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Употребите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени

1) Sport is popular in our country.

2) My friend goes in for sports.

3) I watch TV sport programs.

4) Many international competitions take place in Moscow.

5) My friend is a champion in wrestling.

Образуйте прилагательные от следующих слов по образцу.

Образец: care – careful – careless.

Use, hope, truth, beauty, rain, harm, colour, thought, meaning, power, tune, delight.

Урок 3

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The history of the Olympic Games

According to Homer, Pelops, the God of Fertility staged the most memorable games in antiquity in 1370 B.C. Later on the games were organized several times more. They can be considered the previous types of sport games which are known as the Olympics.

The founder of modern Olympics was a Frenchman, Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. Keeping with the romantic notion of the Olympic revival, it was decided to hold the first Olympic Games in Athens, in Greece. It was in 1896. Only 12 countries were represented there. Despite many problems which existed in Athens, the Olympic Games had been introduced to stop wars. The main motto of the Olympics was: Faster! Higher! Stronger!

From that time the Olympics were held more or less regularly, depending on the political situation on the continent and in European countries. In 1990 they were held in Paris, in 1992 – in Alberwill, in 1994 – in Lillehammer, in 1998 – in Nogano and so on and so forth.

The 22nd Olympic Games were organized in Moscow. Our sportsmen were very brave and strong and won 60 gold, 64 silver and 49 bronze medals there. There were the best results among other national teams.

The modern Olympics were organized to encourage peace and friendship in the world and to promote amateur kinds of sport among sportsmen of different countries. The Olympics symbol consists of five interlocking rings that represent the continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. The rings are black, blue, green, red and yellow.

The flag of every country competing in the games has at least one of these colours. The Olympic Games are held every two years now in winter and in summer. They contribute much to the struggle for peace, understanding and trust among people all over the world. Next Winter Olympic Games will be held in our country in Sochi. All our sportsmen are going to take an active part in it. We are proud of our country and our sportsmen.


Homer Гомер
the god of Fertility бог плодородия
memorable games незабываемые игры
notion значение
in keeping в соответствии
motto девиз
struggle for peace борьба за мир

Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What is the prehistory of the Olympics?

2) Who was the founder of the Olympics?

3) What is the historical role of the Olympics?

4) What was the motto of the Olympics?

5) Do the Olympics help to promote understanding among nations?

2. Употребите следующие предложения в настоящем и будущем неопределённом времени (Present Simple and Future Tenses). (Не забудьте изменить обстоятельства времени или наречия.)

1) The Olympic Games were very popular in many countries.

2) The motto of the contest was “Stronger! Higher and faster! ”

3) She did her training every day.

4) My brother played tennis yesterday.

5) We liked to watch TV match.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 980. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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