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Для студентов факультета заочного обучения

Here are some pictures of things people might find difficult to live without. Make your choice and discuss with your partner which two things you would find most difficult to live without. You may agree and disagree.



Устный тур

Устное высказывание (Speaking)




Карточка участника


Student 1

Task 1


Look at the pictures and say which of these sports you think would be more popular and why:


hang gliding or skydiving? Give your reasons. (Monologue; Time: 1,5 minutes

Student 1 Pictures: Hang gliding and skydiving






Для студентов факультета заочного обучения


Гомель, 2006

Авторы-составители: Л.С. Васильева,

В.И. Кошевенко, Ж.В. Малиновская,

Н.В. Новикова, Т.М. Познякова, С.А.Потёмкина,

Т.В. Смолова, Т.Р. Сурменкова


Рецензенты: к.п.н. Л.С. Банникова,

к.п.н. И.К. Жилина



Рекомендовано к изданию научно-методическим советом

Гомельского госуниверситета имени Ф.Скорины


Гомельский государственный университет им. Ф.Скорины, 2006





Настоящее пособие по развитию навыков устной речи предназначено для студентов-заочников гуманитарных специальностей. Оно составлено в соответствии с требованиями действующей «Программы по английскому языку для студентов-заочников высших учебных заведений».

Целью пособия является развитие навыков устной речи по темам, предусмотренным программой по английскому языку для заочного обучения.

Пособие состоит из двух частей. В первую часть включены тексты устных тем и упражнения к ним. Каждая тема снабжена тематическим словарём и системой предтекстовых и послетекстовых упражнений. Предтекстовые упражнения предназначены для снятия фонетических и лексических трудностей. Послетекстовые упражнения направлены на развитие навыков подготовленной речи.

Во вторую часть пособия включён материал страноведческого характера, представляющий собой несложные тексты для чтения и обсуждения.

Пособие может использоваться как для работы на практических занятиях так и для самостоятельной работы.




Part I

Oral topics


1.About Myself...................................................................4

2. Our University..............................................

3. Great Britain..............................................................

4. History is My Future Speciality.....................................

5. Legal Profession...........................................................

6. Philology is My Future Profession.................................



Part II

Material for Reading and Discussion


1.This is Britain................................................................

2. North, South, East, West................................................

3. London.............................................................

4. Edinburgh.......................................................................

5. Oxford............................................................................

6. Family Life...................................................................

7. Festivals.......................................................................

8. Schools..........................................................................

9. Universities...................................................................



About Myself

I’m Svetlana Aleksandrova. I was born on the 29th of March in 1980 in Rechitsa but in 1985 we moved to Gomel as my father got a job here. At the age of 6 I went to school number 22 in Gomel. I was quite good at school. My favourite subjects were Russian, Geography and History, but I didn’t do very well in physics or chemistry. I left school in 1996. Since September 1998 I’ve been a student of the Philological department at Gomel State University named after F. Skorina. I’m doing a correspondence course, it means that I have to combine work and study (I work as a teacher in a school). It’s not easy to have a full-time job and to study, but I’m really enjoying my course at the university and I like my job, too.

The things I like doing most are watching TV and reading, I’m also fond of listening to music. I’m a sociable person so I have a lot of friends. I spend a lot of time with them, we watch video together or listen to music, sometimes we go to the theatre or they come to my place and we just chat. I’m not married and still live with my parents.

My father’s name is Vladimir. He works as an engineer at a big plant. I think my father is quite handsome. He is tall and broad-shouldered. His dark hair is just beginning to go grey. He’s a clever man but a little unpractical. Though he is always busy he helps my mother about the house.

My mother’s name is Irina. She’s a tall good-looking woman of 46 but she doesn’t look her age. She has a kind face and when you meet her the first thing you notice is her smile – she has a very charming smile. As to her character, she is kind and gentle, warm-hearted and tactful. My mother is a housewife, she does all the housework and helps my elder brother bring up his sons. My mother’s hobbies are knitting and reading books. She’s also very good at cooking.

