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День 4. Вода из-под крана

L "Hidden Dangers in Шег/1 Water, the Great Healer, Shirley's illness Cafe, accessed via http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/watenhtm {accessed February 3, 2006),

2+ CAS Statistical Summary, 1907-2004, page 7, "Growth of the CAS Chemical Registry System," Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society

3. D. Conacher, "Troubled Waters on Tap: Organic Chemicals in Public Drinking Water Systems and the Failure of Regulation," Washington DC Center for Study of Responsive Law, 1988: 114,

4- "Natural Cellular Defense and Zeolite - Is It the Next Big Thing in Nutritional Therapies for Cancer and Chronic Disease?," posted December 1, 2005, by Mike Adams on NewsTargetcom, http://www.newstarget.com/ 015232.html (accessed February 3,2006),

5. "Water = Life's Basic Building Block," Water Pollution, accessed via http://www.bobsilversteinxom/Save Hawaii-WaterPollution.htm (accessed February 3,2006).

6- Ibid

7. "EWG Says Infant Exposure to Atrazine Underestimated/'AgricuItureLaw.com, hltp://www.agriculturelawcotn/Headlines/Aijgust/augustl7d.htm (accessed February 1,2006).

8. "Insecticides in Streams Wsre Highest in Urban Areas," The Quality of Our Nation's Waters - Nutrients and Pesticides, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1225,http://pubs.usgs-gov/circ/circl225/html/insecticides-html (accessed February I, 2006)-

9. Larry F. Land, et aL, "Summary of Major Essues and Findings in the Trinity River Basin/ Water Quality in the Trinity River Basin, Texas, 1992-95, U,S. Geological Survey Circular 1171, http://pubs-usgs.gov/circ/circll71/htnnl/ issfnd-html (accessed February 1, 2006).

10. "Pharmaceuticals in Our Water Supplies," Arizona Water Resource, July-August 2000, http://ag.arizona.edu/AZWATER/awr/julyOO/featureLhtm U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1225, http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/circl225/html/insec-t ic ides, htm I (accessed February 3,2006),<f


L I, "Drugs in the Water," Rachel's Environment and Health News 64, September 2, 199ft, Environmencal Research Association, PG< Box 5036, Annapolis, MO 21403; erf@raeheloiE or info@rachel.org.

12. Betsy Mason, "River Fish Accumulate Human Drugs," Betsy Mason, Nature Science Update, Novembers, 2003, Geological Society of America Meeting, Seattle, November 2003, http://www4 mindfully.org/Water/2003/River- Fish- Human-Drugs5nov03-htm LLS, Geological Survey ОгсЫаг 1225, Ftftp://pub$.usgs,gov/ ciгс/circ 1225/html/insecticides,htm \ (accessed February 3, 2006},

11 "Ingredient Report: Toluene/ Skin Deep: News About the Safety of Popular Health and Beauty Brands, a project of the Environmental Working Group, http://ewg.org/reports/skindeep2/report.php?type=INGREDIENT&id=4293 U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1225, ht(p://pubs^sgs,gov/cjrc/drcl225/html/ insecti-cides,html (accessed February 20,2006).

14. "Pharmaceuticals in Our Water Supplies,"

15. Phaedra S. Corso, et al.t "Cost of Illness in the 1993 Waterborne Cryptosporidium Outbreak, Milwaukee, Wisconsin," Emerging Infections Disease 9<4) (April 2003): 426-43 J.

16. W.D+ King and LD, Marrett, "Case-Control Study of Bladder Cancer and Chlorination By-Products in Treated Water (Ontario, Canada)," Cancer Causes and Control 7{6) (November, 1996): 596-604, abstract accessed at https;//www.meb.uni-bonn,de/cgi-bin/mycite?ExtRef-MEDL/97086891 {accessed February lt 2006).

17. "Dangers of Chlorinated Wfrter/' Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly 599, May 21, 1998, Environmental Research Association, £0, Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403; erf@rachel.org or info@racheLoTg.

18. "The Forgotten Secret of Health; Are You Missing the Most Important Ingredient for Optimum Health?"

19.+1 Environmental Groups Petition EPA to Retract Fluoride Pesticide Tolerances on Food," Environmental Working Group (EWG) News Release, September 21, 2005, http;//ewg,org/issues/fluoride/2005092 1/indtx,php (accessed February 3, 2006).

20, Callum Coats, Living Energies (Bath, UK: Gateway Books, 1996), 194, cited in Dan Stewart and Denise Routledge, "Water: Essential for Existence," Explore, vol. 8 no. 5, 1998, http://www.explorepub.com/articies/water.htmi (accessed February 3, 2006).

21, George Glasser, "Water: A Toxic Dump?;1 reprinted from the Sarasota ECO Repon, Vol 12, December 1994, from Health Freedom News, July 1995.

