Студопедия — Sure You are wrong. Quite right No, I don’t think that’s correct
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Sure You are wrong. Quite right No, I don’t think that’s correct

Quite right No, I don’t think that’s correct

1) The Agro-ecology faculty trains Agro ecologists.

2) My future speciality is connected with the environmental protection of grasslands and landscapes.

3) There are no harmful factors on the environment nowadays.

4) Plants breathe carbon dioxide.

5) Chemical fertilizers are used both in farm and private agriculture.

6) I’m a fourth-year student of the Economy faculty.

7) The students of our faculty carry out their experiments and research work at different plants.


5. Complete the following sentences:

1) Water pollution is also ….

2) By the environment we understand the whole ….

3) Soil pollution is one of the main ….

4) My future speciality is connected ….

5) It is necessary to establish ….

6) We breathe the oxygen ….

7) In recent years, it has become clear that if the present rate of pollution ….



Text C “Land Cadastre faculty”

I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. It was founded in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute. It got the title of the Academy on 3rd April, 1995.

I am a second-year student of theLand Cadastre faculty of the Agro-Technology Institute. Our faculty was founded in 2001. I am a full-time student. Our faculty trains Land engineers.

The Agro-Technology Institute was established in 2000. Our Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff. At present, there are five faculties at the Agro-Technology Institute.

I find my future speciality to be very useful, actual and necessary not only for our region but the state too. So it requires deep knowledge in all branches of agriculture.

While studying the students of our faculty have to master many interesting and important subjects. They are chemistry, biology, physics, Philosophy, English and different special subjects, as land management, land use, soil science, ecology, vegetable growing, plant growing, Land Act and others. We can learn skills, which fit us for a better career in future. An educated person contributes more to the society and education gives a person the prospect for professional advance.

I think my future speciality is important, especially nowadays, after the State Duma approved Land Code.

The tasks of Land engineers are to study and estimate not only arable lands, soil structure, fertility, but all the lakes, rivers, mountains, forests and all the units, located on its territory too.

A very important task is to register various land documents, to elaborate and control land Acts and regulations, measures and projects of environmental protection, to make the land registers of definite territories.

All land resources are the subject of interest and concern of land cadastre specialists.

While studying the students of our faculty have practical work at the experimental training farm and at different enterprises of our region.

On graduating from the Academy, I’ll get a degree of Land engineer. I think I like my future speciality and find it to be very useful and important.


1. Memorize the following words and expressions:

1) to be founded = to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)

2) Cadastre – кадастр

3) to require – требовать

4) branches of agriculture – области сельского хозяйства

5) to have to master – необходимо овладеть

6) subject – предмет

7) land management – землеустройство

8) land use – землепользование

9) soil science – почвоведение

10) Land Act – земельное законодательство

11) Land Code – земельный кодекс

12) to estimate – оценивать

13) arable land – пахотная земля

14) land register – поземельный реестр

15) units – объекты (здесь)

16) on graduating from – по окончании (вуза)

17) to elaborate – тщательно разрабатывать, разрабатывать в деталях

18) to contribute – делать вклад

19) enterprise – предприятие

20) vegetable growing – овощеводство

21) concern – забота

22) society – общество

23) fertility – плодородие (почвы)

24) plant growing – растениеводство


2. Answer the following questions:


1) Where do you study?

2) When was your higher educational establishment founded?

3) What year-student are you?

4) What faculty do you study at?

5) When was your faculty founded?

6) What specialists does your faculty train?

7) When was the Agro-Technology Institute established?

8) How many faculties are there at the Institute now?

9) Do you find your future speciality to be actual?

10) What general and special subjects do you study while being a student?

11) What are the tasks of land engineers?

12) What is the subject of interest and concern of land specialists?

13) Where do the students of your faculty have practical work?

14) What degree will you receive on graduating from the Academy?

15) Do you like your future speciality? Why?


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 682. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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