Студопедия — Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whosecharacter and appearance differ radically
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Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whosecharacter and appearance differ radically

When one sees a tall, broad-shouldered youth, one expects him to be strong-willed and brave. One thinks: 'A model to follow! ' How often a good-looking individual turns out to be petty, weak-willed or even cowardly. Then one thinks: 'A mediocrity! '

At the same time everyone knows that a lot of great people were of a poor build: short and fragile. It did not stop them from display­ing intelligence and courage. Ingenuity does not depend on one's complexion or constitution.

Plump or fat people create an impression of generous and kind personalities. Strangely enough, not rarely they may be thrifty or even greedy. One usually thinks: 'A scrooge! '

On the other hand, thin or slim nervous ladies often tend to be lavish. They like to buy and never think twice when they pay. One thinks: 'I would call her open-handed and Mother would call her a spendthrift'. Yes, mothers are always stricter in judgements.

Has it ever happened to you that you come to an important of­fice and see an important boss? You immediately evaluate his looks: 'Round-faced, small narrow eyes, dimples on the cheeks and an up­turned nose. What a kind-hearted person! A simpleton! ' You tell the boss of your troubles and expect immediate help. But the boss ap­pears to be rude, harsh and wilful. You never get your help and think: 'A stone heart and an iron fist'.

When someone sees a delicately built pretty blonde with curly hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and a high forehead, one is inclined to think that the beauty is intelligent and nice. It may be disappoin­ting to think later 'What a stupid, capricious, impolite bore! '

On the contrary, when one sees a skinny brunette with ugly ir­regular features — a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes and

thin lips, strange thoughts come to one's head; because it is the im­age of evil people — cruel and cunning. It may be a relief some time later to find her a clever, gentle and good-mannered lady and think: 'What charm! A heart of gold! '

Another general misconception lies in the fact that children are always expected to resemble their parents. And parents like it when children take after them. Relatives like to compare moles, the shape of noses, etc. The greatest compliment is: " They are as like as two peas'. The greatest disappointment is to find nothing in common. We want to deny people their exclusiveness, we don't want to admit that nature has selected other options from an enormous genetic fund developed over generations. Why do we like our copies? Who knows!

Nature likes to play tricks on us. But don't you think it is a pre­sent on the part of nature? Life becomes not a boring routine, but a brilliant kaleidoscope of characters and appearances which often clash.

1. Do you agree that appearances are deceptive? Tell your classmates about your own experience.

2. Do you think it is worth judging by appearances? Give your reasons.

3. Look at the pictures below and choose the right word from the lists to describe the shape of one's face, eyes, nose, chin, lips, forehead.


a) oval b) round c) long d) square


a) almond b) slanting c) round d) narrow


a) aquiline b) hooked c) straight d) upturned


a) protruding b) split c) double d) pointed


a) thin b) plump c) thick d) heart-shaped


a) wrinkled b) narrow c) balding d) high

4. Find people among your relatives who resemble one another. Describe their appearance.

5. Say a few words about your character. Do you take after your parents?


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1281. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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