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Putting things together


And; but; both... and; neither... nor

I went into the kitchen and looked in all the cupboards, but Icouldn't find any sugar.

Both Ann and Ilike riding. Neither Ann nor Ican swim.




She left university because she wanted to learn to fly. Because you were so rude to me, I've decided not to see

you agam.



Conjunctions of time

When I'm bored Igo and see friends. I'll phone you when Iget home.

(... when I 'tvill get home.)


As soon as the kettle boils, I'll make tea. (As soon as the kettle will boil...)

Do you get up as soon as you wake up?



Before you buy something, do you always ask the price? Always warm up before you go running.


After Ileave school I'm going to travel. (After Iwill leave sehool...)

Rest for a few minutes after you finish running.

Will you keep working until you're 60?





Ordinary tenses


If both parents have got blue eyes, their children will have blue eyes.

We usually go walking at the weekend if the weather's


If you see a black cat, you'll have good luck.

(If you •uill see...)

I'll let you know if Ihear from John.

(... if Iwill hear...)


Unreal and improbable situations:

past tense and would

If today was Sunday, I would be in bed.

If I won $1,000,000, I would buy a fast car.

(If I would v;in...)

He would tell us if he knew.

(... if he '+voulcl kno·u.)

It would be better if you told us the truth.


If I were etc.



If my French was/were better, I'd have a chance of passing the exams.

I wouldn't do that if Iwere you.


Talking about the past: past perfect and

would have •..


If his parents had been well off, he would have gone to university.

If he hadn't worked in the bank, he wouldn't have gone to Italy.

Where would he have gone if he had decided not to go to Italy?

If he had joined the army earlier he would have been sent to Germany.


Ifand when


If I get enough money, I'll travel round the world. (I may possibly get enough money.)

When I get older I'll stop playing rugby. (I will certainly get older.)



Reported speech


Reported statements and thoughts

'You will never get married.'

Maria said (that) I would never get married.

(Mar aid tl'lat..)

'We're going to take ten litres of water.'

They said (that) they were going to take...

--r= ---r-

'I like my boss.'

She said (that) she liked her boss.

(S aid tl'lat sl'les hl!r boss.)

I didn't realise that you liked your boss. I t ht you hated him

I =r-

'I've been to Venice.'

He told Janet that he had been to Venice.


Say and tell

Fred said that he lived in Paris and California.

(Fred said Janl!t that...)

He told Janet that he had been photographing the President. (He told that...)



Relative clauses


Who, that and where

Paula is a young doctor who plays tennis.

Lewis is a company director who eats too much.

A watch is a thing that tells you the time.

A hat is a thing that you wear on your head.

A platform is a place where you wait for a train.


Reported questions

'Where do you work?'

She asked me where I worked.

(£hi! askl!d ml! whi!rl! I work.)

(£hi! aski!d ml! whl!r@ did I work.)

(£hi! askl!d ml! 'whl!rl! did I work'.) (£hi! askl!d ml! whi!rl! did I world)

'Where is your home?'

She asked me where my home was.

(£hi! aski!d ml! whi!rl! vras my hom!!.)

'Do you like living there?'

She asked me if I liked living there.


Reported instructions and requests

'You must tidy up afterwards.'

She told him to tidy up afterwards.

'Please don't make so much noise.'

She asked him not to make so much noise.



Leaving out object pronouns


A hat is a thing (that) you wear on your head. I often give presents to people (who) I like.



Joining sentences


Structuring paragraphs

When I..., I usually... First of all, I... Then I... and

... Next I... After that I... Then I... until...

Before I..., I... Finally I...


Linking expressions


You're just too old.

Well, yes, OK.

So what?

You haven't even got any money.


Well, yes, I know. What's he like, then? Well, you know.

No, actually, he isn't. perhaps/maybe

perhaps/maybe not

1 don't know.

on the other hand

I do think my eyes are too small, though. Still, they're pretty.



Position of prepositions and adverb particles

Prepositions in questions

Where are you from? (Froffi 'Nhere are you?)

What are you looking at? Who are you talking about?


Prepositions in relative clauses

A chair is a thing (that) you sit on.

A tap is a thing (that) water comes out of.


Adjective + infinitive + preposition

She's easy to work with. He's nice to talk to.


Position of adverb particle

Could you pick that book up?

OR: Could you pick up that book?

Could you pick it up? (Could you pick up it?)

You'd better take your sweater off.

OR: You'd better take off your sweater.

You'd better take it off. (You'd better tah off it.)



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