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E Write: Put in the missing verb forms. AN URGENT CASE.

The family party was in full swing when the phone rang. Dr Craig answered it. He listened carefully for a moment, then said, 'I'll come right away.' 'Do you have to go out?' his wife asked. 'If it1 is an urgent case, I have to go,' Dr Craig answered. 'If I (should)2… late, please don't wait up for me.' Dr Craig drove into the night. If I don't hurry, he thought, I (might)3… too late. The thought made him drive faster. After driving for an hour, he arrived at a house. All the lights were on. If all the family is up, the doctor thought, the situation (must)4… serious. A woman opened the front door immediately. Thank God you've come, doctor,' she cried. 'It's my daughter.' A sleepy child of about six appeared in a nightdress. 'I told her,' her mother said, '"(go)5… to bed or I'll fetch the doctor". See,' she shouted at the child. 'I've done it. Here's the doctor!'

14.2 Type 2 conditionals 14.2A Type 2 conditionals, basic uses: 'If you went by train, you would...' [> LEG 14.10-12]

We form Type 2 conditionals with if + past (or if + could) + would.

1 We can use Type 2 conditionals in place of Type 1 to describe something that is reasonably possible. The past tense form does not refer to past time:

If you go by train, you will (you'll) get there earlier. (Type 1: reasonably possible)> If you went by train, you would (you'd) get there earlier. (Type 2, 'more tentative')) невизначений, невпевнений

2 We often use Type 2 conditionals to describe what is totally impossible:

If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster. (Not *lf you would have*) If you could run fast, you'd be an Olympic champion.


Write: Write Type 2 conditionals to match these situations.

1 I don't have a spare ticket. I can't take you to the concert. If I had a spare ticket, I could\would take you to the concert.

2 She drinks too much coffee. She doesn't feel calm…

3 He can't type. He isn't able to operate a computer…

4 They don't understand the problem. They won't find a solution...

5 He sits around too much. He isn't fit…

14.2B 'If + were/was' + 'would': 'If I were you, I would...' [> LEG 14.13]

1 We can use were in place of was after if in all persons: 'the subjunctive' [> 11.13B].

Were is formal. We also prefer were when expressing doubt or imagining something:

If I was better qualified, I'd apply for the job. (If I was: less formal)

If I were better qualified, I'd apply for the job. (If I were: more formal)

How would she be managing, if she were running a large company? (progressive forms)

If I were the Queen of Sheba, you would be King Solomon, (were is preferable here)

2 We use If I were you and If I were in your position to give advice. (Not *lf I was*)

We can also refer to somebody else: If I were in Jane's position, I'd look for a new job.


Write: Write Type 2 conditionals to match these situations.

1 She is not in your position. She isn't able to advise you. If she were in your position, she would be able to advise you.

2 I am in a hurry. I won't stay to dinner…

3 He's not a millionaire. He won't buy you a palace…

4 The weather isn't sunny. We won't stay indoors…

5 I am fit. I will go climbing…

14.2C 'If + past + modal: 'If he knew the facts, he might..."; [> LEG 14.14]

When we use would in the main clause, we are expressing as much certainty as possible:

If he knew the facts, he would tell us what to do. (certain or nearly certain [> 14.1B])

If we don't feel 'certain' enough to use would, we can use another modal to say what would be possible or necessary, for example:

If he knew the facts, he might tell us what to do. (it's possible)

If he knew the facts, he should tell us what to do. (it's necessary)


Write: Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs. Use could, ought to,or might in the main clause.

1 If she were\was (be) here now, she could give (give) us some advice.

2 If he… (fail) in his present job, he… (think) about another career.

3 If you… (can play) a musical instrument, you… (help) with the school orchestra.

4 If they… (have) the right qualifications, they… (be able to) apply for better jobs.

5 If she… (can have) some lessons, she… (improve) her performance.

6 If we… (run) our own business, we… (be) more independent.

7 If John… (go) to his home town, he… (visit) his mother.

8 If Susan… (borrow) your book, she… (return) it.

9 If Frank… (want) advice, he…(ask) his bank manager.


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