Студопедия — Choose the correct verb for each blank. contributes, have, have to master, gives, was founded, has
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Choose the correct verb for each blank. contributes, have, have to master, gives, was founded, has

contributes, have, have to master, gives, was founded, has

1) While studying the students of our faculty … practical work at the experimental training farm and at different enterprises of our region.

2) It … in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute.

3) An educated person … more to the society and education … a person the prospect for professional advance.

4) Our Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff.

5) While studying the students of our faculty … many interesting and important subjects.


5. Say if statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct False statements.

1) On graduating from the Academy, I’ll receive a degree of mechanical engineer.

2) An educated person doesn’t contribute more to the society and education gives a person the prospect for professional advance.

3) While studying the students of our faculty have practical work at the experimental training farm and at different enterprises of our region.

4) The Agro-Technology Institute was established in 1995 on the basis of the Agronomy faculty.

5) The tasks of Land engineers are to study and estimate not only arable lands, soil structure, fertility, but all the lakes, rivers, mountains, forests and all the units, located on its territory too.



Text D “Farm product -processing faculty (Agro engineering)”

I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. It was founded in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute. It got the title of the Academy on 3rd April, 1995.

I am a second-year student of the Farm product-processing faculty (Agro engineering) of the Agro-Technology Institute. Our faculty was founded in 2001. I am a full-time student. Our faculty trains technologists.

The Agro-Technology Institute was established in 2000. Our Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff. At present, there are five faculties at the Agro-Technology Institute.

We study many subjects, which are interesting and necessary for our future speciality. They are Mathematics, English, chemistry, vegetable growing, plant growing, soil science, ecology, automation of agriculture and many others. All these subjects help us to become qualified specialists.

I find my future speciality to be very useful, actual and necessary not only for our region but the state too. So it requires deep knowledge in all branches of agriculture.

As a matter of fact, the main tasks of a technologist are to find out and master different ways and methods of processing farm products, to increase food production and improve its quality.

Thus, nowadays a technologist is both an engineer, a biologist and an organizer of agricultural production. He must know various up-to-date problems, besides he must also know different kinds of machines and automation.

A technologist is responsible for human life, health, prosperity because he is closely connected with food and natural materials used both for nutrition and medicine.

While studying the student of our faculty have practical work at the experimental training farm and different processing plants. They carry out their experiments and research work in special laboratories and on experimental plots.

A technologist has a chance to use his deep knowledge working at different plants and enterprises of our region. Different processing enterprises are always eager to get our qualified specialists.

I think I like my future speciality and find it to be very useful and important.


1. Memorize the following words and expressions:

1) to be founded = to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)

2) farm product- processing – переработка с/х продукции

3) to increase – повышать, увеличивать

4) to be responsible for – быть ответственным за

5) prosperity – благосостояние, процветание

6) to be busy – быть занятым

7) to carry out – выполнять, проводить

8) vegetable growing – овощеводство

9) plant growing – растениеводство

10) soil science – почвоведение

11) to require – требовать

12) branches of agriculture – области сельского хозяйства

13) to improve – улучшать

14) up-to-date – актуальный, современный

15) to be connected with – быть связанным с

16) nutrition – питание, пища

17) enterprise – предприятие

18) experimental plot – опытный участок земли, делянка


2. Answer the following questions:


1) Where do you study?

2) When was your higher educational establishment founded?

3) What year-student are you?

4) What faculty do you study at?

5) When was your faculty founded?

6) What specialists does your faculty train?

7) When was the Agro-Technology Institute established?

8) How many faculties are there at the Institute now?

9) Do you find your future speciality to be actual?

10) What main subjects do you study while being a student?

11) What are the main tasks of a technologist?

12) What is a technologist is responsible for?

13) Where do the students of your faculty have practical work?

14) What chance has a technologist on graduating from the Academy?

15) Do you like your future speciality? Why?


3. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy.

2) Our faculty was founded in 2001.

3) At present, there are five faculties at the Agro-Technology Institute.

4) Our faculty trains technologists.

5) While studying the student of our faculty have practical work at the experimental training farm and different processing plants.


4. Complete the following sentences:

1) I am a second-year student of ….

2) As a matter of fact, the main tasks of a technologist are ….

3) A technologist has a chance to use ….

4) He must know various up-to-date problems, besides ….

5) We study many subjects, which ….

6) The Agro-Technology Institute was established in ….

7) I think I like my future speciality and ….


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