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Ход работы. Задание 1.Алгоритм выполнения задания:

Задание 1.Алгоритм выполнения задания:

Прочитайте следующие слова и выражения:

-area, the total area, the total area is 10 mln sq. km,the total area of Canada is 10 mln sq. km;

1. population, the total population, the total population of Australia, the total population of Australia is 30 mln people;

2. coat of arms, coat of arms of New Zealand, this is coat of arms of New Zealand;

3. anthem, the anthem of the country, do you know the anthem of your country;

4. capital, the capital of Great Britain, the capital of Great Britain is London;

- language, the official language, the two official languages of Canada, English and French are the two official languages of Canada;

- symbol, the symbol of the city, the symbol of the country, Big Ben is the symbol of London;

- government, the government of the country, the government of the USA, Congress is the government of the USA;

- consists of, consists of four parts, the United Kingdom consists of four parts;

- is situated, is situated on the continent, is situated on the smallest continent, Australia is situated on the smallest continent;

- the native people, the native people of New Zealand, the Maori are the native people of New Zealand;

- the head of the state, the Queen is the head of the state, the Queen Elizabeth the second is the head of the state.

Задание 2.Алгоритм выполнения задания:

Сопоставьте следующие понятия:

area Территория
population население
coat of arms герб
anthem гимн
capital столица
language язык
symbol символ
government правительство
consists of... состоит из...
is situated расположено
flag флаг
the head of the state глава государства
political system генерал - губернатор
is washed достопримечательности
is separated законодательный орган
is divided федеральная республика
sights парламент
lawmaker целится
governer - general занимает территорию
occupies the territory конституционная монархия
federal republic омывается
parliamentary monarchy политическая система
constitutional monarchy отделяется
parliament парламентская монархия



Complete the text of the letter.

11, Graeat West Road London,W 25 England, Telephone 01-567-122 Telex 60153 Fax.... Directors   Ambrose Harper (Chairman) Hector Grant (Managing) William Buckhurst (Secretary) Margaret Wiles



Cheboksary Electro­- mechanical college, 17, Jakovlev Avenue, Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia, 428000 Tel. 8(352) 21 -45-15 Dear sir,     10th December, 2008


Miss Harper of the Export Services Branch, Board of Trade asked me to write to you direct.

Our company specializes in making high quality office furniture and equipment. I suggest you to visit one of our exhibitions for about ten days in late December to study on the spot ways of introducing our products to the Russian market. They will take place in one of the following cities: New York, London, Calgary, Sydney and Auckland. I understand there is no import duty. A clerk with the customs has shown that little equipment of this kind has ever been sold to the Russia and I understand Italian and French firms have been the main suppliers.

Six copies of our catalogue are enclosed. If you can help me in working out an

itinerary and introduce me to possible buyers and agents during your visit I

should be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

John Martin Sales Manager












We have received your letter, in which you invite our colleagues to take part in the ___________________________________,held by your corporation. We are

pleased to inform you that some of our managers will be _______________________________

at this exhibition and will study ___________________________________, produced by your company. They will also help you to find possible___________________________________

during their visit. We are grateful and look forward to continue our ______________



Задание 4.Алгоритмвыполнениязадания:listen to the dialogue and put all the phrases on your papers in the logical order. Here is the mixed dialogue.

1 - How long did you spend with them?

2 - At a big shop in Oxford Street.

3 - Two weeks. I have got another week to go.

4 - At first I was with my relatives.

5 -What have you done since you got there? 6-Where did you buy the CDs?

7 - Hello.

8 - Almost a week.

9 - And have you bought any souvenirs? 10-How long have been in England?

11 - Yes. Some CDs and a book about Scotland.

Задание 5.Алгоритмвыполнениязадания: check your knowledge of London" s sights.

1. -On what river does London stand?

2. - What is the famous symbol of London?

3. - What is the official residence of the Queen?

4. - Where does the British Parliament work?

5. - What square is situated in the centre of London?

6.- What was the fortress, the prison and now it is a museum?

7.- What bridge is situated near the Tower?

8.- In what church are the royal ceremonies held?

Должен знать: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности. Должен уметь: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Вывод по практической работе: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 413. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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