Студопедия — Group A
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Group A

Ada - is an advanced, modern programming language, designed and standardized to support and strongly encourage widely recognized software engineering principles: reliability, portability, modularity, reusability, programming as a human activity, efficiency, maintainability, information hiding, abstract data types, concurrent programming, object-oriented programming, etc. Ada does not allow the dangerous practices or effects of old languages, although it does provide standardized mechanisms to interface with other languages such as Fortran, Color, and C.

BARSIC (Business And Research Scientific Interactive Calculator) is new programming language for education, research and business. It is a powerful tool to develop applications for mathematical simulation, data processing and visualization, numerical calculations and computer animation. Maine field of BARSIC applications is Physics and Mathematical Physics

HotTEA - HotTEA is an implementation of the BASIC language written in Java. You can implement applications for Internet or Intranet systems in a fraction of the time it takes to learn JAVA but with all the inherent cross-platform and security features that JAVA provides.

A COBOL Interpreter - COBOL Interpreter is a compact and easy to use. Currently still under development, this interpreter implements some new language features that are very useful. One such feature is the DELIMITED WITH option on the OPEN statement. Using this feature you can quickly develop simple COBOL data conversion programs to convert data that would normally require manually importing data into a database or spreadsheet product and then exporting the data to a file with the required format. Interpreted COBOL programs are very useful when interfaces need be built to convert delimited text file data provided by one system to a different file format required by the interfacing system.


Group B

EIFFEL - is a pure object-oriented language, designed for building robust applications, using programming by contract. Eiffel is an advanced object-oriented method and language that emphasizes the design and construction of high-quality reusable software, based on the principles of Design by Contract.

Java & JDK - An object oriented language initially targeted in making nicer web page. It has evolved into much more. It is becoming known as a computing platform — the base upon which software developers can build applications. Developers can build a variety of applications using Java — traditional spreadsheets and word processors in addition to mission critical applications used by the biggest companies: accounting, asset management, databases, human resources and sales.

LISP- high-level language for:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. This includes giving expert advice, understanding a natural language, speaking like a human, and recognizing complex patterns like handwriting. The 3 most useful AI Programs today are Expert Systems (solve real world problems by following the same IF/THEN rules a human expert follows), Natural Language (focuses on getting computers to understand spoken or typed language), and Neural Networks (a digitized model of a human brain, simulated in the binary memory of computer).

Modula-3 - is a member of the Pascal family of languages. Designed in the late 1980s at Digital Equipment Corporation and Olivetti, Modula-3 corrects many of the deficiencies of Pascal and Modula-2 for practical software engineering. In particular, Modula-3 keeps the simplicity of type safety of the earlier languages, while providing new facilities for exception handling, concurrency, object-oriented programming, and automatic garbage collection. Modula-3 is both a practical implementation language for large software projects and an excellent teaching language.


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