СЕМЬ СТОЛПОВ ЗДОРОВЬЯ. 8. Fletcher and Fairfield, "Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults."
8. Fletcher and Fairfield, "Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults." 9. 'Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Trial," National Cancer Institute Press Release, July 22, 2003+ Ibid День 42, Как подобрать правильные добавки 1. F&avo Airola, MD, PhD, How to Get Wei! (Scottsdale, AZ: Health Plus Publishers, 1974), in Jane Sheppard, "The Baffling World of Nutritional Supplements," Healthy Child Online, http://www.healthychildxom/database/ the_baffling_worid_of_nutritional_supplements,htm (accessed February 23,2006). 2,'"Vitamin В12," MayoClinic.com, http://www.mayoclinic,com/print/vita-min-B12/Ns_patient-vitaminbl2/NETHOD=print (accessed February 8, 2006). Столп 7. Свобода от стресса День 43. Стресс и здоровье 1. Тага Р&гкег-Роре, "Health Journal: Secrets of Successful Aging," Wail Street Journal, June 20, 2005, R3. 2. DA. Snowdon, et al., "Linguistic Ability in Early Life and Cognitive Function and Alzheimer's Disease in Late Life. Findings From the Nun Study," Journal of the American Medical Association 275 (February 21, 1996): 528-532. 3. S. Kennedy, J.K. Kiecolt-Glaser, and R. Glaser, "Immunological Consequences of Acute and Chronic Stressors: Mediating Role of Interpersonal Stressors/' British Journal of Medical Psychology 61 {1988): 77-85. 4, HJ. Eysenck, et aL, "Personality Type, Smoking Habit, and Their Interaction as Predictors of Cancer and Coronary Disease," Personality and Individual Difference 9(2) (1988): 479-495; H. Eysenck, British Journal of Medical Psychology6\ (pi, 1X1988). Ibid. Ibid. 7, P.M. Plotsky, et al+) "PsychoNeural Endocrinology of Depression: Hypothaiamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis," Psychoneurology 21(2): (1998): 293-306. 8, D. Wkyne, "Reactions to Stress," Identifying Stress, Health-Net & Stress Management, February 1998, in Vincent M. Newfield, "Defeating Deadly Emotions/' Enjoying Everyday Life, April 2004, http://www.thehealingdoctor.com/ articles.htm (accessed March 22, 2005), 9+ Don Colbert, MD, Stress Less (Lake Mary, FL: Siloam, 2005). День 44,Уделяем себе внимание 1. "Mindfulness," Mind/Body Medical Institute, http://www.mbmi.org/pages/ wi_mslaa.asp (accessed April 13, 2005)- 2. "Who Is at Risk for Chronic Stress or Stress-Related Diseases and How Can the Risks Be Reduced: General Factors That Increase Susceptibility," University of Maryland MedicaJ Center Patient Information, http://www.umm.edu/patiented/ Примечания articles/who_at_risk_chronic_stress_or^stress-related_diseases_000031_6.htin (accessed February 19,2006). День 45, Иной взгляд на мир L Albert Ellis, A New Guide to Rational Living (New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive therapy, 1975). 2. Viktor E, Frank], Man's Search for Meaning (New York: Touchstone, 1984). День 46. Сила смеха и радости I. Rich Bayer, PhD, "Benefits of Happiness," Upper Bay Counseling and Support Services, Inc., http;//www,upperbay,org/benefits_of_happiness.htm (accessed April H, 2005)- Ibid Ibid. Ibid Ibid, 6. Norman Cousins, Head First: The Biotogy of Hope and the Heating Power of the Human Spirit (New York: Pfenguin, 1990), reference in R Wooten, 'An Antidote for Stress," Holist Nurs Pract 10(2) (1996): 49-56, 7. "Humor and Laughter: Health Benefits and Online Sources/1 Helpguidexom, http://www.helpgutde,org/aging/humor/humor_laughter_ healtti.htm (accessed April П, 2005). Ibid. 9. "...В мире будете иметь скорбь; но мужайтесь: Я победил мир'1 (Иоанна 16:33). 