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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Conditional sentences

14.1 Type 1 conditionals

14.2 Type 2 conditionals

14.3 Type 3 conditionals

14.4 Mixed conditionals;'unless/if... not', etc.

Direct and indirect speech

15.1 Direct speech

15.2 'Say','tell'and'ask'

15.3 Indirect statements with tense changes

15.4 Indirect questions with tense changes

15.5 Uses of the to-infinitive in indirect speech

15.6 When we use indirect speech

The infinitive and the'-ing'form

16.1 The bare infinitive and the fo-infinitive

16.2 The bare infinitive or the '-ing' form; the fo-infinitive

16.3 Verb (+ noun/pronoun) + to-infinitive

16.4 Adjectives and nouns + to-infinitive

16.5 The'-ing'form

16.6 Verb + the'-ing'form

16.7 Adjectives, nouns and prepositions + '-ing'

16.8 The to-infinitive or the'-ing'form?



0 Introduction General Grammar terms

0.1 Classification of parts of speech = Загальна класифікація частин мови

- What classes according to their meaning, morphological characteristics and syntactical functions do words fall under? There are two basic classes: notional and structural parts of speech (function words).

- Define the notional parts of speech. They perform functions of subject, predicate, attribute, object, complement or adverbial modifier in the sentence.

- What does a Noun name?People, things, places, notions or events: Volodimir was a great king. Kiyiv is on the Dnipro. The rose smells sweet. The sun shines bright. His courage won him honour. What didyou enjoy more: the school party or the disco?

- What does the notion of things include? a) all material objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell; b) some abstract things that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

- How is an Adjective used? It’s a word used to add something tо the meaning of a noun: He is a brave boy. An emerald is a green jewel. An ambulance takes sick people to the hospital.

- How is a Pronoun used? It's a word used instead of a noun: Mary is absent, because she is ill. The books are where you left them.

- What does a Numeral indicate? a) The number of: three, a hundred, a thousand, a million b) the order of persons and things: the first, the second, the third, the forth…+th - the billionth

- What does a Verb say? It says what some person does, or about the place, or things: The girl wrote aletter to her cousin. The garden gate is open. Iron and copper are useful metals.

Verb Глагол - это часть речи, которая обозначает действие или состояние. 1) Глаголы делятся на вспомогательные (Auxiliary verbs) и основные или смысловые (Main verbs). 2) Основные глаголы (Main verbs) делятся на глаголы, обозначающие действия и глаголы, обозначающие состояния (State verbs). 3) Глаголы бывают правильные и неправильные (см. Irregular verbs). 4) Глаголы могут употребляться в действительном и страдательном залоге (см. Passive). 5) Глаголы могут иметь утвердительную или отрицательную форму (см. Verb: negative form). 6) Глагольные формы делятся на финитные и нефинитные (Finite and non-finite verbs). Нефинитные глагольные формы делятся на инфинитивы (Infinitive), причастия (Participle) и герундий (Gerund). Термин Ing-form является общим термином для герундия (глагольного имени) и причастий, образованных с помощью окончания "-ing". 7) Финитные глагольные формы выражают наклонение: изъявительное, сослагательное (см. Subjunctive) и повелительное (см. Imperative). 8) Финитные глагольные формы могут выражать значения будущего времени (Future time), настоящего времени (Present time), прошедшего времени (Past time). 9) Глаголы делятся на переходные и непереходные (Transitive and intransitive verbs) 10) О том, как могут выражаться дополнения и подлежащее при глаголе см. Verb patterns 11) Среди глаголов выделяется класс фразовых глаголов (Phrasal verbs)

- What does an Adverb add? It adds something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb: He worked the sum quickly. This flower is very beautiful. She pronounced the word quite correctly.

- What do the words of category of state denote? The temporary state or condition of persons or things:The baby was asleep. They are afraid, ablaze, afire, aflame, afoot, awake.

- What are the Modal verbs used for? To show the speaker’s attitude toward the action or state indicated by the infinitive if it is (im)possible, (im)probable, obligatory, necessary, advisable, doubtful or (un)certain: I can’t explain it. May I…? Should we…?

- What does an Interjection express? It shows some sudden feeling: Hurrah! We have won the game! Alas! She is dead. Wow! Oops!

- What do the structural parts of speech (function words) express? Relations between words or sentences or emphasize the meaning of words or sentences. They can’t be used independenty.

- How is a Preposition used? It’s used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else: There is a rabbit in the garden. The girl is fond of tennis. A fair little girl sat under a tree.

- What is a Conjunction used for? To join words or sentences: Peter and Ann are cousins. Two and two make four. I ran fast, but missed the train.

- Define a Particle. It’s a part of speech giving modal or emotional emphasis to other words or groups of words or clauses: I only wanted to look. I just did that. Not a thing.

- Define the Article. It’s a structural part of speech used with nouns: An ant is an insect. The frog is sitting on a lily pad.

- Can we exactly say to which part of speech a word belongs? We should see how it used in a sentence. They arrived soon after. (Adverb.) They arrived after us. (Preposition.) They arrived after we had left. (Conjunction.)

Write: Name part of speech of each word:Still waters run deep. He still lives in that house. After the storm comes the calm. The after (side) effects of this drug are bad. The up train is late. It weighs about a pound. He told us all about the battle. He was only a yard off me. Suddenly one of the wheels came off. Christians fast for spiritual perfection. He kept the fast for a week. He is on the committee. Let us move on. Sit down and rest a while. I will watch while you sleep. They while away their evenings with books and games.


- What language units do we use when speaking or writing? We use letters, letter combinations, sounds (vowels, consonants, monophthongs, diphthongs, tripthongs etc.) syllables (open, closed, stressed, unstressed) words, phrases and sentences:

- Define a Sentence. It's a group of words making complete sense.

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