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Additional task. I. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:. National emblems of the United Kingdom. National emblems of the United Kingdom

I. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:

1) What is the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?

2) How is the Welsh flag called?

3) What do some Englishmen wear on St. George's Day?

4) What day is regarded as Scotland's national day?

5) What day is a national day in Northern Ireland?

National emblems of the United Kingdom

The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross on a white background is the cross of the 1st George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross on a blue background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red di­agonal cross on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. The Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon, represents a red dragon on a white and green background.

St. George's Day falls on 23 April and is regarded as Eng­land's national day. On this day some patriotic Englishmen wear a rose pinned to their jackets. A red rose is the national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses (15th century). St. Andrew's Day (the 30th of November) is regarded as Scotland's national day. On this day some Scotsmen wear a thistle in their buttonhole. St. Patrick's Day (the 17th of March) is considered as a national day in Northern Ireland. The national emblem of Ireland is shamrock. St. David's Day (the 1st of March) is the church festival of St. David, a 6th-century monk and bishop, the patron saint of Wales.

In the Royal Arms three lions symbolize England, a lion rampant — Scotland, and a harp — Ireland. The whole is en­circled and is supported by a lion and a unicorn. The lion has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries. The unicorn, a mythical animal that looks like a horse with a long straight horn, has appeared on the Scottish and British royal coats of arms for many cen­turies, and is a symbol of purity.


II. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

to make up National day
background thistle
patron shamrock
flag bishop
dragon lion


III. Read about The Royal standard and the Union Flag and insert necessary prepositions:

The Royal Standard or Royal Flag is the personal flag … the Sovereign and may be flown only when the Sovereign is actually present.

The British Union Flag, commonly known as Union Jack, is the country’s national flag. It is composed … English cross … St. George (red cross … a white field), the Scottish cross … St Andrew (a diagonal white cross … a blue field) and the Irish cross … St Patrick (a diagonal red cross … a white field).

IV. Find 11 mistakes in the following paragraph about The Regalia:

St Edward Crown, used only at a coronation, may inded data back to Edward the confessor, for the acount of Charles II goldsmith show that he must have usd one of the medieval crons, perheps the Confessor’s, ading to it the arches, monde, and cross.

The hed of the Sceptre with the Cross, wich was made for Charles II, now contains the star of Africa, at 530 carats the lagest cut diamond in the wold.

V. Make up your own dialogues using the following points:

a) Can you give the information about Ukrainian symbols? What are they and what they mean?

b) Do you know about the symbols of your university? Speak about it.




I. Read and translate the following group of words:

The richest country, industrial city, famous city, prehistoric place, ancient circle of stones, massive blocks, splendid example, modern toys, medieval city.


II. Translate from English into Russian the following words of the same root:

Industry – industrial – to industrialize – industrialist – industrialization – industrially – industrious – industriously; rich – riches – richly – richness; to stand – stand – stand-in – stand-up; to build – building – build-up – builder; mystery – mystic - mystical – mystically – to mystify – mystification – mysticism; to use – using – used – useability – useable – user – useful – usefulness – useless – uselessly - uselessness


III. Read and translate the text:

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