Составьте со следующими словосочетаниями свои предложения
Тhe place of contact, different types, to the source of energy, welding process, gas welding, to join steel to steel. 11. Руководствуясь справочным материалом, разделите приведенные ниже слова следующим образом: 1 колонка – причастия I, 2 колонка – причастие II. Reading, read, done, taught, seen, loving, showed, doing, being found, cleaned, asked, having been found, used, began, had, have repaired. Выпишите из текста все причастия I и II. Переведите их на русский язык. 13. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний: 1. spot welding a. дуговая сварка 2. hammer welding b.горючий газ 3. work piece с. соединять 4. arc welding d. пламя 5. butt welding e. газовая сварка 6. to create f. плавиться 7. combustible gas g. электрическая контактная сварка 8. thermit welding h. создавать 9. to join i. сварка плавлением 10. gas welding j. кузнечная сварка 11. fusion welding k. точечная сварка 12. fusion state l. стыковая сварка 13. flame m. термитная сварка 14. electric resistance welding n. расплавленное состояние 14. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания: 1. Hammer welding is a process.... a) consisting of a chemical reaction. 2. Thermit welding is a process.... b) when to metal parts are melted by an electric arc. c) when two metal parts are joined by force 3. Arc welding is a process.... d) from a power of hammer.
4. In gas welding a combustible a) hydrogen gas must be mixed with.... b) oxygen c) methane. 15. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы: Вопросы 1. What king of process is welding? 2. How are welding processes classified? 3. What is hammer welding? 4. What is arc welding? 5. What is hermit welding? 6. What gases are used in gas welding? Ответы a. It is a process when two work pieces are melted by electric arc. b. A mixture of a combustible gas and oxygen. c. It is a process in which two heated metal parts are joined and fused together by force from a power hammer. d. It is a process consisting of a chemical reaction. e. It is a process of joining together metallic parts by heating the place of contact to the fusion state. f. According to the source of energy, the metals and the state of the metal at the place of welding. Ответьте на вопросы и используйте их в качестве плана при пересказе. 1. What is welding? 2. What are the types of welding? 3. Resistance welding process forms a whole group, doesn’t it? What is it? 4. What is hammer welding? 5. What is arc welding? 6. What is gas welding?