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Adverbial phrases of duration

7.3A 'Since', 'for' and 'ago' [> LEG 7.31,7.32,9.18]

1 'Since' + a point of time [> 7.2A] answers Since when? We use since with the present perfect to mark a period lasting till now: I haven't seen him since January. [>9.5A, 10.2D]

2 'For' + period of time answers How long? We use for to refer to periods of time:

- in the past: My wife and I worked in America for five months.

- in the future: John will be staying in New York for two weeks.

- in the present perfect: I've known Susan for five years. [> 9.5A, 10.2D]

3 Period of time +'ago' answers How long ago? and marks the start of a period going back from now. We use ago with the simple past [> 9.3C]: I arrived here two months ago.

Write 1: Show where since or ago will fit into these sentences. 1 …When have you been interested in jazz? Since when have you... 2 I saw your mother a week... 3 I started work here seven months… 4 I saw her last week and haven't seen her.... 5 I haven't been home … 1987. 6 How long … did you become a director?

Write 2: Show where since or for will fit into these sentences.1 They lived here … five years before moving.... for five years... 2 They have lived here … 1984. 3 I've known him … six years. 4 I've been expecting a letter … weeks. 5 I've been expecting a letter… last week. 6 I've enjoyed jazz … I was a boy.


7.3B 'Till' (or 'until') and 'by' [> LEG 7.34]

1 Some verbs naturally refer to 'periods of time' or 'continuity' [> 9.5B]: e.g. learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep, stand, stay, wait and work.

2 Till (or until) and by mean 'any time before and not later than'. We cannot use by at all with these 'continuity' verbs. (Not *I'll wait here by 5 o'clock. *) We can only use till (or until) with these verbs: I'll wait here till (or until) 5 o'clock. I won't wait here till (or until) 5 o'clock.

3 We use by with verbs which do not refer to periods of time. We can think of these as 'point of time verbs': e.g. arrive, come, finish, go, leave: She will arrive by 5. (= any time before and not later than 5.) She won't arrive by 5. She'll arrive at 6.

4 We use till or until with 'point of time verbs' only in the negative. She won't arrive till (or until) 5. (But not *She will arrive till 5.*)

Write: Supply by or till.

1 I'll wait... Monday before answering his letter. 2 I intend to stay in bed... 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. 3 Your suit will be ready... Friday. 4 Your suit won't be ready... Friday. You can collect it then. 5 Your suit won't be ready... Friday. You can collect it next Monday. 6 I'm sure I will have left... Monday. 7 Your aunt says she won't leave... Monday. Monday's the day she's going to leave.


7.3C 'During', 'in' and 'for' [> LEG 7.35]

1 During means:

- either: 'from the beginning to the end’: We had a lot of fun during the holidays.

- or: 'at some point during a period of time': I'll mend the gate during the weekend. We watched a very nice film during the flight to New York.

2 We use in like during to refer to time: We had a lot of fun in the holidays. (Or:... during the holidays). But we cannot use in to refer to an activity or event: We watched a film during the flight. (Not "in the flight").

3 For tells us 'how long' [>7.3A]: We stayed in Rome for a week/for three weeks. (Not 'during three weeks’)

Write: Supply in, during and for. Show which sentences take both in and during.

1 It was very hot... August. 2 I was sent abroad... my military service. 3 It rained... the night. 4 I'll see you... the lunch hour. 5 I woke up twice... the night. 6 I tried to get a taxi... a whole hour. 7 Many people gave up... the course. 8 I suddenly felt ill... my speech. 9 There was an accident... the race. 10 I sleep... the daytime. 11 I'm going abroad... June. 12 Can you hold your breath... two minutes?


7.3D Write: Put in during, in, by, till, since, for or ago. PEACE AND QUIET.

I moved to this area seven years1... 2... years I have had noisy neighbours. Ever3... I moved into this flat, I've had to put up with noise4... the night. I decided I'd had enough and I've been looking for a new flat5... the beginning of the year. I haven't found anything6... now. Every week I go to the local estate agent's office, but it's the same story. 'I might have something 7... the end of the week,' he says, or, 'Wait 8... next week. I think I might have a few flats9... then.' I've seen a few flats10... my search, but I don't like any of them. One flat I saw has been empty11... two years. 'It's got a busy road on one side and a railway on the other! I exclaimed. 'I want peace and quiet.' Last week I visited the agent again. I won't leave 12... you show me something,' I said. He smiled and said, 'I've got just the flat for you.' I went to see it and I was horrified. 'But it's next to a cemetery/graveyard!' I cried. 'But you won't have noisy neighbours,' my agent said. 'It's ideal for peace and quiet!’

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 1443. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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