WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. Lifting handle - ручка для подъема microfelt 200 cartridge - фильтрующий фетровый элемент. Lifting handle - ручка для подъема microfelt 200 cartridge - фильтрующий фетровый элемент
lifting handle - ручка для подъема microfelt 200 cartridge - фильтрующий фетровый элемент TEXT Lube oils have the following main properties: The viscosity and viscosity index which is the rate of change of viscosity with temperature. The Total Base Number (TBN) which is an indication of the quantity of alkali, i.e. base available in a lube oil to neutralise acids. The acidity which is measured by the neutralisation number. The oxidation which is also measured by neutralisation number. The carbon forming tendency. The demulsibility which is the ability to mix with water and then release the water in a centrifuge. Ibis propertyjs also related to the tendency to form sludge. Corrosion inhibition which is the ability to protect a surface when water is present in the oil The modem lubricants must perform numerous duties: to prevent metal to metal contact, reduce friction and wear at moving parts, to neutralise the acids and absorb carbon deposits, to absorb water and protect the metal parts from corrosion. This is achieved through blending and additives. There are alkaline, detergent dispersant or extreme pressure (E.P.) additives. Both fuel oils and lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine. This includes storage and heating to allow separation of water present, coarse and fine filtering to remove solid particles and also centrifuging. The centrifugal separator is used to separate two liquids, for example oil and water or a liquid and solids as in contaminated oil. Mechanical separation of solid contaminants from oil systems (fuel and lubricating) is achieved by the use of filters and strainers. A strainer is usually a coarse filter to remove the larger contaminating particles. Magnetic strainers are often used in lubricating oil systems where a large magnet collects any ferrous particles. Fine filters in pairs are used to remove the smallest particles of dirt from oil. TEXT 3