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Ex 17 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian


add, drive, behave (2), behaviour, fill (2), seem, hurt (2), climb v, search v, frighten, approach v, attention, careful, careless, proper, calm


1. When speaking of the incident he was — not to mention any names. He didn't want to — anybody's feelings, he said. 2. The speaker had covered the subject so well that there was really nothing to —. 3. Though I know her to be greatly disturbed by the news, she — in her usual — way. 4. It was a very old house and lots of things about it needed immediate —. 5. The news — her heart with sadness. 6. I'm not much good at — yet, I just got my driver's license. 7. He's either absent-minded or just plain —, I don't really know which. 8. I was sure that the explanation for his strange — was to be looked for in his past. 9. The storm had — the child. 10. He — his pockets for the note. It was nowhere to be found. 11. What's the hurry? Everything will come in its — time. 12. The boy — up the apple tree and — his pockets with apples. 13. The remark was sarcastic and meant to —, and it did. 14. He's a very understanding person and can be safely — on the subject. 15. We were glad to hear that our friend had — extremely well in the difficult situation. 16. Though they had just met, it — to her that she had known him all her life.

Ex 18 Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.


It was the end of May and nothing had been done during the (истекшие) five weeks about paying Kathyanne. Each time she spoke about it, Madgie Pugh (приходила в возбуждение) and said she (слишком занята, чтобы обсуждать этот вопрос). That had been going on week after week and Kathyanne did not understand why Madgie (отказывалась) to do anything about it.

" I don't want to talk about it, " Madgie said that morning when Kathyanne (напомнила) her once more that she had not been paid. " I've told you that we'll discuss it when the (подходящее) time comes."

" But, Miss Madgie, " Kathyanne said, " I've got to get (по крайней мере) part of my pay now. Aunt Hazel is ill. My brother's not working —."

" Well, why isn't he working? " she (вмешалась). " It's those coloured people who (приносят все неприятности). Make your good-for-nothing brother get out and go to work! "

Kathyanne (не пыталась) to answer her. She knew better. She tried to think of some way to ask Madgie for the money without (расстраивая) her.

Madgie (поднялась) to leave.

" Miss Madgie, " she said " Miss Madgie, please, it's about my pay."

" Oh, yes, " Madgie smiled. " I'll be back, Kathyanne."

Madgie's manner had been so unexpectedly pleasant when she (упомянула) her pay that she wondered what such a sudden (перемена) (могла означать).

Madgie walked into the kitchen with an armful of old clothes.

She (рылась) among them until she pulled out an old hat which she (бросила) on top.

" There! " she said. " I'd almost forgotten about these nice things. These are very (дорогие) dresses. I hate to give them away." She looked at Kathyanne. " Don't just stand there! Aren't you going to thank me for all this? Say something, Kathyanne! "

Kathyanne tried not to show how (разочарована) she was. She knew she had to be (осторожна) about what she said if she wanted to get (no крайней мере) part of the money.

" (В чем дело)? " Madgie was looking at her (внимательно). " You (ведешь себя странно). You haven't said a word, Kathyanne."

" I can't take these things for my pay, Miss Madgie, " she said with determination. " I (нужны) the money, I (не нужны) your old clothes. I'll just have to leave and (искать) a job somewhere else."

" You'll do no such thing! " Madgie cried. " I won't let you leave and tell the (всему) town that I tried to make you take my old clothes. I have a social position (которое мне нужно поддерживать). You'll slay where you are, Kathyanne. You understand? "

" But please, Miss Madgie —"

" You coloured people are bad in your ways, that's why you're always (задерживаетесь) in your payments and everything. (Сами виноваты.)"

Madgie (подошла) a little nearer. Her voice (поднялся) in a loud hysterical cry. " I've wanted to say this for a long time, and now I've got the (возможность) (наконец). There's nothing I hate more than a dirty nigger! "

There was a long silence.

" I'm sorry, Miss Madgie, " Kathyanne said in her clear voice, " but I can't work for you any more after this — after what you've said."

" I (предупреждаю) you Kathyanne Bazemore that if you walk out of this house now, you will never have another job in this town. I'll say you're (бесчестная), (лживая), and immoral. When I (покончу с тобой), you'll be out of work (до конца) your life."

Madgie was white with anger.

" I'll have to get along somehow, " Kathyanne said (спокойно), " because I'm going to leave. I'm sorry, Miss Madgie, but I'll have to now, I couldn't stay after this."

" I (предупредила) you, " Madgie cried. " If you breathe a word of this — just wait and see what (произойдет)." She (спрятала) her face in her hands and began to cry. " Please say you won't tell. І (не смогу вынести) that kind of talk about me. (Обещай) you won't tell, Kathyanne! "

Kathyanne closed the door (за собой), ran down the steps, and then walked away into the bright warm sunshine of the May morning.

(After " Place Called Estherville" by Erskine Caldwell)

Ex 19 Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below.

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