Студопедия — Yes/No questions (General), negative statements, Yes/No answers
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Yes/No questions (General), negative statements, Yes/No answers

13.1 A Yes/No questions (expecting 'Yes' or 'No' in the answer) [> LEG 13.1-3]

1 We make Yes/No questions from statements. In the case of be, have (auxiliary) and modal verbs like can and must [> 11.1 A] we do this by inversion, that is by putting be, have or can, etc. in front of the subject: He is leaving. > Is he leaving? She can drive a bus. > Can she drive a bus?

2 With all other verbs, we form Yes/No questions with Do and Does in the simple present and Did in the simple past. The form of the verb is always the bare infinitive ( to): We turn left here. > Do we turn left here? He works well. > Does he work well?

They arrived late. > Did they arrive late?

Write: You want to know if... What do you say?

1 you're late. Are you late? 2 this is the London train…3 your photos are ready… 4 John is working in the garden… 5 the children are studying… 6 Jane gives piano lessons…7 Tony was enjoying himself… 8 they live in the south…9 she should be here… 10 she could ask a question… 11 it will be fine tomorrow…12 my friend will be staying…13 they would like an invitation. 14 they often argue like that… 15 I run a mile every morning... 16 Sheila went to the lecture


13.1 B Negative statements [> LEG 132,13.4]

1 When a sentence contains be, have, or a modal like can, we form the negative by putting not after the auxiliary:

He is leaving. > He is not (He isn't or He's not) leaving. He can leave.> He cannot (can't) leave.

2 With all other verbs we use do not (don't) and does not (doesn't) after the subject in the simple present and did not (didn't) after the subject in the past. The verb is always a bare infinitive (to): We turn left here.> We do not (don't) turn left here. He works well. > He does not (doesn't) work well. They arrived late. > They did not (didn't) arrive late.

Write: Say 'no', disagree or contradict with full negative statements. 1 Are you ready? No, I am not ready. 2 She's right…3 They're late 4 You're being silly 5 He's working in London 6 They're playing tennis 7 I'm going to fail 8 She was waiting for you 9 He can speak Russian. 10 He'll be leaving soon 11 It would be a very good idea 12 It looks like rain 13 They always win 14 They missed the last lesson 15 She's always been good at sport. 16 You've met her


13.1 C Yes/No short answers [> LEG 1357]

1 When answering with Yes or No, we usually repeat the first word in the question: Was James late? - Yes, he was./No, he wasn't. Can he play chess? - Yes, he can./No, he can't. Note: Are you...? - Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Were you...?- Yes, I was./No, I wasn't, where we repeat the verb, but in a different form.

2 We do not usually answer a Yes/No question in full:

Did James go out last night? - Yes, he did./No, he didn 't. rather than 'Yes, he went out last night.' 'No, he didn't go out last night.'

We do not usually answer a Yes/No question with just Yes or No: Do you like dancing?- Yes, I do. No, I don't. Not *Yes./No. * which can sound rude.

3 We can put a lot of expression into short answers and use them to give information, agree, disagree, confirm, etc. e.g.

Did you lock the back door?- Yes, I did./No, I didn't. It's hot. - Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

Write: Answer these questions with either Yes or No.

1 Are you ready? Yes, I am. 2 Is she still at college? 3 Are they on their way here? 4 Are you still learning French? 5 Is Carla applying for that job? 6 Are we staying at the same hotel? 7 Are you going to help me? 8 Was she joking? 9 Were they living there then? 10 Should I go with them? 11 Will you be at the meeting? 12 Would you do that if you were me? 13 Does she still write to you? 14 Do you like curry? 15 Did he tell you about the party? 16 Has he finished yet? 17 Have you ever eaten swordfish? 18 Has she been working here long?...


D Context. Write: Put in suitable Yes/No questions, negatives or short answers. GUESS WHAT!

Before setting out on holiday, the Weeks family sat in their car and went through their usual quiz.

MR WEEKS: (we/turn off)1 Did we turn off /Have we turned off the electricity?

MRS WEEKS: (Yes)2: I turned it off myself.

MR WEEKS: (all the taps off)3…?

JIMMY: (Yes)4… I checked every one of them, dad.

SALLY: You (not remember)5… my teddy-bear!

MRS WEEKS: (Yes)6… darling. I packed him in your case.

MR WEEKS: (there any windows open)7…?

JIMMY: (No)8… I shut them all, dad.

MRS WEEKS: (the front and back doors/lock)9…?

MR WEEKS: (Yes)10… I've just locked them.

After they had been on the road for an hour, Mr Weeks suddenly turned pale and said, 'Guess what! I

(not/got)11… my house keys. They're still in the back door!


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 1993. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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