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Should you be LIFTING BUNKERS, please note following precautions to protect your interest in supplied quantity determination: -

1. The quantity of marine fuel delivered shall be determined from the gauging and measurements of the SUPPLYING unit.

2. Do send your representative to witness the following procedure: -

(a) the opening ullage measurement of the supplying tank IMMEDIATELY BEFORE delivery commences.

(b) the closing ullage measurement IMMEDIATELY AFTER deliveryJCompleted.from the supplying tank.

(c) the measurements should be signed by your representative, at both the opening ullage and closing ullage, indicating your acceptance of the figures of measurements.

(d) these would provide the measurements in VOLUME of the quantity supplied.

3. Should there be any dispute on the calculated quantity measurements by WEIGHT, the ullages' measurements, both opening and closing, would provide valuable assistance in the determination of what the quantity should be.

4. Your attention is drawn that should your representative fail to witness the opening and/or the closing ullage measurements, the supplying unit's submission of the shall be deemed to be correct.


This checklist is to be completed by the officer in charge of bunkering and a log entry made Tick if yes  
Prior to the arrival of the bunkering barge or arrival at the bunkering facility      
01 1 Has the bunkering plan been prepared []  
01.2 Are all staff involved familiar with the ships bunkering system [ 1  
01.3 Is the Officer in Charge fully briefed in the sampling procedures. [ ]  
01.4 Has transfer of fuel to minimise the mixing of old with new fuel been completed. [ ]  
01.5 Have soundings of Bunker tanks been taken. [ ]  
016 Is the bunker line drip sampler in working order. [ ]  
01.7 Is the sample collector clean and in position. [ ]  
018 Is the oil spill equipment ready. [ ]  
01 9 Are all scuppers plugged. [ ]  
01.10 Have all air vents been checked. [ ]  
After arrival of the bunkering barge or arrival at the bunkering facility and prior to bunkering: -      
01.11 Is the vessel securely moored. [ ]  
01.12 If bunkering from a barge is the barge securely moored. [ 1  
01 13 Have communications been established between all parties. []  
01, 14 Has the delivery documentation been checked and found to be satisfactory. []  
0115 Have all the barge or bunkering facility tanks been sounded [ 1  
u 1.16 Have the bunker hoses been inspected for damage [ ]  
0117 Have the bunker hoses been identified with the grade of oil. f 1  
01.18 Have drip trays been provided under the hose couplings. [ ]
01.19 Are the hose couplings properly connected with all flange bolts fitted. [ ]
01.20 Are all unused manifolds blanked. [ 1
01.21 Have all bunker lines been checked [ 1
01.22 Have bunker sampling connections been made [ ]
During bunkering: - [ ]
01.23 Are all ships bunker tanks being checked at regular intervals [ 1
01.24 Have the bunkering hoses and lines been checked for leakage [ ]
01.25 Are drip samples being taken over the whole bunkering period. [ ]
On completion ofbunkering: - [ ]
01, 26 Have all ship barge or bunkering facility tanks been sounded and the delivered quantity verified. [ J
01 27 Has the bunker receipt been signed for volume only not for weight received by the Chief Engineer and Master. [ ]
01, 28 Have all lines been drained. [ 1
01.29 Have bunker hoses been disconnected and manifolds blanked. [ J
01.30 Have drip trays been drained. [ ]
01.31 Have the contents of drip sample container been stirred before transfer to the sample bottles. [ ]
01.32 Have the samples been sealed and signed by the supplier's representative [ 1
01.33 Have the sample bottles been labelled in accordance with the instructions. [
01.34 Have samples been despatched to the nearest laboratory within 24 hours. [
01.35 Has the sampling and sealing of the suppliers sample been personally witnessed. NB The ship's staff must not accept the bunker barge or bunkering facility samples unless they have witnessed the sampling- [

Дата добавления: 2014-10-29; просмотров: 540. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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