10. W.F, Fry, et al., Make fEm Laugh {Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, 1972). 11. "Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter," http://www.holistic-onlinexom/ Humor_Therapy/humor_therapy_benefits.htm (accessed February 19, 2006), 12. Don Colbert, MD, Deadly Emotions (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2003)- День 48, Резерв 1. Richard A. Swenson, The Overioad Syndrome (Colorado Springs, CO; Nav Press, 1998). 2- "Money Is Number One Cause of Stress Say Americans," Medical News Today, April 1, 2004, http://www.medicalnewsioday.com/mediaclnews,php? newsid=6934 (accessed February 19, 2006). День 49. Вырабатываем здоровые привычки, которые помогут избавиться от стресса L Рйгкег-Роре, "Health Journal: Secrets of Successful Aging/' 2. "Всё делайте без ропота и сомнения../ (Филилпийцам 2:14), 3. "Приятная речь — сотовый мед, сладка для души и целебна для костей" (Притчи 16:24). 410 СЕМЬ СТОЛПОВ ЗДОРОВЬЯ День 50. Ваш юбилейный день: краеугольный камень 1, ".,,И мир Божий, который превыше всякого ума, соблюдет сердца ваши и помышления ваши во Христе Иисусе" (Филиппийцам 4:7)t 2. \„Все заботы ваши возложите на Него, ибо Он печется о вас" (1-е Петра 5:7). Приложение Б. Рекомендуемые продукты питания 1. Integrative Therapeutic, Inc., Eskimo-3 - Third Party Laboratory Analysis, All testing based exclusively on finished product, based on CRN (Council for Responsible Nutrition) Voluntary Monograph, published October 2005, M1020124, Приложение В, Витамины, минералы и их рекомендуемые дозы К "Vegetables Without Vitamins." 2. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Calcium." 3. Susan Spinasanta, "Phosphorous Supplements," SpineUniversexom, http://www.soineuniver$e,com/displayarticle.php/article 1038.html (accessed January 24, 2006). 4. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 30. 5. Reprinted with permission from Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin At Vitamin Kt Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc, copyright © 2000 by the National Academy of Sciences, courtesy of the National Academies Press, Washington DC. Приложение L Сравнительный анализ водородного показателя бутылированной воды 1, This chart is compiled from varibus Web sites giving information on water brands, including the sites listed in text and www,finewaters.com. АЛФАВИТНЫЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1992 "Планета Земля" 259 5-HTP87,89,9l,92 Адвентисты седьмого дня 125 Адвил 17 Айрола, ПаавоЗЮ Алахлор31 Алкоголь 68, 85, 121,231 Аллергии 24, 71, 144,249 Аллоксан 217 Ал ьфа-д и гил рол и пое вая кислота 234, 286 Альфа-липоевая кислота 234,286,313,314,368, 370 Алюминий 35, 222 Амальгамные пломбы 222, 223, 247 Амеба 32 Американский колледж акушерства и гинекологии 149, 396 Американская ассоциация по борьбе с заболеваниями легких 214 Американская медицинская ассоциация 34, 197 Американский колледж спортивной медицины 185 Американское отделение Красного Креста 210 Антибиотики 18, 144, 272 Антидепрессанты 68,89 Антиперспиранты 244 Антоцианидин 290,298 Аритмия 53, 122, 217, 226, 231,268 Арнетт, Донна 169 Ароматизаторы 140,369 Артериосклероз 47 Артрит 16, 20, 21,34,39, 47,48,99,105, П6, 131, 172, 185, L94, 197, 198, 200, 202, 223, 229, 230, 280, 282, 304, 314 Аспартам 18, 122,217,235 Ассоциация практического и терапевтического юмора 343 Астма 345 Атразин 31 Аутоиммунные заболевания 47, 64, 223 Аутоиммунный тиреои-дит 223 Аэробные упражнения 175, L77, 18Ы85, (88, 194,198, 199,245 Байер, Рич 341 Бальные таниы 199, 200 Батмангхелидж, Ф. 20, 24,27 Белая мука 123, 124 Белки 134, 152, 374 Бензол 226 Бен зонирены 143 Берк, Ли 343