22, "Fluoride Linked to Dental Cavities," New York State Coalition. Opposed to Fluoridation, posted February 15, 2006, http://www.foodconsutnenorg/ 777/fy Fluoride Jinked jo_d£nia\_caviiie&.sh№) {accessed February 19, 2006). According to a report from the U.S, Centers for Disease Control, fluoride is delivered to two-thirds of Americans via public water supplies and virtually 100 percent via the food supply, yet 50 percent of six- to eight-year-olds, nationwide, have cavities.

Примечания * 387

23- Dan R. Rasmussen, "Professor's Research Reignites Fluoride-Cancer Correlation Debate With New Research/1 published on September 28, 2005, The Harvard Crimson Online Edition, http://www.thecrimson.com/ printerfriendlyaspx?ref=50860 (accessed January 25, 2006).

24. Notable Quotes From Research Scientists and Medical Organizations, http://www.nofluoride.com/quotes.htm (accessed February 1, 2006).

25. John McDougall, MD, "Alzheimer's Disease; Dietary and Lifestyle Implications," McDougaH Vitellness Center, http://www.drmcdougalL.com/sci-ence/alzheimers.html (accessed February 1, 2006)-

26. United States Environmental Protection Agency» "Water on Tap: What You Need to Know," EPA 816-K-03-007, October 2003, hup://www,epa.gov/safewa-ter/wot/mdex.html {accessed February 17, 2006).

День 5. Лучше ли бутылированная вода

1. "Bottled Water Continues As Number 2 in 2004," hup://wwwbottledwater.com/public/Stats_2004,doc (accessed February 3, 2006).

2. Ibid,

3+"The Facts About Bottled Water," NSF Water Safety Kit, http://www.nsf. org/consumer/newsroom/pdf/fact_water_bottledwater.pdf {accessed February 3, 2006).

4. "Bottled ttfcter: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?," Natural Resources Defense Council, http;//www,nrdc.org/w^ter/drinking/bw/exesum.asp (accessed Febmajy 3,2006).



7. "The Facts About Bottled Water/'

8. John Stossel, "Is Bottled Water Than Tap?'\ ABC News, May 6, 2005, accessed via http://abcnews.goxom/2020/Health/story?id=728G70&page=! (accessed February 15, 2006),

9. "Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?"

10. Michael Mascha, "Most Americans Unaware of the Many Choices In Bottled ^ters," Fine Waters newsletter, July 2005, ht£p://www,finewaters.com/ Newsletter/July_2005/Most_Americans_Unaware_of_the_Many_Choices_m_Bo ttled_Waters.asp (accessed February 2, 2006),

11. Liza Gross, "The Hidden Life of Bottled Water," Sierra Magazine, http://www.sierracJub.otig/sietTa/199905/water.asp (accessed February 15, 2006).

12. "Plastic Problems," Now magazine, online edition, http://www.noivtoron-to.com/i$sues/2004-07-29/goods_ecohoiic-php,

13. Elizabeth Weise, 'Are Our Products Our Enemy?," USA Today, August 2T 2005, http://www, usatoday.com/news/health/2005 -08-02-chemicate-hormones-cover_x.htm (accessed February 15, 2006).

14. Brenna Doheny, "Nalgene Plastic May Be Harmful; Studies Show That the Popular Water Bottle May Fuse Serious Risks," The Daily Barometer Online, http://barometerorsE.edU/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/02/l7/40324e5d40a 14?in_a rchive=l (accessed February 15, 2006), <f



15. Gross, "The Hidden Life of Bottled Water."

16. "People Who Frequently Reuse Water Bottles May Be Risking Their Health," Canadian Press, January 26, 2003, http://www.ghchealth.com/peop1e-who-frequently-reuse-their-water-bott1es-may-be-risking-their-health.html

(accessed February 15, 2006).

17. Weise, "Are Our Products Our Enemy?"

18. "Bottled Water Regulation and the FDA," Food Safety Magazine, August/September 2002, accessed via U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, httpr//www,cf$an.fda.gov/-dms/ botwatthtml (accessed January 25, 2006).

19. Thaddeus Herrick, "Microsoft Is Curbing USE of PVC, a Popular Plastic," Wall Street Journal, December 7, 2005, D7.

20+ Allison Sloan, "Mothers and Others Magazine," International Plastics Task Force, http://www,ecologycenter.org/iptf/toxicity/mothersandothers.html

(accessed February 3,2006).

2L "People Who Frequently Reuse Water Bottles May Be Risking Their


День б* Фильтрованная вода

1. "Water Filtration: Simple Carbon Filters Go a Long Way," http://www.home-envxom/artmwtr_filt.httn; 'Apples with Apples: How to Choose a Water Filter System/' http://www.ionizers.org/water'filters.html; and "The Basics of Water," http://www. naturalbealthtechniques.com/Basics%20of%

20Health/water_>asic$Lhtm (all accessed February 3, 2006).