My elder brother, Alexei, is married and has his own family – a wife and two children, so he doesn’t live with us. But we often see each other and we still celebrate all the holidays together.

I think I’m a happy person. I have a loving family and a lot of friends, an interesting job and a lot of hobbies.


I. Find pairs of words matching a word in A with a word in B.

A: married, mother, son, younger, sister, grandmother, nephew, wife.

B: husband, daughter, single, father, brother, niece, grandfather, elder.


II. Remember the following words:

to do a correspondence course, to combine work and study, a full-time job, a part-time job, to enjoy a course, a sociable person.


III. Fill in the gaps using the words given below in the correct form.

I want to tell you about my sister Helen. Helen is 39 … …. She teaches German at …. She likes her … very much. Helen is …. Her husband’s name is Robert. Helen and Robert have 2 …: a son and a daughter. Their daughter’s name is Jane. She is 8. Jane is a … girl. She has a lot of friends. Helen’s son Mike is 18. He is a first-year … at the Medical Institute. Mike is a good son and a good brother. He … his parents about the house and … his younger sister.


children, job, help, sociable, years old, look after, married, student, school


IV. Paraphrase the sentences using a synonym. Pay attention to the –ing forms.

be fond of / be interested in

model: I like classical music. – I am fond of classical music.

I am interested in classical music.

1) Roger likes fishing. 2) Do you like gardening? 3) Does your daughter like reading? 4) My father doesn’t like travelling. 5) Do you like collecting coins?

be good at

model: Mike can skate well. – Mike is good at skating.

1) Robert plays chess very well. 2) Mary can swim well. 3) Do you cook well? 4) Can you ski well? 5) Does Peter know maths well?


V. Read the text. Mark the sentences as True or False. Correct the false sentences.

1. Svetlana doesn’t like her studies because it’s too difficult to combine work and study.

2. The girl has a lot of friends.

3. Svetlana has a large family.

4. Her mother goes out to work.

5. Svetlana often sees her brother because they live together.


VI. Give all the adjectives in the text dealing with the description of

a) appearance

b) character and personality


VII. Reproduce the sentences from the text where the following words are used:

to move, to do a correspondence course, a full-time job, to chat, a handsome man, to look one’s age, to bring up.


VIII. Answer the questions about Svetlana:

1. How old is she?

2. What’s her job?

3. How long has Svetlana been a university student?

4. Is it easy for her to study at university? Why (not)?

5. Does she have a family of her own?

6. What does she like doing in her free time?

7. What does her father look like?

8. Is he a good family man?

9. Where does Svetlana’s mother work?

10. Is she a good-looking woman?

11. Is Svetlana an only child?

12. Is she a happy person? Why (not)?


IX. Say what you have learned about Svetlana using the following plan:

a) Her childhood.

b) Her work and study.

c) Her hobbies.

d) Her father.

e) Her mother.

f) Her brother.


X. Answer the questions in ex. VIII about yourself.


XI. Tell about

1) your childhood

2) your family

3) your work

4) your studies

5) your hobbies


Our University


I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:

academic, biology, club, comfortable, course, department, drama, ecology, economics, economist, engineer, examination, group, history, instruction, junior, lecture, mathematics, method, modern, philosophy, physics, practical, qualify, seminar, specialization, sport, tourist.


II. Запомните следующие слова:


area – область, сфера

in the area of language teaching. The university offers programmes in subject areas including ecology, geology and etc.

curriculum – учебная программа

Some schools in England specialize in one or more subjects outside the basic curriculum. The curriculum in grammar school include English language, English literature, modern languages and etc.

evaluate – оценивать

The school has been open for six months, so it's too early to evaluate its success.

found – основывать

When were the first English universities founded?

graduate – выпускник

The graduates of our university work in various branches of our industry and economy.

name – называть

They named their baby son John.

pastime – времяпровождение, развлечение

Reading is her favourite pastime.

qualify – квалифицировать, давать квалификацию

This test will qualify you to fly an airplane.

research – исследование

Research workers are examining the problem.

science – наука

Science plays an important role in our life.

society – общество

a medical society, a literary society, a drama society, students' scientific society

spacious – просторный

We have a spacious reading hall in our building.


