Студопедия — Unit 2. Health and safety
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Unit 2. Health and safety



Safety – безопасность, техника безопасности

Accident - несчастный случай, травма

Hygiene – гигиена

In advance - заранее

Hazardous - опасный

Scaffolding – установка строительных лесов

Voltage – величина электрического напряжения

First aid – оказание первой медицинской помощи

Deasease - заболевание

A building site can be a dangerous place because machinery, hazardous materials, scaffolding create risks for people. To reduce accidents it is important to work out the safest methods rules in advance and follow them.

First of all, you should wear suitable proper working clothes such as overalls, strong or rubber boots and keep them in secure place. If you work in excavations you must wear a hard hat to protect your head. Moreover, put support against the sides of the excavation so that the soil cannot fall on you. Excavations should be expected daily before work and especially after heavy rain.

The dangerous materials, such as explosives, petrol and others must be listed, controlled and stored in a locked compound.

The wiring must be inspected regularly and the voltage should be reduced to avoid electric shocks on a site.

Working on scaffolding is very dangerous to prevent accidents experts must erect scaffolding to the biggest safety standards. Workers on scaffolding must always be careful and check the position of scaffolding.

Working with bricks, blocks, cement is unsafe but you need to be careful of yourself and wear protective gloves to safety your hands from skin diseases and also wear protective mask.

All dangerous places in construction must be surrounded by secure barriers. There must be a box of first aid with plasters, bandages, ointment and disinfectant to deal with broken bones, burns and electricity shocks. The site should employ someone who is experienced at first aid.

In conclusion, a healthy building site will have adequate rest and sanitation facilities. Remember about health and hygiene of workers and organize WCs, dry areas to prepare food and wash hands.

The rules mentioned above must be kept and known by everyone on the site.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to work out the safest rules in advance?

2. What are the suitable clothes on a building site?

3. What and why should be kept in a box of first aid?

4. Explain what facilities make a healthy site.



1) Match the Russian and English equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1.scaffolding 2.trench 3. overall 4.excavation 5.shallow 6.to blast out 7.cellulose thinner 8.caustic cleaner 9.compound 10.temporary lighting 11.timber props 12.wheelbarrow 13.reinforced concrete 14.fibre cement 15.ointment 16.disinfectant   a.временное освещение b. взрывать c. деревянная стойка d. траншея, канава e.неглубокий, мелкий f.разбавитель, разжижитель g.железобетон h.тачка i.спецодежда, рабочий комбинезон j.строительные леса k.выемка грунта, раскопка l.каустическое очистительное ср-во m.соединение, смесь o.дезинфицирующее ср-во p.волокнистый цемент q.мазь, протирание

2) Is it True or False?

The site shouldn’t employ someone who is experienced at first aid.

Working on scaffolding is very dangerous that’s why experts must erect scaffolding to the different standards.

Healthy building sites should have adequate rest and sanitation facilities.

Working with bricks, blocks, cement is safe.

The dangerous materials must be listed, controlled and carefully stored.

3) Translate the following verbs and make up the sentences with them in Present Continuous if it’s possible: F.e. The builders are trenching on the building site now. - To trench- рыть канавы, копать рвы, траншеи

To scaffold

To light

To inhale

To remind

To reduce

To prevent

To carry out

To work out

To improve

4) Form the adjectives using the suffixes: -ous, -ful, -able, -ant, -less, -ive and find the suitable nouns. Translate the phrases.

Danger- Hazard- Important- Suit- Health- Care- Use- Differ- Protect-     gloves/mask materials rules methods standards position fact places clothes



Adapted from Building Construction Principles and Practices by D.Walton., pp.1-4


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