Студопедия — Additional reading
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Additional reading



Section A·





This poem comes from the Dinka people of the Sudan.


In the time when Dendid created1 all things, He created the sun,

And the sun is born, and dies, and comes again; He created the moon,

And the moon is born, and dies, and comes again; He created the stars,

And the stars are born, and die, and come again; He created man,

And man is born, and dies, and never comes again.


(from Voices from Twentieth-Century Africa)


created 1: made something new



A person who happens to be blind1



John Bailey is blind and has a guide dog named Elgar. John finds that many people don't know what to do or say when they meet someone like him who can't see. Here he explains how to behave towards blind people and their dogs.

• Remember I am an ordinary person, just blind. You don't need to shout or talk to me as if I cannot understand. If you are giving me a cup of tea or coffee, then I can tell you how I take it- you don't have to ask my wife.

• I can walk more easily with you than by myself, but please don't grab my arm; let me take yours. When I am with Elgar, I will drop the handle on his harness to tell him he is no longer working, and I will take your left arm with my right. I will keep half a step behind so that I can feel it when we are about to go up or down steps or a kerb. Going downstairs, I prefer to hold the handrail if there is one.

• It is always nice for me to know who is in the room with

us, so please do introduce me - and to the cat and dog! And if you come into a room where I am, please do speak so I know you're there.

• If I am somewhere new, you will have to guide me to a chair and tell me about things in my way or on the floor. Don't forget about lampshades - they often stick out into my path and I do hate breaking things!

• At mealtimes, I may ask for a little help, particularly with cutting up meat. And you can make my meal a lot more enjoyable by telling me where which food is on my plate - for example 'Chicken at 9 o'clock, peas at 3 o'clock and

potatoes at 6 o'clock - and a glass of water at 2 o'clock.'

• Words like 'see' don't worry me, so you needn't be embarrassed about using them; I use them too. I am always glad to see people.

• Elgar loves attention, but remember never to distracf him when he's working, as my safety depends on him. And, of course, please don't feed3 him titbits - he gets very properly fed at home and will get fat if you feed him too!

• The most important thing of all is not to think of me as a blind person; I am a person who happens to be blind.


(from Forward- the Journal of The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association)


happens to be blind 1: is blind by chance

distract 2: make him interested in something else

feed 3: give food to


Decide if the following are true (T) or false (f).


1. John likes people to help him walk.

2. He doesn't worry if he breaks things.

3. He has dinner at 9 o'clock.

4. He is blind but he can see people a little bit.

5. He doesn't like people to give his dog food.


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