III. Прочитайте и переведите текст.




The Gomel State University named after F. Scorina was founded in 1969, now it is the second largest university in Belarus. Here young people can get education in various areas such as mathematics, physics, economics, biology, ecology, law, social, sciences and humanities.

The departments of our university qualify their graduates as teachers, engineers, economists, lawyers and research workers.

The university has five comfortable and well-equipped buildings with spacious classrooms, labs, reading-halls and well-stocked libraries.

The curriculum of junior years includes courses for general knowledge: Philosophy, History of Belarus, a foreign language and sport. Specialization begins in senior years. The methods of instruction include lectures, seminars and practical classes.

The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. Each term ends with a set of examinations and credit tests. Students' knowledge is evaluated through term papers and oral and written tests.

All students can spend their time in many interesting and useful ways. There is a choir, a tourists' club, groups of modern and folk dance, a drama society and lots of sport societies, so everyone can find a pastime to their liking.


IV. Найдите слова в тексте, определения которых даны ниже.

a place of education at the highest level;

an organization of people with similar interests;

a person who has completed a course at a college, university, etc.;

a course of study at university, etc.;

a group of people who sing together;

something done to pass one's time in a pleasant way;

studies such as literature, languages, history.


V. Найдите в тексте слова, близкие по значению следующим:

to check up, up-to-date, semester, different, to establish, spare, field, receive, faculty, teaching.


VI. Найдите в тексте прилагательные, характеризующие следующие существительные:

Gomel university is ….

The buildings are ….

The classrooms are ….

The libraries are ….

The tests are both … and ….

There are groups of … and … dance.


VII. Вставьте вместо точек подходящие по смыслу слова.

1) The a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ year is divided into two t_ _ _ _. 2) The gr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of our university work in v_ _ _ _ _ _ branches of our industry and economy. 3) By the time the students graduate, they have practical and theoretical k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in their subject. 4) During the 1960s eight new universities were f_ _ _ _ _ _ in Great Britain. 5) An e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an important test. 6) I enjoyed doing experiments in our l_ _.


VIII. Сообщите верны или нет следующие утверждения. Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. Gomel university is the largest in Belarus.

2. Gomel university was founded 25 years ago.

3. Our university qualities its graduates as teachers, engineers, economists and etc.

4. The university has three comfortable and well-equipped buildings.

5. Our students study Philosophy and History of Belarus in senior years.

6. Specialization begins in junior years.

7. The students have a set of examinations and credit tests twice a year.

8. There are oral and written tests.

9. Students' knowledge is evaluated only through term papers.

10. Our students have all opportunities to spend their free time.


IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) When was our university founded? 2) In what subject areas can our students get education? 3) What professions do our graduates have? 4) How many buildings has our university? 5) Are they well-equipped? 6) What subjects does the curriculum of junior years include? 7) Do all students study a foreign language? 8) Does specialization begin in junior or senior years? 9) When do students have their examinations? 10) How is students' knowledge evaluated? 11) Are exams oral or written? 12) Do students have to write term papers? 13) What societies can our students join? 14) Are there any opportunities for our students to go in for sport?


X. Закончите следующие предложения:

1) The students of Gomel university can get education …. 2) The departments of our university qualify their graduates as …. 3) The university has five buildings with …. 4) The curriculum of junior years include …. 5) The methods of instruction include …. 6) The academic year has …. 7) Students' knowledge is evaluated through …. 8) There is a choir ….


XI. Расскажите о своем университете.

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