Студопедия — Define four kinds of sentences.
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Define four kinds of sentences.

1. Declarative or assertive sentence (розповідні)make statements or assertions: A clock shows the time. A cow gives milk. Puppy sleeps on the chair.

2. Interrogative sentences ask questions (патальні):How old are you? They were afraid, weren’t they? Doesn’t she know?

3. Imperative sentences (спонукальні)express commands, requests or entreaties: Be quiet. Have mercy upon us. Let him go. Don’t nag! Don’t let him drink! Don’t you dare!

4. Exclamatory (окличні)sentences express strong feelings: How very cold the night is! What a shame! Right you are!

За будовою речення поділяються на п р о с т і (поширені й непоширені) й складні (складносурядні i складнопідрядні) = According to their structure sentences are divided into simple (extended or unextended) and composite (compound and complex).

0.3. SUBJECT, PREDICATE, OBJECT, COMPLEMENT, ATTRIBUTE, ADVERBIAL MODIFIER. - What two parts do we name in every sentence? We always try to name at least the Subject and Predicate (Verb).

- Define the Subject. It's a person, thing or place: He is a doctor. Apples grow on apple-trees. London is the capital of Great Britain.

- Where is the subject in imperative sentences? It's left out: Sit down. Thank him (the Subject You is understood).

- Define the Predicate. It says something about the Subject:The queen wears a crown.An astronaut travels in a spaceship.

Define the Object.It’s a person, thing or place which we add to a predicate (verb): I have a house.The man gaveme a book.

- Define a Complement. It is a word or group of words which stand after a link-verb and add some meaning to a Subject.:He is clever. They look very tired. She seems absent-minded and lost.

-Define the Attribute. It adds some meaning to a Subject. Healthy ways of life promote good health. A black hen lays a white egg.

Define an Adverbial Modifier. It is when, where and how the event takes place:They arrivedyesterday.She leanedback.He kissedMomgently.

Define the sentence word order.

1 The Subject as a rule comes first, but occasionally it is put after the Predicate (Verb):A strange place it looks. Such is life. Down he fell and now up he flies! Not: A lunch burned a cook. (A cook burned a lunch.).

2 The object and complement are placed affer the verb:He loves hiking. He is a boss. Money is funny in a rich man’s world.

3 An Attribute usually comes before the noun:She is a nice girl. It is a silent night.We heard an embarrassing remark.

4 Adverbial Modifier of Manner (how?)usually comes after the verb:The baby smiled sweetly. Adverbial Modifier of Place (where?) - at the end of the sentence:She came here alone. Adverbial Modifier of Time (when?) - either at the end or at the beginning of a sentence: They leave tomorrow.


Define a Phrase. It doesn’t make a complete sense: The sun rises in the east. It was a sunset of great beauty. The tops of the mountains were covered with snow. Show me how to do it.

- Illustrate the difference between phrase and the clause. He has a chain of gold. (Phrase) He has a chain which is made of gold. (Clause)

- Define a Clause. It forms part of a sentence and contains a Subject (which) and a Predicate (is made of gold). People who pay their debts are trusted. We cannot start while it is raining. I think that you have made a mistake.

Write Find the Subject, Predicate and other parts of these sentences:

The space shuttle travels into outer space many times.The cackling of geese saved Rome. The boy stood on the burning deck. He was a man of might. Stone walls do not a prison make. The singing of the birds delights us. Miss Kitty was rude at the table one day. He has a good memory. Bad habits grow unconsciously. The earth revolves round the sun. Nature is the best physician. The sea has many thousand sands. We cannot pump the ocean dry. Borrowed garments never fit well. The early bird catches the worm. All matter is indestructible. She taught mathematics at school. We should profit by experience. All roads lead to Rome. A guilty conscience needs no excuse. The beautiful rainbow soon faded away. No man can serve two masters. A sick room should be well aired. The dewdrops glitter in the sunshine. I shot an arrow into the air. A barking sound the shepherd heard.

1 Sentence 1.1A Word order The meaning of an English sentence depends on the word order:

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