Did You Know
- Whether you do it alone or with a bunch of people, this really works! Here's a true story: -At the Washington School in Berkeley, California, the students decided that their schoolyard - a big, ugly blacktop surrounded by an ugly chain link fence – needed a lot of attention. -With the help of their parents and teachers, they raised money and made plans. -They divided their schoolyard into tree parts. One part was kept as a pavement for playing, one part was made into a maze and a place for wooden play structures, and one part was turned into a nature area. -In the nature area, kids planted trees, flowers, grass and a vegetable garden. They even made two ponds. Eventually, the ugly metal fence was covered with flowering vines. -Soon the schoolyard had become a place the students were proud of.
Exercises: 1Whether the sentences are true or false? a)The students in Berkley, California, decided that their sports ground needed a lot of attention b)They divided the schoolyard into three parts. c)One part of the schoolyard was turned into a nature area d)Kids planted trees, flowers, grass, they even made a pond e)Soon the schoolyard turned into a beautiful place. 2 Draw a plan of the schoolyard. 3 Answer the questions: a)What helps to save the soil? b)What do flowers attract? c)Why are shrubs and trees useful? d)What should you hang to attract birds?
Text 3 Dandelions.
It is widely believed that the name “Dandelion” comes from the French “dent de lion”, which means “lions tooth”. Unlike most other plants, dandelions are able to pollinate themselves. Many people think of the dandelion as a troublesome weed, but dandelions can also be used for a variety of purposes. All parts of the dandelion plant can be used to make various products. Young leaves are often used in salads. The flower can be used to make wine and the roots can be used to make dandelions coffee. Dandelions greens are a good source of vitamins and minerals such Vit A, Vit C, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron and potassium. Dandelions are grown as a commercial crop in many countries. The leaves of a dandelion grow out from the center in a circular pattern called a “rosette”. This pattern causes all of the water that falls on the plant to be directed toward the central taproot. The roots of a dandelion center around a long, thick center root called a “taproot”. The taproot of some dandelions may extend more than 90 (3ft) into the soil. The blossom of a dandelion may look like a single flower, but it is actually a cluster of dozens of tiny flowers called “florets”. A single dandelion blossom may contain as many as 100 to 200 florets. Dandelion blossoms close every night and reopen in the morning. After pollination a dandelion blossom closes and remain closed for about a week. During this time the flower petals are pushed out and replaced by seeds tapped with feathery hairs called “pappuses”. The bud reopens and the familiar “puff ball” appears. Dandelion seeds may travel great distances before they finally hit the ground. The seed case of a dandelion is covered with tiny hooks that help the seed attach to the soil when it lands. Scientists believe the dandelion originated in Europe or Asia. Dandelions were brought to North America during colonial times.
Exercises: -1Translate the text in the written form.
Text 4