I. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст.
I am a student of the Gomel State University named after F. Scorina. I am in the third year of the correspondence department of the faculty of History. Thus, my future profession is History. Future historians must be knowledgeable and competent in their field. That is why the university course comprises such subjects as World History, the History of the Middle Ages, Contemporary History, the History of Belarus as well as such applied subjects as Logics, Archaeology, Philosophy, Politics, foreign languages, computing and others. I do my best to have a good command of all the subjects and to master my profession. I am especially interested in Contemporary History as this is an objective history of our times. In two years my dream will come true, and I will graduate from the University with a degree in History we will work as teachers of History, archivists, archaeologists. Perhaps somebody will become a well-known politician. But we all are and will be united by our love for History. It is a very important subject. Without History we can’t understand our own country, our people. It makes us feel that the past was as real as the present. History not only studies and analyses the facts from the past, but helps understand and predict the events of the future. It is a well-known fact that people who don’t remember the past will have to go through it again. Thus, as you see, the importance of my favourite subject can’t be overestimated.
II. Догадайтесь о значении приведенных ниже интернациональных слов, уточните в словаре их произношение. a student a historian, a subject, to analyse, analysis, objective, an archeologist, an archivist, a fact, a profession, competent, real, a sphere.
III. Прочтите название предметов и найдите соответствующий перевод в правой колонке.
IV. Из приведенных производных одного слова найдите то, которое соответствует данному переводу. history, historic, historian, historical – историк knowledge, knowledgeable, knowing – умный, хорошо осведомленный applied, application, apply – прикладной computer, computing, computerization – информатика political, politology, politician, policy – политик estimate, underestimate, overestimate - переоценить
V. Найдите в тексте словосочетания, соответствующие приведенным ниже русским. Прочтите предложения с ними. овладеть профессией усвоить предмет быть особенно заинтересованным закончить университет предсказать события прикладные предметы нельзя не переоценить известный факт университетский курс включает мечта осуществиться
VI. Вставьте предлог и переведите предложение. I am … the 3d year of the University. Next year I will graduate … the Institute … a degree … History. People who don’t remember the past will have to go … it again. It is necessary to have a good command … the subject. Our University is named … F. Scorina. It is impossible to understand your country and people … knowing History.
VII. Угадайте слово по его дефиниции. a person whose profession is History; who deals in polities; who works in the archive; who studies archeology.
VIII. Найдите в тексте определения к приведенным ниже словам и переведите словосочетания на русский язык. subject language science fact history people
IX. Замените слово в скобках на соответствующее английское. Переведите предложение. 1. History (предсказывает) the event of the future. 2. It is difficult to (переоценить) the importance of History. 3. The university course (включает) special applied subjects. 4. Soon my dream (осуществиться) and I will graduate from the University. 5. All teacher must be (компетентными) people. 6. We do our best to (овладеть профессией). 7. Historians are to (анализировать) и (изучать) the events of the past. 8. All the student of our faculty (объединены) by our love to History.
X. Найдите в тексте, где сказано о следующем: the subjects that future historians study; the aim of Contemporary History; the professions of those who graduate from the History faculty; what the students of this faculty have in common; the aim of History; why the importance of History can’t be overestimated.
XI. Найдите предложения, не соответствующие содержанию текста. Исправьте их. Modern History studies the events of the Middle Ages. Foreign Languages are taught at ous faculty. It is one of the applied subjects. I am a third-year student. Those who graduate from our faculty will work as teachers of History. History helps understand that the past was as real as the present. Some politicians have a degree in History. My dream is to master the profession of an archeologist. Future historians must be competent and knowledgeable in all spheres of life.
XII. Скажите, какой раздел истории ваш любимый предмет, почему? Используйте приведенную ниже модель и подходящие по смыслу словосочетания. Model: I am especially interested in Ancient History as it describes the life of people who lived thousands year ago. describes the events of the … centuries. the difficult historic process of the development of the Russian state. the life of our ancestors. the main tendencies in the development of mankind.
XIII. Расширьте следующие высказывания: I study at the Gomel Sate University. The university course of History comprises many subjects. Most students try their best to become knowledgeable and competent specialists in their field. Those who graduate from our faculty work in different spheres of life. History is very important. Everybody knows the aim of the historical subject.
XIV. Составьте ситуации, используя приведенные слова и словосочетания: to study, to be in the 3d year, to comprise, to have a good command of the subjects, to master one’s profession. to comprise, special subjects, applied subjects, to be especially interested, to describe, to graduate with a degree. to be overestimated, to be asreal as the past, to analyse, to pedict, to understand the events, to go through the past.
XV. Составьте план текста.
XVI. Расскажите о своей будущей профессии по составленному вами плану.
The Legal Profession
I. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. legal – юридический, правовой law – закон lawyer – юрист, адвокат judge – судья procurator – прокурор investigator – следователь notary – нотариус human – человеческая судьба activity – деятельность aim – цель, намерение to bring into accord (with) – приводить в соответствие (с) crime – преступление conduct – поведение offender – преступник to raise – поднимать to prevent – предотвращать responsible – ответственный just- справедливый guard – охрана, стража graduate (n) – выпускник to master (a language) – овладеть (языком) whatever – какой бы ни
II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и их производные. difficult – difficulty; create – creation – creative – creator; stable – stability – stabilize – stabilization; crime – criminal – criminality – criminalist; educate – education – self-education – re-educate; success – successful – successfully; train () – training (n) – trainer; regular – regularly – regularity – regulate; theatre – theatrical; truth – truthful – truthless; just – justice – injustice; relation – interrelation.
