Вставьте подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы
1) A lot of children … play football. 2) Nick … run long distances. 3) I … do my morning exercises. 4) You... go there at once. 5) …you show me a new style of boxing? 6) You … do it now. Переведите следующие предложения. 1) Ты можешь помочь мне? 2) Я должна идти домой. 3) Когда ты должна быть дома? 4) Ты можешь взять мой футбольный мяч. 5) Тебе следует знать правила игры. 6) Не нужно делать такие трудные упражнения. 7) Ты мог бы написать об этом раньше. Перепишите следующие предложения, используя Present Progressive Tense. Например: He always runs in the morning. He is running now. 1) We play football. 2) The girl reads English book. 3) Who speaks English? 4) Somebody scores the goal. 5) The sportsman opens the window. 6) Americans play a lot of basketball. 7) The universities compete against each other. Вставьте much или many, a lot в следующих предложениях. 1) Don’t play football…. 2) We have … books. 3) There are … players in the team. 4) …of the answers were excellent. 5) We have … time for a game. 6) They usually train…. 7) How … players are the team made up?
Урок 7 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Basketball Basketball is a very popular game in America. The official basketball season is usually during the winter, but it is game which can be played at any time of the year. Basketball is played on a court. The game is played with a large ball about 30 inches. A team is made up of five players. In the United States, teams compete in basketball at many levels. There is a professional league called the National Basketball Association (NBA), primary and secondary schools and universities compete against each other, and in many towns there are local leagues in which anyone who wishes may play in a team. Basketball is also popular spectators’ sport. Many Americans like to watch basketball games in arenas and on television. Basketball is a very exciting game which can be played formally, in a league, or casually, just for enjoyment. It is easy to organize a game wherever there is a court, and many Americans play a lot of basketball for exercise and recreation. We may say that it is a sport and pleasure.
Переведите следующие предложения и определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого. 1) I used to read books. 2) The text was read by many students. 3) The game starts at 6 in the evening. 4) The players were seen in the field. 5) The play will be seen by a lot of people. 6) This game is played all the year round.