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I am a student of the extra-mural department of Gomel State University and I major in Russian (Belorussian) language and literature, so I can say that my future speciality is philology. The term “ philology” is of Greek origin and means love for word. Nowadays philology is treated as a complex of sciences about language and literature. One of the main tasks of philology is interpretation and analysis of texts, that’s why we must develop our understanding of literature and language from the standpoints of the critic and linguist. The course of studies at our department includes various subjects, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, stylistics and some other subjects. We study Russian, Belorussian and foreign literatures from the ancient time to the present, besides we have an opportunity of studying a wide variety of literary genres. As future teachers of literature we should be well-spoken and well-read, that’s why we spend a lot of time in the library studying articles and manuscripts, reading novels, short stories, poems and periodicals, getting ready for our seminars and discussions. In our fifth year we have teaching practice at schools where we can test theory against practice and develop teaching skills. But it is not enough to have a good knowledge of a subject, the teachers of literature should convey eternal values of literature, art and culture to their pupils. It is a professional duty of a teacher to improve his knowledge and teaching methods and work at his self-education in order to keep pace with time.


IV. Найдите в тексте словосочетания, соответствующие приведенным ниже русским.

Прочтите предложения с ними.



факультет заочного обучения


учебная практика

интерпретация и анализ текстов

с точки зрения лингвиста

проверить теорию на практике

курс обучения

разнообразие литературных жанров



V. Заполните таблицу:


Aspect of language The object of its study
  Organization of speech-sounds, their classification
  Words and their meaning, word-equivalents
  Rules for sentence-building
  Study of the morphemes of a language
  Style in writing


Key-words: syntax, phonology, stylistics, morphology, lexicology


VI. Угадайте слово по его дефиниции.

1. having a socially acceptable way of speaking, typical of educated people

2. the science of the nature of development of words, language or a particular language

3. written works which are of artistic value

4. the system of human expression by means of words in speech or writing

5. a word or expression used in a particular activity or profession

6. a branch of knowledge studied as part of one’s education

7. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper, magazine, etc.

8. a long written story dealing with invented people and events

9. a position from which things are seen and opinions formed

10. to make feelings, ideas, thoughts known

(term, article, language, well-spoken, convey, novel, subject, standpoint, philology, literature)


VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Найдите и исправьте те предложения, которые не соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The term “philology” comes from the Latin language.

2. Philology is a complex of sciences about language, history and art.

3. The main task of philology is interpretation and analysis of texts.

4. Our students study only contemporary literature.

5. We have an opportunity of studying various literary genres.

6. Teaching practice is not included in the course of studies.

7. To have a good knowledge of the subject is quite enough for a teacher.

8. It is essential for a teacher to go on learning.


VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What department do you study at?

2. What subjects do you major in?

3. What does the term “ philology” mean?

4. What are the tasks of Philology?

5. What subjects does the course of studies include?

6. What qualities should future teachers of literature have?

7. What is the aim of teaching practice at school?

8. What is the main task of a teacher of literature?

9. What is the professional duty of a teacher?


IX. Расширьте следующие утверждения:

1.The term “philology” is a foreign one.

2. Pilology is a complex science.

3. We study literature from different standpoints.

4. The course of studies includes variuos subjects.

5. The students spend a lot of time in the libraries.

6. In the fifth year students have teaching practice.

7. It is not enough to have a good knowledge of a subject.

8. A teacher should always be ready to go on learning.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 4658. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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