День 30. Откуда берутся токсины
К American Lung Association State of the Air 2005, http://lungaction.orE/ reports/stateoofthearr2005.htmi (accessed February 20, 2006). 400 СЕМЬ СТОЛПОВ ЗДОРОВЬЯ 2. Alicia DiRado, "Smog May Speed Atherosclerosis," USC Public Relations Newsroom, November 12, 2004, http://www, usc.edu/usc news/stories/10761. htm I (accessed February 20, 2006), 3. G.I Sterling, et al,, "Health Effects of Phenoxy Herbicides," Scandinavian Journal of Work Environmental Health 12(19S6): J61-173, referenced in Don Colbert, MD, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught," NutriNews, August 2005, 4. Michael F. Roizen, YOU: The Owner's Manual (New York:HarperCollins, 2005), 172. 5. Associated Press, 1Toxic Chemical Found in Cows' Milk," USA Today, June 22, 2004, http://wwwgsatodaycom/news/natJon/2(?04-06'22-milk_A-htmi referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught.1' 6. Associated Press, "Rocket Fuel Chemical Found in Organic Milk/1 ABC News, http://www,abcnews.goxom/Health/print?id=293356 (accessed February 20, 2006). 7. "Nutrition - the Key to Energy," Educate-Yourself, http://educate -yourself, org/nutrition/ (accessed February 20,2006). 8. Gene Marine and Judith \fen Allen, Food Pollution — the Violation of Our Inner Ecology (Canada: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972), referenced in Judy Campbell, BSc*T et al, "Nutritional Characteristics of Organic, Freshly Stone-ground, Sourdough, and Conventional Breads," http://www.eap,mcgHLca/ Publications/EAP35.htm (accessed February 20T 2006), referenced in Colbert, ''Curbing the Toxic Onslaught/' 9. "Bleaching Agem in Flour Linked to Diabetes," Idaho Observer^ http://pro-Iibertycoro/observer/200507l8,htm (accessed February 20, 2006), referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught." 10. 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(accessed February 20, 2006), referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught." 2 "Thimerosal in Vaccines*" U.S- Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research, http://www,fda.gov/cber/vaccine/thimeros-aUhtm (accessed February 20, 2006), referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught," Примечания 3. Ibid. 4. Don Colbert, MD, What You Don't Know May Be Killing You (Lake Mary, FL; Siloam, 2004). 5. Greg Ciola, "Mercury: The Unsuspected Killer!," Crusader Special Report, April/May 2004, 3, referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught," 6. Donald W Miller Jr, MDf "Mercury on the Mind/1 http://www.lewrock-we[l,com/miller/millerl4.html (accessed February 20, 2006), referenced in Colbert, "Curbing the Toxic Onslaught." 7. Waiter J. Crinnion, ND, "Environmental Medicine, Part Three: Long-Term Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Mercury Exposure," http://www.thome.com/ altmedrev/fulltext/enviro5-3.html (accessed February 20* 2006). 8. A Toxicology Curriculum for Communities Trainer's Manual, Module Four, Lecture Notes, httpy/www.atsdrcdc.gov/training/toxmanual/moduies^/lec-turenotes^html (accessed February 20, 2006). 9. Fact Sheet, "Safe Substitutes at Home: Non-toxic Household Products," http://es.epa.gov/techinfo/facts/safe-fs.html (accessed February 20, 2006), exceTpted from Gary A. Davis and Em Turner, "Safe Substitutes at Home: Non-toxic Household Products," working paper, University of Tennessee - Knoxville Waste Management Institute. 