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Степени сравнения наречий

  Односложные наречия Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
(+ -er) (+ -est)
soon – скоро   late – поздно   hard - усердно sooner – скорее   later – позднее   harder – усерднее soonest – скорее всего (всех) latest – позже всего (всех) hardest – наиболее усердно
Наречия, образованные от прилагательных при помощи суффикса - ly   quickly – быстро   attentively - внимательно more (less) the most (the least)
more quickly – быстрее   less attentively – менее внимательно most quickly – быстрее всего (всех) least attentively –невнимательнее всего (всех)
Особая группа наречий well - хорошо   badly - плохо   little - мало   much - много better - лучше   worse - хуже   less - меньше   more - больше best – лучше всех (всего) worst – хуже всех (всего) least – меньше всех (всего) most – больше всего

Для сравнения наречий используются те же способы, что и для сравнения прилагательных:

e.g. I speak English as well as Nick (does).

I speak English not so well as Nick (does).

Nick speaks English better than I (do).

Во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого глагола вместо него употребляется вспомогательный глагол do / does.

1. Use the verb “to be” in Past Simple Tense:

1. Three years ago I … a student of the University. 2. Last summer I … in England. 3. Tom read a lot of books when he … at school. 4. Two hundred years ago our town … just a small village. 5. Several years ago they … married. 6. We … here yesterday.


II. Put the following irregular verbs in Past Simple Tense:

To begin, to break, to bring, to buy, to catch, to drink, to eat, to get, to know, to make, to read, to see, to speak, to take.

III. Comment on the use of the Past Simple Tense:

1. I watched television yesterday. 2. They didn’t rest yesterday. 3. Yesterday he had a holiday. He didn’t go to the office. He got up at eleven o’clock, washed his face, had breakfast and went for a walk. 4. He doesn’t like coffee. But yesterday he drank a cup of coffee as he was very tired. 5. They were in London last month. 6. When did you leave the meeting yesterday? 7. I saw him when I was in Kiev. 8. I bought this book in Kharkov. 9. He came home, had dinner and began to do his lessons. 10. Last year I went to the theatre every week.


IV. Make the following sentences interrogative and then negative:

1. Mr. Smith fixed his car yesterday morning. 2. She studied English two years ago. 3. Yesterday I came home from university at half past eight. 4. We enjoyed swimming in the ocean last weekend. 5. One of her brothers made a tour of Europe last summer. 6. The students translated the text “Northern Ireland” last week. 7. Our group prepared a good report about historical places in the Crimea last week. 8. A monitor forgot to inform the students of his group about meeting yesterday.


V. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple Tense:

1. I (to see) Mike at the party the other day. 2. He (to meet) Kate there and (to fall) in love with her at first sight. 3. Yesterday I (to be) on duty and (to come) home from school later than usual. 4. Now my brother doesn’t smoke but he (to smoke) before. 5. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it (to be) bad. 6. I (to walk) quickly because I (to feel) cold. 7. It (to seem) impossible for him to win, but he (to win). 8. I usually sleep well, but last night I (not to sleep) at all. 9. It (to take) me half an hour to get to the station. 10. When you (to write) to your parents last time?


VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Почему ты не пришел вчера в университет? – Вчера я чувствовал себя плохо. 2. Что они делали в воскресенье? – Они ходили на прогулку. 3. Я не смог позвонить ей, потому что не знал номера её телефона. 4. Они построили этот дом в прошлом году, но не живут в нем. 5. Тебе понравилась вчерашняя телепередача? – Я не смотрела вчера телевизор. 6. Студенческий клуб КГМТУ принял участие в концерте, посвященному Дню Города. 7. Студенты технологического факультета прослушали лекцию о вреде курения. 8. Староста группы посетил организационное собрание вчера. 9. Заведующий кафедрой выступило на учёном совете. 10. Все студенты КГМТУ принимали активное участие в субботнике вчера.


VII. Choose the right variant and retell the dialog:

Bill: I gather they (make/made) some mistakes in the power-point presentation.

John: The line graph (showed/shown) the year-to-date sales figures, but the pie chart (didn’t give/didn’t gave) the market share. However, the flow chart (deal with/ dealt with) the order process well.

Bill: Did the sales manager put/ putted the new representatives on the organization chart?

John: Yes, it (were/was) very clear. We also (seen / saw) the plans and the blueprint they (chose / choose) last week for the new sales outlet.

Bill: Did you (understand / understood) the polar graph?

John: Not much! To sum up, sales (fell / falled) because of a new competitor.


