Студопедия — My Speciality
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My Speciality

The Agro –Technology Institute

Text A “Agronomy faculty”

I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. It was founded in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute. It got the title of the Academy on 3rd April, 1995.

I am a second-year student of the Agronomy faculty of the Agro-Technology Institute. Agronomy faculty was founded in 1959. It is the oldest faculty of our Academy.

The Agro-Technology Institute was established in 2000. Our Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff. At present, there are five faculties at the Agro-Technology Institute.

Our faculty trains agronomists for all branches of agriculture. We study many subjects, which are interesting and necessary for our future speciality. They are botany, soil science, plant protection, chemistry, vegetable growing, ecology, English, philosophy and others.

The word “agronomy” comes from the Greek “agronomos” which means field. Agronomy is the science about crop growing. Every student of agriculture must know how a plant grows. He must study the principle parts of the plants and their functions.

As a matter of fact, plants play a very important part in our life. They give us all necessary things such as food and clothing.

The soil is the basis of agriculture. Enough food for all the people can be grown if there is sufficient good soil for crops to produce high yields.

An agronomist is a technologist of agricultural production. His tasks are to obtain high yields of crops, to grow two ears instead of one. He must also take care of arable crops: fodder for dairy and beef cattle and raw material for industry. The modern state of farming requires deep knowledge from specialists.

Modern agronomy is the science about living organisms, plants, their functions and their uses. The knowledge of chemistry, land reclamation, mechanization is also very important.

The students of our faculty carry out their experiments and research work in special laboratories and on experimental plots.

On graduating from the Academy, I’ll become an agronomist. I like my future speciality and find it to be very interesting and useful.


1. Memorize the following words and expressions:

1) to be founded = to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)

2) soil science – почвоведение

3) plant protection – защита растений

4) vegetable growing – овощеводство

5) clothing – одежда

6) sufficient – достаточный

7) to obtain – получать

8) ear – колос, початок

9) arable crop – возделываемая культура

10) fodder – фураж, корм

11) dairy cattle – молочный скот

12) beef cattle – мясной скот

13) to require – требовать

14) land reclamation – мелиорация земель

15) to carry out – выполнять, проводить

16) research work – научно-исследовательская работа

17) experimental plot – опытный участок земли, делянка


2. Answer the following questions:


1) Where do you study?

2) When was your higher educational establishment founded?

3) What faculty do you study at?

4) What year student are you?

5) What specialists does your faculty train?

6) What subjects do you study?

7) What is agronomy?

8) What must every student of agriculture know?

9) Plants play a very important part in our life, don’t they?

10) What do plants provide us with?

11) What is the basis of agriculture?

12) What are the main tasks of an agronomist?

13) What is modern agronomy?

14) Where do the students of your faculty carry out their experiments and research work?

15) Do you like your future speciality? Why?


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