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British religion used to be closely connected with kings, queens and politics. England was a Roman Catholic country until 1534. In 1525 King Henry VIII decided to divorce his queen, Catherine of Aragon, because he fell in love with Anne Boleyn. But when Henry asked the Pope for permission todi­vorce Catherine, he refused. Henry was so angry with the Pope that he ended all contact between England and Rome. He di­vorced Catherine of Aragon without the Pope's permission and married Anne Boleyn.

In 1534 Parliament named Henry head of the Church of England. This was the beginning of the An­glican Church. The Anglican Church did not start as a Protes­tant Church and Henry certainly did not regard himself as a Protestant. However the Protestant movement in Europe was growing very strong at that time. When Henry quarreled with Rome and ordered the Bible to be translated into English, the way was open for Protestantism to spread in England.

Over the next years many people changed to this new religion. In 1553 Mary, Henry's daughter by Catherine of Aragon, became Queen of England. The country re-entered the Roman Church, because she was a Roman Catholic. Protestants were glad when Mary died, because while she was Queen, many Protestants were burned for their beliefs. After Marry, Elizabeth became head of the Anglican Church and Roman Catholicism was ne­ver again the official religion in England.

The Church of England is still the established church in England nowadays. But in spite of the great variety of forms of worship, only a minority of people regularly go to church in Britain today. Most people see Sunday more аs a day for relaxing with the family or for doing jobs around the house and the garden.

Discussing questions:

1. Was England a Roman Catholic country until 1534?

2. Why did Henry decide to divorce the queen?

3. What was the beginning of the Anglican Church?

4. Were Protestants glad when Mary died?

5. What is the established church in England nowadays?

Exercises to the text:

I. Translate the words and words combinations from English into Russian. Build up your own sentences with them:

To fall in love, to ask for permission, to be angry with, Protestant Church, to regard, to quarrel with, over the next years, to be burnt for beliefs, official religion, in spite of, forms of worship, to do jobs around the house.

II. Choose the Russian equivalents to the English word combinations:

1. closely 1. начинать
2. king 2. движение
3. to end 3. постоянно
4. to marry 4. становиться
5. movement 5. король
6. to translate 6. тесно
7. to be glad 7. жениться
8. to begin 8. переводить
9. to become 9. заканчивать
10. regularly 10. радоваться
  11. королева
  12. брак

III. Find the missing words in the text:

1. British … used to be closely connected with kings, queens and politics.

2. Henry was so angry with the Pope that he ended all … between England and Rome.

3. The … Church did not start as a Protes­tant Church and Henry certainly did not regard himself as a ….

4. When Henry quarreled with … and ordered the … to be translated into English, the way was open for … to spread in England.

5. Protestants were glad when Mary died, because while she was …, many Protestants were burned for their ….


IV. Make up sentences:

1. In 1525 King Henry VIII decided to divorce his queen, Catherine of Aragon, …   1. … became Queen of England.
2. He di­vorced Catherine of Aragon without … 2. … Roman Catholicism was ne­ver again the official religion in England.  
3. In 1553 Mary, Henry's daughter by Catherine of Aragon, …   3. … because he fell in love with Anne Boleyn.
4. After Marry, Elizabeth became head of the Anglican Church and …   4. … for doing jobs around the house and the garden.
5. Most people see Sunday more аs a day for relaxing with the family or … 5. … the Pope's permission and married Anne Boleyn.

V. Choose the right English equivalent to the words in brackets:

1. But when Henry asked the Pope for permission (разводиться) Catherine, he refused.

a) to grow in number

b) to divorce

c) to multiply

2. In 1534 Parliament named Henry (глава) of the Church of England.

a) head

b) chapter

c) rector

3. However the Protestant movement in Europe was growing very strong at that time.

a) fluctuation

b) migration

c) movement

4. Over the next years many people changed to this new religion.

a) cultus

b) religion

c) faith

5. But in spite of the great variety of forms of worship, only a minority of people regularly go to church in Britain today.

a) systematic

b) regularly

c) periodical


VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Генрих развелся с женой без разрешения папы.

2. Протестантское движение становилось очень сильным в то время.

3. Когда Мария была королевой, много протестантов было сожжено на костре.

4. Церковь Англии всё ещё влиятельна в стране сегодня.

5. Британцев нельзя назвать религиозными людьми, так как, несмотря на большое разнообразие религиозных верований, только небольшое количество людей ходят в церковь.


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