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The Article

Артикль является самым распространенным определителем существительного. В английском языке существует два артикля: неопределенный и определенный артикли.

Неопределенный артикль - a (an) Определенный артикль - the
1. Когда речь идет о каком-нибудь одном предмете или лице ещё неизвестном собеседнику или читателю, упоминаемом впервые. e.g. He bought a book yesterday. 2. Когда существительное обозначает кем или чем является предмет или лицо, о котором говорится в предложении. e.g. My brother is an engineer. 3. когда речь идет о лице или предмете именно данного класса в отличие от лиц и предметов другого класса. e.g. I wear a cap in summer and a hat in autumn. 4. Со значением числительного one. e.g. I have bought a kilogram of sugar. Устойчивые сочетания: A good deal of, a good deal of, number of; a few, a little; as a result of; for a short/long time; it is a pity; to be in a hurry; to have a good time; to go for a walk, to have a headache. Артикль отсутствует если перед существительным стоит: 1. Притяжательное местоимение (Give your book, please) 2. Указательное местоимение (This house is very old) 3. Неопределенное местоимение (Come at any time) 4. Вопросительные местоимения (What kind of book is this) 5. Отрицание no (I have no brother) 5. Перед именами собственными (Kiev, Europe, Anna) 6. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными (Knowledge is power)   1. Перед прилагательными в превосходной степени. e.g. the best friend 2. Перед порядковыми числительными, если они являются определением к существительному. e.g. the first lesson 3. Когда указан индивидуальный признак, отличающий лицо или предмет, обозначенный существительным, от всех лиц или предметов того же класса. e.g. Show the telegram you received yesterday. 4. Когда о лице или предмете упоминается повторно. e.g. I bought a hat yesterday. The hat is very pretty. 5. Перед предметами или понятиями единственными в своем роде. e.g. the sun, the Moon 6. Перед географическими названиями (океаны, реки, моря, части света, горные хребты, группы островов) e.g. The Pacific ocean, the Black Sea, the Thames, the Alps, the South Исключения: Elbrus, Mont Blanc, Everest 7. Перед следующими названиями стран the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Netherlands, the United States, the United kingdom, the Soviet Union. 8. Перед фамилиями, употребляющимися во множественном числе для обозначения членов семьи. e.g. the Browns, the Ivanovs  

I. Put the words in the right order:

1. don’t they English speak.

2. like you birthday Would come party? my to to

3. number? your telephone What’s

4. you tomorrow! See

5. old how this student? is

6. nineteen I’m old. Years

7. number? leave Would telephone like to you your

8. everything. know doesn’t Mike

9. sister my in works bank.

10. at the KSMTU (Kerch State Maritime Technological University) study I.


II. Divide the groups of letters and make sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. TheyliveinKerch.

2. Shehasgottwosisters.

3. Mymotherworksinbank.

4. Sheisasecretary.

5. Howoldisyourbrother?

6. CanIhavealook?

7. WearethestudentsofKSMTU.

8. Whatisyourtelephonenumber?

9. Myfamilyisneitherbignosmall.

10. Therearefiveofus.

III. Give the plural for the following nouns:

Face, portfolio, swine, house, tomato, mother-in-law, basis, clergyman, ox, cry, key, fox, downfall, rock, bush, enemy, leaf, roof, hero, bunch, sheep, ship, journey, penknife, man-of-war, loss, datum, goose, deer, pie, Englishwoman, wolf, mouse, bath, volcano, possibility, foot, handkerchief, thief, crisis, birth, echo, lie.


IV. Comment on the nouns fish and fruit. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.

2. Ah, well, there’s plenty more fish in the sea.

3. I saw a number of mango trees still bearing fruit.

4. Great parcels of groceries and delicacies and dried fruits arrived from the city.

5. From this central point they could see fruit-trees laden with magnificent fruits.

6. She watched the water-lily plants and willow leaves, the fishes rising.

7. The smell of those little fishes will follow me wherever I go.


V. Comment on the use of the Genitive Case:

1. It’s my mother-in-law’s seventieth birthday.

2. Mr. Brown had been satisfied with the results of Tom’s and nick’s visit.

3. He took the morning train and arrived at his mother’s at lunchtime.

4. Kate had gone to the Democratic candidate’s meeting party because she wanted to.

5. Ann nodded understandingly and after a moment’s pause Tom went on.

6. He swallowed and I saw his Adam’s apple go up and down.

7. A hundred houses were evacuated for safety’s sake.


VI. Replace the of-phrase by the noun in the Possessive Case:

1. The plays of the Shakespeare are very popular in this country.

2. The house of my daughter-in-law is within a stone’s throw from here.

3. Peter slipped his hand through the arm of his mother.

4. From the dining-room Mike passed into the study of Ann.

5. The cheeks of the secretary continued to brighten.

6. He told me about the return of his brother.

7. The supper of the children is ready.

8. Will you join the excursion of today?

9. The rays of the sun do not penetrate through that foliage.

10. The toys of the children are in the box.

VII. Translate into English. Pay attention to the words in brackets:

1. Компьютер жены моего коллеги. (computer – wife – colleague)

2. Ноутбук невестки моего брата. (laptop – sister-in-law – brother)

3. Программное обеспечение поставщика моего филиала. (software – supplier – subsidiary)

4. Мышка помощника начальника. (mouse – assistant – boss)

5. Клавиатура менеджера его начальника отдела. (keyboard – manager – foreman)


VIII. Fill in the blanks with indefinite article (a, an):

1. It is … table. 2. It is not … desk. 3. It is … animal. 4. It is … text. 5. It is not … apple. 6. It is … map. 7. This is … cup. 8. It is … bad pencil. 9. It is … ox. 10. My sister is … engineer.


IX. Build up three columns from the following nouns and word combinations:

… house, … Petrovs, my … sister, … butter, … knowledge, … Asia, … Caucasus, … Appennines, much …water, by … tram, any … pen, … sugar, … Bermudas, … milk, in … morning, at … school, on … right, to go to … bed, … sun, … tea, … Black Sea, … snow, … British Channel, … Australia, that … boy, … coal, … Titanic, … Geography, some … books, … Pacific Ocean, this … dictionary, … Paris, little …milk, … moon, … best boy, … second lesson, … United States of America, … Scotland, … Bahamas, … Rocky Mountains.



For example,

Definite article Indefinite article Zero article
the Petrovs a house my sister

X. Use the proper article where necessary:

1. This is … book. It is my … book.

2. Is this your … pencil? – No, it isn’t my … pencil, it is my sister’s … pencil.

3. I have … sister. My … sister is … interpreter. My sister’s husband is … doctor.

4. I have no … handbag.

5. She has got … headache.

6. Have they got … car? – Yes, they have. Their … car is very expensive, but reliable.

7. This … pen is good, and that … pen is bad.

8. They have … dog and two … cats.

9. I have … spoon in my … plate, but I have no … soup in it.

10. My … friend says he is going to be … millionaire one … day.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 766. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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