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Речи для бакалавров первого курса всех специальностей

1. Workshop Engineering Lindsay White. OXFORD University Press. 2002

2. Spotlight on Britain /Second edition. S.Sheerin, J.Seath, G.White\\ OXFORD English, 2002

3. Spotlight on the USA //Rendee Falk \\ OXFORD English, 2002

4. www. wikipedia..com

Методические указания по развитию навыков устной

речи для бакалавров первого курса всех специальностей

(английский язык)


Ростов - на - Дону

УДК 803.03=03(088.8)+(09)


Методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи для бакалавров первого курса всех специальностей (английский язык) - Ростов н/Д: Рост. гос. строит. ун-т, 2009. -36 с.



Включают 14 разделов, каждый из которых состоит из разнообразных типов заданий, направленных на развитие навыков устной и письменной речи по определенной теме.

Рассчитаны на аудиторную и самостоятельную работу бакалавров, продолжающих изучать английский язык, рекомендуются для практических занятий в неязыковом вузе.

УДК 803.03=03(088.8)+(09)



Составители: канд.филол.наук, ст.преп. Н.Г. Вартанова

преп. А.П. Гвоздикова канд.социологич.наук, ст.преп. А.В. Резникова


Редактор Т.М. Климчук

Темплан 2009 г., поз. 10


Подписано в печать 05.06.09. Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая. Ризограф. Уч.-изд.л. 2,6.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 232.


Редакционно-издательский центр

Ростовского государственного строительного университета

344022, Ростов-на-Дону, ул.Социалистическая, 162


© Ростовский государственный

строительный университет, 2009



1. Answer the questions:

· Is Rostov-on-Don your native city?

· What is your favourite place in Rostov-on-Don?

· Do you know any outstanding personalities whose lives and works were connected with the city?

2. Read and translate the text:

The city of Rostov was founded in 1749, when according to the Decree of the Empress Elizabeth II a custom house was built in the mouth of the Temernik River. Later the custom house was protected by a military fortress named after St Dimitriy Rostovsky that was founded in 1761. The settlements appeared around the fortress were called “Rostov-on-Don” for the first time on August, 17, 1807, by the Decree of the Emperor Alexander I.

Rostov-on-Don occupies an area of 354 square kilometres and has a population of more than 1.058 million people. The city is situated 1226 kilometres from Moscow. It is a junction of many important transportation routes providing the city with an access to three seas – the Black Sea, the Azov Sea and the Caspian Sea – and immediate contact with all the countries of the European part of the CIS, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. An international airport with a capacity of 4.5 billion passengers functions in the city.

Rostov-on-Don is the political, economic and cultural centre of the south of Russia, with considerable industrial, banking, trade and scientific potential.

The volumes of industrial production – taking in account only large and medium-sized enterprises – constitutes about 31 billion roubles a year; the growth rates of production output at the industrial enterprises in the city are stable. Almost 50% of the total trade turnover in the region occurs in Rostov.

Large enterprises such as “Rostselmash”, “Rostvertol”, “Baltika-Don”, “Donskoy Tabak” and “Yug Rusi” are the part of the city’s image.

It is worth mentioning that the production of “Rostselmash” covers about 60% of the all-Russian market; the production of “Donskoy Tabak” covers 12%; and the products of “Baltika-Don” constitute 96% of the regional market. “Rostvertol”plant is the only enterprise in the Russian Federation producing helicopters for different purposes. “Yug Rusi” is well-known as the largest producer and exporter of the wonderful Don sunflower oil.

Large industrial companies have shown significant interest in Rostov as the capital of the region’s business. These companies include such leaders in the world markets as Samsung, Canon, Panasonic, Philips, Bosh and Siemens.

The city is growing rapidly. Its boundaries are expanding. Over the period of 2002 to 2003 more than 800 thousand square meters of new housing was built in the city, and 420 buildings in the centre of the city were reconstructed. The construction of comfortable private homes by individual constructors continues; more housing is being built by the enterprises of different forms of ownership. The volumes of the municipal housing construction increase continuously.

The investments in the construction in Rostov Region constitute about 7 billion roubles every year. The index of the newly built housing per capita is higher than the one in Moscow. By the pace of the newly built housing, Rostov occupies one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation.

The industrial potential of the city is constituted by the enterprises of machine building and metal industries (42%), food industry (32%), flour grinding (7%), light industry (6%), chemical industry (3%), construction materials industry (3%) and other branches. The financial sector of the economy includes 80 banks and their subsidiaries.

The project for Free Customs Zone “Southern Gates of Russia” is being implemented. The project is to consolidate the infrastructures of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region in order to broaden the export-import of the goods, capitals and services exchange going through the territory of Southern Russia.

Rostov-on-Don is also considered to be an important cultural centre with rich traditions. There are several theatres, dozens of cinemas, museums, libraries that are often visited by Rostovites and the tourists.

Rostov is a green city. There are many parks and walking areas within the city. The most popular entertaining areas are the embankment and the left bank of the river Don, the park named after M. Gorky, Pushkin avenue etc.

3. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1/ When was Rostov-on-Don founded and under what circumstances? 2/ What is the total area of the city? 3/ What is the population of Rostov-on-Don? 4/ What are the largest enterprises in the city? 5/What is the main point of “Southern Gates of Russia” project? 6/What are the most popular entertaining areas in Rostov-on-Don?

4. Prepare a report with a topic “Further development of Rostov-on-Don in 15-20 years perspective” (not less then 50 words). Use additional sources of information.

5. Make up the plan of the text and retell it according to the plan (not less then 100 words).


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