Задание 3. Алгоритм выполнения задания:Выполните тест
Алгоритм выполнения задания:Выполните тест 1. Do you have many friends with whom you often communicate? 2. You can resent for a long time. 3. You have the desire to establish new contacts with different people. 4. Is it true that you have a pleasant and easy to spend time with books or any - any other occupation than with people? 5. Is it easy to install you in touch with people that are much older than you in age? 6. Is it difficult for you to join the new company for you? 7. Is it easy for you to manage contact with the strangers? 8. Is it difficult for you to master a new team? 9. Are you seeking when the opportunity to meet and talk with strangers? 10. Do you annoy people around you? 11. Do you reside in humans? 12. Have you got a lot of experience when you feel inconvenience or embarrassment if you have to take the initiative to get to know a new person? 13. Do you like to take a part in collective games? 14. Is it true that you yourself are not confident feel with unfamiliar people? 15. Do you think that you do not cause much trouble to make a recovery in the unfamiliar for you company? 16. Are you seeking to limit its familiar small number of people? 17. Do you feel at ease, was in an unfamiliar for you company? 18. Is it true that you feel confident enough and calm when you have to say that any large group of people? 19. Is it true that you have a lot of friends? 20. Are you often in the spotlight with the comrades? Обработка результатов: The key to the definition of communication skills. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 + - + - - - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - Шкала оценок коммуникативных способностей.
interpretation of results The rating is "1". Get her subjects, characterized by an extremely low level of demonstrated ability to communicative activities. The rating is "2". For subjects receiving such an assessment is characterized by lack of desire to communicate. They feel awkward in unfamiliar company and a new team. They prefer to spend time alone with each other, limiting their meeting new people. Difficult for them to speak to an audience. They are poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation. Do not defend your opinion, take hard resentment. The rating is "3". Received such an assessment test, having the average data, seeking new contacts with people who are not limiting the circle of their usual dating. They are willing to show leadership behaviors, defend their opinions. However, the potential of their abilities is not sustainable. If they want to be successful in dealing with people in need of serious and systematic work on the formation and development of abilities. The rating is "4". The subjects in this group are not lost to their new environment, make friends quickly, constantly expanding its range of acquaintances. They are willing to engage in social work, help family, friends, take the initiative to talk to. The rating of "5". People with a high level of communication skills manifestations quickly orient themselves in difficult situations, they naturally behave in the new team. The subjects in this group of enterprising. Prefer autonomy in making choices and decisions, defend their views and to ensure that it was accepted. Theyareeasytopourintoanunfamiliarcompany. Должен знать: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности. Должен уметь: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас. Вывод по практической работе: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________