10. Ibid. Il.Ibid. 12. Ibid, 13. Department of Health and Human Resources, April 22, 1991; National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute; Bethesda, MD 20892, 26614. День 32. Влияние токсинов на организм 1. Fact Sheet, "Safe Substitutes at Home; Non-toxic Household Products." 2- D.L. Davis, et al, "Medical Hypothesis; Xenoestrogens as Preventable Causes of Breast Cancer," Environ Health Рйпрш 101(5) (October 1993): 372-377, abstract accessed via Breast Cancer* http://www.salivatestxom/store/bhrt_ breast_cancer.html (accessed February 20, 2006). 3. Theo Colbom, Our Stolen Future (New York: Penguin Group, 1997), 150-152, 4. "Ovarian and Breast Cancer," BreastCancer.org, http://www.breastcaneer.org/prv_hist_risk_ovarian.html (accessed March 8, 2006). Also, American Cancer Society, "Overview: Prostate Cancer: How Many Men Get Prostate Cancer?," http://wwwxancerorg/docroot/CRI/content/ CRI_2_2_lX_How_many_men_get_prostate_cancer_36.asp?sitearea (accessed March 8, 2006). 5. Sterling, "Health Effects of Phenoxy Herbicides," 6. Don Colbert, MD, Fasting Made Easy (Lake Mary, FL: Siioam, 2004); also, Don Colbert, MD, Get Healthy Through Detox and Fasting (Lake Mary, FL: Siloam, 2006), 402 СЕМЬ СТОЛПОВ ЗДОРОВЬЯ День 33, Пришли время избавиться от таксичного мусора L R Angulo, et al.s "Independent Predictors of Liver Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis/' Hepatvlogy 30 (1999): 1356-1362, 2. ConsumerRepons.org, "When Buying Organic Pays (and Doesn't)," http;//www.consumerreports.org/cro/food/organic-products-206/when-b (accessed January 31, 2006), 3. "Farmed Salmon May Increase Cancer Risk," HySriencexom, December [, 2005, http://www.hysc]ence.com/archives/2005/12/farmed_salmon_m.php {accessed March 4,2006). 4. R. Hites, et al+, "Farm-Raised Salmon Contain More Toxins Than Wild Salmon," Science, January 9, 2004, accessed via hnp://www.breastcancerorg/ research_farjn_rai$ed_salmon,html (accessed February 20,2006), 5. Environmental Working Group, "Summary - PCBs in Farmed Salmon/' http://www.ewg.org/reports/farmedPCBs/printversion.php (accessed March 7, 2006). 6. Compiled from "Shifting Your pH Toward Alkaline," Alkaline and Acidic Food Chart, http://www.essense-of-Hfexom/info/foodchart.htm (accessed March 4, 2006). День 34. Избавляемся am токсинов через ножу L Alison Cullen, "Save Your Skin/1 Healthy Way magazine, Healthy Way online, http;//wv™healthywaymagazine.com/issue32/06_skin_conditions.html (accessed February 20,2006). 2. Scientific Meeting on: Drug Testing of Alternative Specimens and Technologies, Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Drug Testing Advisoru Board, http://www,health,org/wortplace/dtabdaylaspx (accessed February 21, 2006). 3. "Sweat/1 JigsawHealth.com, a leading resource for chronic conditions, http://wwwjigsawhealth.com/sweataspx (accessed February 21, 2006). 4. Craig С Freudenrich, "How Sweat Wbrks>" http://health.how$iuffworks+ com/sweat2.htm (accessed February 21, 2006). День 35* Другие важные нейтрализаторы токсинов 1. "Scouring the Air," Pacific Rim Vaccine initiative, htcp;//www,ohsii.edu/ prvi/tour4,htmJ (accessed March 4,2006). 2. "Ratings: Room Air Cleaners," Consumer Reports, October 2005, http://wwTv.consumerreports.oTg/cro/appliances/air-cleaners-I005/ratings/rat-ings-room-models.htm {accessed March 4, 2006), 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Academy of Science, "Indoor - Asthma; Take the Asthma Quiz!," http;//www,epa.gov/iaq/asthma/ quiz/q7.htm (accessed October 7, 2003). 4. Fact Sheet, "Safe Substitutes at Home: Non-toxic Household Products." Примечания • 403