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Additional task

I. Read the text and find answers to the following ques­tions:

1) In which country is this city located?

2) What is the population of the city?

3) Who was the founder of the city?



Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Its population is a little over 330,000. It attracts tourists for unique land­scapes, natural and historical monuments, animal world, and the culture of the aboriginal peoples.

In 1908 debates rose about the city to become the Austra­lian capital. The choice had to be made between two largest cities: Sydney and Melbourne. However, it wasn't an easy task to make a choice. As a compromise it was decided to build the third city. This city was named Canberra which in the language of Australia's local people means "meeting place". It was officially established on March 12, 1913. Nowadays Canberrans celebrate the birthday of their city on the third Monday in March.

Canberra is situated in the province of New South Wales, one hundred and fifty kilometers from the east coast and three hundred kilometers away from Sydney, the largest Aus­tralian city. Canberra is a planned city built after the design of the famous Chicago architect Walter Burley Griffin. Griffin's design was chosen after an international competition for the design of the city was launched, and over a hundred designs were reviewed. The original plan included lots of green spaces, cathedrals, squares, roads, long avenues, and a lake, which was formed in the center of the city by the Molonglo River. In the middle of the lake there is a fountain pushing the water to the height of nearly seventy meters!

The city consists of seven districts as well as of many smaller suburbs. By the way, the main transport highways go around the city and form so called "circles" which make the traffic easier. For its significant areas of natural vegetation Canberra is sometimes called "the Bush City". The trees and plants were brought to Canberra from different countries of the world: there are Russian birches and bird cherry, Canadian pines and Japanese cherry.


II. How are citizens of the city called?


          R R     S


How are citizens of the country called?

                A N S

III. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

Mayor City boundaries
Constituency Neighborhood
Legislative assembly Satellite towns
Seat of government Suburbs
Headquarters Outskirts
Administering body City skyline
Municipal government Skyscraper
Unit Aerial of the city

IV. Learn about sister-cities and write down the country:

Nara, J……………..

Versailles, F……….

Dili, East T…………


V. Make up your own dialogues using the following questions about Australia and Canberra:

a) What is Australia?

b) What is the largest Australian city?

c) Is Canberra a relatively young city?

d) Why is Canberra called “the Bush City”?

e) What unique animals live in Australia?

f) What is the Floriada?

g) Name sister-cities of Canberra?



I. Read and translate the following group of words:

The second largest country, independent nation, English ancestry, French ancestry, ethnic groups, urban areas, reminder of the population, to be composed of, major problems, indigenous people, to make up, to pay attention.


II. Translate from English into Russian the following words of the same root:

Constitution – to constitute – constitutional – constitutionally – constitutive; government - governmental – governor – to govern – governance – governable; to live - liver – livelihood – livable – lively; to vary – variation – variational – variety - varying; to speak – speaker – speaking – speakingly.



III. Read and translate the text:


Canada is the second largest country in the world. About 28 million people live in Canada. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. Canada is an independent nation.

Canada's people are varied. About 57 % of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32 % have some French ancestry. Both English and French are official languages of the country. English is spoken by 60% of population; French is spoken by 23 % of people. French Canadians, most of whom live in the provinces of Quebec, have kept the language and customs of their ancestors. Other large ethnic groups are German, Irish and Scottish people. Native people - American Indians and Eskimos - make up about 2 % of the country's population. 77 % of Canada's people live in cities or towns. Toronto and Montreal are the lar­gest urban areas.

During the 1970s and 1980s the proportion of Asians among the Canadian po­pulation increased, and today those who count their ancestry as wholly Asian make up 8 to 10 percent of the population. More than two-thirds of the Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The remainder of the population is com­posed of people of various ethnic groups, such as German, Ita­lian, Ukrainian, Netherlands Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, and Native American. Blacks have never constituted a major segment of the Canadian population. In­digenous people make up nearly 2 percent of Canada's inha­bitants.

Today, maintaining a sense of community is one of the major problems in Canada because of differences among the provinces and territories. Many Canadians in western and eas­tern parts of the country feel that the federal government does not pay enough attention to their problems. 80 % of Quebec's population are French Canadians. Many of them believe that their province should receive a special recognition in the Ca­nadian constitution.


IV. Words to be learnt:

population – население

ancestry – происхождение

custom – обычай

urban – городской

to maintain – сохранять

recognition - признание


Lexical Exercises:


I. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1. nation 1. увеличивать
2. to keep 2. почти
3. native 3. конституция
4. to increase 4. смысл
5. nearly 5. нация
6. to constitute 6. чувство
7. sense 7. держать
8. to believe 8. верить
9. attention 9. составлять
10. to receive 10. коренной
  11. получать
  12. внимание


II. Use the proper preposition where necessary:

1. … 28 million people live … Canada.

2. English is spoken … 60% of population; French is spoken … 23 % of people.

3. … the 1970s and 1980s the proportion of Asians … the Canadian po­pulation increased, and today those who count their ancestry as wholly Asian make up 8 to 10 percent … the population.

4. Many … them believe that their province should receive a special recognition … the Ca­nadian constitution.

5. Blacks have never constituted a major segment … the Canadian population.


III. Complete the beginning of the following sentences:

1. … are official languages of the country.

2. … have kept the language and customs of their ancestors.

3. … make up about 2 % of the country's population.

4. … such as German, Ita­lian, Ukrainian, Netherlands Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, and Native American.

5. … feel that the federal government does not pay enough attention to their problems.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. How many people live in Canada?

2. What are the official languages in Canada?

3. How many people speak English?

4. How many people speak French?

5. What is the main problem facing Canada today?


V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Канада – это вторая по величине страна в мире. Только Россия имеет большую площадь.

2. Канада – это независимое государство, которое является федерацией 10 провинций и 2 территорий.

3. Как английский, так и французский являются государственными языками страны.

4. Сегодня сохранение чувства общности является главной проблемой Канады.

5. Французские канадцы считают, что провинция должна получить специальное признание в канадской конституции.

6. Расовый и этнический состав Канады разнообразен.

7. Квебек – место проживания французоговорящих канадцев.

8. Они хранят свой язык, культуру и традиции.

9. Чернокожие никогда не составляли существенную часть канадского населения.

10. Почти 13% канадцев заявляют, что не исповедуют никакой религии.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 448. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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