III. Переведите следующие предложения, догадайтесь о значении подчеркнутых слов. 1.Whatever we may become – judges, procurators, investigators, notaries – we shall have to deal with human destinies. 2.The activities of the lawyers are aimed at bringing the conduct of the people into accord with the law. 3.They are in the forefront in the struggle against the criminal phenomena. 4.Mastering foreign languages also contributes a lot to general education. 5.Every year thousands of graduates from law institutes join those who stand on guard of public order. 6.I also want when I become a lawyer to make my contribution to the detence of the people against injustice.
IV. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами, приведенными ниже: The legal profession is not an … one. 2. Sometimes because of its … it is compared with the profession of a doctor. 3. Lawyers work a lot for … of public order and stability. 4. This struggle consist not only in punishing but also in re-educating …. 5. Lawyers also do a lot to … crimes. 6. There is no need to say how … all that work is. 7. Large practice and constant … are necessary to become a good lawyer. 8, Each of us must constantly … the cultural level. 9. Besides, a lawyer is to be a person of high … qualities. 10. I have a deep respect for the lawyers and I am... that I shall become one of them. responsible, proud, easy, moral, creation, difficulty, self-education, offenders, raise, prevent.
V. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The Legal Profession My future profession is that of a lawyer. Lawyers are trained by law institutes and faculties and they work at different law offices – courts, Procurator’s offices, notary offices, The bar the organs of the Ministry of the Interior, etc. The legal profession is not an easy one. Sometimes because of its difficulty it is compared with the profession of a doctor. What ever we may become – judges, procurators, investigators, notaries – we will have to deal with human destinies. The activities of the lawyers are aimed at bringing the conduct of the people, their interrelations, their attitude towards the state and the public organizations into accord with the law. Lawyers work a lot for creation of public order and stability, for creation of the legal state. They are in the forefront in the struggle against the criminal phenomena. This struggle consists not only in punishing but also in re-educating offenders. Tremendous work is carried out by the lawyers in eliminating the causes of these phenomena. Lawyers also do a lot to prevent crimes. There is no need to say how responsible all that work is. To carry it out successfully one needs a high general education level and good professional training. Each of us realizes that to become a lawyer one must arm oneself with great and concrete knowledge. And still after that it is impossible at once to become a good lawyer. Large practice and constant self-education are necessary. Each of us must constantly raise the cultural level. We must know classical and modern literature and art, regularly attend public lectures, theatrical performances, concerts, etc. Mastering foreign languages also contributes a lot to the general education and cultural advance. Besides, a lawyers is, of course, to be a person of high moral qualities. He must strictly keep to the rules of the community, his conduct is to be irreproachable and he must be an example for other people. He is to be truthful, honest and just. Every year thousands of graduates from law institutes and law faculties join those who stand on guard of the interests of the citizens and public order. I also want when I become a lawyer to make my contribution to the defence of the people against injustice and to the establishment of the stable, legal state. I have a deep respect for lawyers and I am proud that I will become one of them. Примечания к тексту: law office – юридическое учреждение court – суд procurator’s office – прокуратура the bar – адвокатура notary office – нотариальная контора Ministry of the Interior – Министерство внутренних дел attitude – отношение to punish – наказывать, карать to eliminate – 1) устранять; 2)уничтожать tremendous – огромный to arm oneself (with) – вооружаться to realize – представлять себе, (ясно) понимать to attend – посещать advance – 1) продвижение вперед; 2) повышение, рост irreproachable – безупречный to keep to the rules – придерживаться правил; соблюдать нормы phenomena - явления
VI. Определите, соответствуют ли следующие предложения содержанию текста. Sometimes because of its difficulty the legal profession is compared with the profession of a doctor. The activities of the lawyers are aimed at developing national economy. Tremendous work is carried out by the lawyers in eliminating the causes of the criminal phenomena. To work as a lawyer one doesn't need a high general education. The cultural level of lawyers is not important. A lawyer is to be a person of high moral qualities.
VII. Воспроизведите предложения из текста, где встречаются следующие выражения. at different law offices; human destinies; to prevent crimes; to arm oneself with; to attend public lectures; to keep to the rules.
VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: Where do lawyers work? Why is the legal profession difficult? What can you say about the activities of the lawyers? What does a lawyer need to be able to cope (справиться) with his responsible work? What moral qualities must a lawyer possen? Are you proud that you will become a lawyer?
IX. Расширьте следующие утверждения: Lawyers work at different law offices. The legal profession is not easy one. The activities of the lawyers are aimed at bringing the conduct of th people. their interrelations into accord with the law. To work successfully as a lawyer one needs a high general education level and good professional braining. Besides, a lawyer is to be a person of high moral qualities. Every year thousands of graduates from law institutes and law faculties join those who stand on guord of the public order.
X. Расскажите о своей будущей профессии, используя следующие слова и выражения. my future profession; to be trained by; to work at; to deal with; human destinies; the activities of the lawyers; to bring into accord with; creation of public order; criminal phenomena; punishing and re-educating offenders; to prevent crimes; responsible work; good professional training; cultural level; moral qualities; irreproachable; graduates; to stand on guard; to make contribution to; defence; injustice; legal state.