2. "The Basics of Water."

3. "Apples with Apples: How to Choose a Water Filter System/1

4. Advanced Water Systems, "Frequently Asked Questions About Reversed Osmosis (RO) Systems," http;//advancedh2o.com/products/brochures_html/ domestic/faqs_ro.html (accessed February 3, 2006).

5. "Apples with Apples: How to Choose a Water Filter System/1

6. "Balancing Acid/A!kaline Foods," http://www.trans4mind.com/nutrition/pH.html (accessed February 3, 2006).

7+ Jhon, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, 106-107. 8. Ibid., 104.

День 7. Когда а сколько следует пить

l.L. Maia and A+ de Mendonca, "Does Caffeine Intake Protect From Alzheimer's Disease?;1 Eur J Neurol 9(4) {July 2002): 377-382, abstract at "Alzheimer's Disease," CofTeeScience.org, http://cofTeescience.org/alzheimers

(accessed February 3, 2006).

2. Eduardo Salazar-Martinez, MD, et a]., "Coffee Consumption and Risk for Type 2 Diabetes MeliituC Annals of Internal Medicine 140 {January 6, 2004): http://www.annals.Org/cgi/reprint/140/l/I.pdf (accessed February 3, 2006).

3, Susan Yara, Toffee Perks/1 Forbes.com, http://Avwwiorbes.com/health/

2005/J0/1 l/coffee-health-benefits-cx_sy_1012feat_Is.html (accessed February 3, 2006).

4. Victoria Gil man, Toffee Buzz: Drink Is Top Antioxidant Source in U.S.;' National Geographic, August 31, 2005, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/ news/2005/08/083i_050831_cofTee.htm! (accessed February 15, 2006). AJso, "Coffee Js Number One Source of Antioxidants,11 General Science, August 29t 2005, http://www.physorg.com/news6067.html (accessed February 3, 2006).

5. "Is Coffee Good or Bad for Your Health?/1 hitp://www,heal ingdaily.com/ detoxification-diet/coffee, htm {accessed February 3, 2006)-

6. General Conference Nutrition Council, "A Position Statement on the Use of Caffeine," http://www.nadadventist.org/hm/gcnc/caffeine/caffeine.htm (accessed February 3, 2006),

7. "How Much Wkter Should You Drink/' http://wwwionheakh,ca/id70,html (accessed February 3? 2006). Also, "Dehydration - the Benefits of Drinking Water/1 http://www.heaIth4youonline.com/article_dehydration.htm (accessed February 3, 2006).

Столп 2, Сон и отдых

День 8* Восстанавливаем силы с помощью сна

U "Sleep and Sports: Get the Winning Edge," Teens and Sleep, National Sleep Foundation, http://www.sleepfoundation.org/hottopics/index,php?secid = 18&id=272 (accessed February 3, 2006).

2, Maria Thomas, et al.» "Neural Basis of Alertness and Cognitive Performance Impairments During Sleepiness: 1+ Effects of 24 h of Sleep Deprivation on Waking Human Regional Brain Activity/1 Journal of Sleep Research 9(4): 335-352,

3. Summary of Findings, National Sleep Foundation 2005 Sleep in America Poll, http://www,sleepfoundat ion. org/_co nte nt/hottop ics/2OO5_su m ma ry__of_fi ndi ngs. p df (accessed February 3,2006).

4+ K. Spiegle, R. Leproult, and E, Van Canter, "Impact of Sleep Debt on Metabolic and Endocrine Function," Lancet 354 (October 23, 1999): 1435-1439, referenced in "Backgrounder: Why Sleep Matters/' http: //www,sleepfounda-tion.oi£/NSAW/pk_background>cfm (accessed February!0, 2005),

5. A.A, Kuo, "Does Sleep Deprivation Impair Cognitive and Motor Performance as Much as Alcohol Intoxication?/' Western Journal of Medicine 3(174) (March I, 2001): J80, referenced in "Backgrounder: Why Sleep Matters/1 http;//www,$leep-foundatton,oiB/NSAW/pk_background.cfm (accessed February 10, 2005).

6. Stephenie Overman, "Rise and Sigh - Sleep Deprivation," MR Magazine, May 1999, accessed via http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3495/ ism5_44/ai_54711192 (accessed February 16, 2006).

7. Summary of Findings, National Sleep Foundation 2005 Sleep in America PbIL

8. "Why Sleep Is Important and What Happens When You Dont Get Enough/' American Psychological Association, АРА Online, hitp://ww+apa,ojg/pubinfo/ sleep,htrnInconsequences (accessed February 2,2006).<f


П римечания

9. Shawn M Talbott, PhD, The Cortisoi Connection (Alameda* CA: Hunter

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