for breakfast. Iusually have toast and butter. Ivery often go away at weekends. Ioften go out in the evenings. Isometimes go to the cinema. Idon't stay at home very often. Ioccasionally travel abroad. Ihardly ever eat fish.

Inever play golf.


Position of frequency adverbs

- One-part verbs

I always have coffee for breakfast.

(I ha·1e ahvays coffee...)

I very often go away at weekends.

(I go very ofteR away...)

- Two-part verbs

She has always been friendly to me.

(She al·ways has beeR...)

We were often invited to her house.

(WE! oftE!R WE!re iRvited...)

I can never understand what she says.

(I Rever caR uRderstaRd...)

- Am/are/is/was/were

She is usually late.

(She usually is late.)

Iam never at home these days.

(I ReYer am at home...)


Regular frequency

I come here every day.

every three days.

once a day.

twice a week.

three times a year.



Adverbs of degree


With adjectives With verbs


I'm not at all tired. not very

a bit quite very


Ivery much like football.

Iquite like walking.

Idon't much like washing up.

Idon't like washing clothes at all.


Comparative and superlative adverbs


We usually make rornparatixt ud s e-'lative.

adverbs with more and mcrst.: ·· ·· " ·


Could you speak more slowly? She. sings most beautifully.


Exceptions: fa t r.fMtes_t ",··;

She can run faster than me.

I speak English better than m)' father.




Talking about time

I'll see you at ten o'clock. in the morning. on Thursday.

on Thursday morning. on June 22nd.

at the weekend. I don't work on Saturdays.


I'll see you in three days. (=three days from now)



No preposition



We go skiing every year for two weeks. I've been here for six weeks.

since Christmas.

I work from nine to/until six.

I'll be here until a quarter to three.


She only studies before exams. I'm free after six o'clock.


half past nine five to ten


What time do you get up? (NOT usually At what time...?) I'll see you this afternoon.

I'll see you next week.

I saw her last week.



n m
Talking about place


Iunder I Dnear

It's on the table. (... in the table.)

under your chair.

in the fridge.

near the door.


in the living room in a small flat

on the second floor

at No 53 Park Street in Park Street

in London in England

He lived in Saigon.

He studied at Saigon University.


I'm going to Edinburgh tomorrow. (... going at...) I'll arrive at Waverley Station at 9.15.

(... arrive to...)


She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. round the world.

'Where are you from?' 'I'm from Ireland.'



He's at the disco.

at the supermarket.

at the doctor's.

at the bus stop. at the station.

at home. (at the home.)

at work. (at the \'fork.)

at school. (at the school.)

at lunch. (at the hmch.)

in bed. (in the bed.)

on his way to work.


It's by the reception desk. near the stairs.

next to the post office. opposite the station. outside the window.

behind the tree.

in front of the tree.

between those two trees.

Go straight on for 300 metres and it's on the right. Our bedroom is over the living room.

He got into his car and drove away.

She got out of the car and went into the house.


No preposition

I want to go home. (... to ho me.)



Other uses of prepositions

Here's a letter for you.

the girl in jeans

the man with a beard

My sister looks like me.

We're all slim except Joe.

'How old is she?' 'Over 20.'

'Under 30.'


good at maths good at running

the highest mountain in the world. (... of the world.)



We went to Spain on holiday.

We went there by bus/car/train/air.

I often think about you.

We were talking about money.

I can't go without sleep for very long. Look at my new dress.

Would you like to listen to some music? I'm looking for a sweater.


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