VIII. Form the comparative and superlative from the following adjectives:

1. Shot, long, wide, dirty, clean, dark, thick, dry, weak, tall, strong, heavy, big, cold.

2. Beautiful, careful, dangerous, interesting, expensive, comfortable, difficult, hopeful, strange.

3. Good, bad, far, old, little.


IX. Translate from Russian into English:

a) word combinations:

старый друг, старший сын, самая длинная дорога, более трудный пример, самый умный студент, самая светлая аудитория, более сложный текст, более красивая девушка, младший брат, лучший день.

b) sentences:

1. Это длинная дорога. Это более длинная дорога. Это самая длинная дорога. 2. Он хороший студент. Он лучший студент. Он самый лучший студент. 3. Студенты выполнили трудное упражнение. Студенты выполнили более трудное упражнение. Студенты выполнили самое трудное упражнение. 4. Ник прочитал интересную книгу. Миша прочитал более интересную книгу, чем Ник. Саша прочитал самую интересную книгу. 5. Моя комната в общежитии очень удобная. Его комната удобнее. Её комната самая удобная.


X. Use the appropriate form of the adjective given in brackets:

1. Kiev is one of (large) cities in the world. 2. Education brings people (close) to each other. 3. Our lecturer lives in (far) of our town. 4. A foreign language helps to know the native language (good). 5. Where is (near) library? 6. This student is (tall) in our group. 7. These are our (short) holidays. 8. Your test paper is (bad) that mine. 9. This is (expensive) book of them all. 10. It is (cold) here than in Kyiv.


XI. Fill in the blanks using as … as, not so … as, than:

1. The climate of the Ukraine is not … cold … that of Siberia. 2. The weather is not … bad … I had expected. 3. He doesn’t drive … careful … she. 4. In winter days are shorter … nights. 5. Spring here is more pleasant … autumn. 6. The building of our University is … old that of yours. 7. You speak English … fast … I do. 8. This book is not … interesting … that one. 9. Your classroom is … light … mine. 10. My brother’s English is not … good … Nick’s.


XII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Английский язык не труднее французского. 2. Кто лучший студент в вашей группе? 3. Сегодня у нас меньше занятий, чем вчера. 4. Иностранный язык помогает лучше знать свой язык. 5. Английский язык – один из наиболее важных языков в современном мире. 6. Система высшего образования представлена университетами и институтами. 7. Мы получаем больше знаний об этом мире с помощью образования. 8. Я читаю также много книг, как и ты. 9. Эта аудитория не такая светлая, как ваша. 10. Экзаменационная сессия – самое напряженное время у студентов. 11. Многие студенты считают самым трудным предметом математику. 12. Сегодня у вас самая интересная лекция.


XIII. Form the adverbs from the following adjectives by adding suffix –ly. Translate them into Russian:

Shaky, rosy, greedy, clumsy, busy, pretty, happy, angry, shy, dry, complete, nervous, clever, absolute, real, strange, free, uncomfortable, polite, careful, wonderful.

XIV. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adverbs:

Heavily, hard, gaily, fast, cheerfully, politely, late, shyly, far, dryly, peaceably, happily.


XV. Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets:

1. I suppose actions speak (loud) than words. 2. She spoke very (sadly) and (slowly). 3. He works (little) than I do. 4. Sasha knows English literature (well) than Kate does. 5. I work (hard) than my brother does. 6. We like pop music (well). 7. They know mathematics (badly) than we do.


XVI. Translate the adverbs in brackets into English:

1. He could (едва) speak. 2. The geologist dag too (глубоко) to find oil. 3. He will be here at ten (ровно). 4. He spoke (резко) to the students to go into the auditorium. 5. Her eyes opened (широко). 6. It is (широко) known that Alex is the best sportsman in our town. 7. It is (весьма) probable that they are in the Crimea now.


XVII. Open the brackets using adjective or adverb:

1. She speaks English (perfect / perfectly). 2. He speaks (perfect / perfectly) English. 3. When I saw Emma for the last time, she looked (unhappy / unhappily). 4. They got married and lived (happy / happily). 5. Dean bought a new house and was very (happy / happily) about it. 6. Ann looked at me (sad / sadly) and said that she had no money. 7. The news was (surprising / surprisingly). 8. I’m (terrible / terribly) sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. 9. He spoke so (quick / quickly), that I (hard / hardly) understood what he wanted. 10. Kate is a (careful / carefully) driver. 11. I want to talk to you (serious / seriously). 12. Nick has a (serious / seriously) problem. We must help him.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 659. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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