Problems with some words
Verbs with two objects
Some verbs (for example bring, give, lend, show, tell) often have two objects. Could you bring me some water? Can I give you a little more coffee? Could you lend me some sugar?
Could you show me some black sweaters, please? Itold the policemen my address.
Lend and borrow
Lend is like give; borrow is like take.
Could you lend me some sugar? Could Iborrow some sugar (from you)? (Could I borrmv you some sugar?)
Like and would like
Like means 'enj()y'; would like means 'wartt'. 'Do you like dancing?' 'Yes, Ido. Igo dancing every weekend.' 'Would you like to dance?' 'No, thanks. I'm tired.'
Like + object + infinitive Would you like me to switch the lights on?
1. Get + object= 'obtain', 'receive', 'fetch'. Where can Iget some stamps? Iget a letter from my mother every week. Can you get me some bread, please?
2. Get + adjective = 'become'. It's getting late. If you work too hard you'll get tired.
3. Get+ adverb particle/preposition= 'move'. What time do you usually get up? It takes me an hour to get to work. Get on the bus outside the station, and get off at Park Street. Get out!!
You've got beautiful eyes. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
etc.'. " "'"·" We went for a walk and got lost in the woods. She's getting married next week. He got killed in a car crash.
Be like, look like and look 'What is she like?' ('How is she?') 'She's a bit shy, but very nice.'
He looks like a footballer. I think he looks more like a businessman. She looks like her mother.
She looks bad-tempered. You look tired.
Born I waborn in 1936. (I am borA...) When were you born?
Agree I agree. I am agree.) He doesn't agree.
Still, yet and already
wct 1tj{>:.•talk '*ui.con#nuation. John's still in bed. '*t.u,t,.ailc, r expected actions. have h ·.et· q.sayt)llt they haven't. Has John got up yet? He hasn't got up yet.
Such and so
She's such a good dancer. He's such a handsome man. They're such fools.
We use already to ay things.have happened·earlier than expected:.· · Susan is already dressed.
We use so before adjectives {without nouns). She's so good. He's so handsome. They're so stupid.