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Warming up

What Am I? What Am I? What Am I? What Am I?

I am hot. I live in the water. I am in your body. I am red, green, or yellow.
I live in the sky. You can drive me. I am red. I am a healthy snack.
I am bright. I might make you sick. I am the symbol for love. I make good juice.
Don't look straight at me. Don't put a hole in me. Blood pumps through me. You can bite me or slice me.
I disappear in the night. Tie me up when you're done. Please don't break me. Give me to a teacher.


GRAMMAR COMMENT Prepositions of time [1, p.126]


8 o’clock midday/midnight lunchtime night the weekend Christmas/Easter/New Year

Monday (morning) the 12th of July my birthday
the morning the afternoon the evening December the summer

● Use in for parts of the day

● Use on for days and dates

● Use at for times of the day, night, the weekend, and festivals

We say: at the weekend Are you going away at the weekend?

at night I can’t sleep at night.

at Christmas/at Easter Where will you be at Christmas? (but on Christmas Day)

at the end of … I’m going on holiday at the end of October.

at the moment Are you busy at the moment?

in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening

I always feel good in the morning.

Do you often go out in the evening?


on Monday morning/ on Tuesday afternoon/ on Friday evening/ on Saturday night etc.:

I’m meeting Joanne on Monday morning.

Are you doing anything on Saturday night?


We do not use at/on/in before:

this… (this morning/ this week etc.) Are you going out this evening?

last… (last August/ last week etc.) We go on holiday every summer. Last summer we went to Canada.

next… (next Monday/ next week etc.) I’m leaving next Monday. (not on next Monday)

every… (every day/ every week etc.)

Choose the right preposition. Write at/on/in

1 on 6 June 7 ……24 September 13 …… Friday morning

2 in the evening 8 ……Thursday 14 …… Saturday night

3 …… half past two 9 ……11.45 15 …… night

4 …… Wednesday 10 ……Christmas Day 16 …… the end of the day

5 …… 1997 11 ……Christmas 17 ……the weekend

6 …… September 12 ……the morning 18 …… winter


Complete with in, on, or at and a time expression:

five o’clock July 4th Christmas Sunday

the summer midnight the afternoon nine o’clock


In the UK people usually start work at nine o’clock.

On December 31st many people drink champagne______________.

In the USA they celebrate Independence Day______________.

Many people all over the world give presents______________.

In Italy it’s usually very hot______________.

In many countries shops are closed_____________.

In Spain many people have a siesta_____________.

Traditionally British people have cup of tea___________.

Exercise 1. You’re going to listen [1, T.3.15], [Part 3, p.160]. to two other people talk about their favourite times. First listen to these sentences. What do the highlighted words mean?

1. I can start to relax and enjoy the evening.

2. My family live very far away.

3. I get up early and feel full of energy.

4. In winter it’s a nice temperature and it’s when I feel comfortable.

Exercise 2. Listen to the interviews [1, T3.16]. Complete the chart.


What’s your favourite…? Cristina, a sports coach from Spain Udom, a manager from Thailand
time of day 10 p.m.  
day of the week    
public holiday    

Exercise 3. Listen again. Why are these their favourite times?



Exercise 4. Read the text “Fascinating festivals … but if you go, don’t wear new clothes .

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1533. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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