Comments. 1.Tetradugenica wrote:ratko mladic was a hero of serbia and i must protest his villification in the international press
1. Tetradugenica wrote: ratko mladic was a hero of serbia and i must protest his villification in the international press! A recent poll revealed more than 70 percent of the population regards Mladic as a hero!
2.WeDoAdventure wrote: We've just seen a newspaper declaring " Mladic is our hero". 12000 demonstrated against his arrest here in this country..
3. Jodie in Virginia wrote: The psychological reasons for some Serbs to wave Mladic as their hero are numerous and are historically a fairly common response by some folks on the losing side in a conflict. The issue isn't " why do some see him as a hero, " but rather can the majority of Serbs who want to move forward manage this tense time at home so that the hero worshipers can lose steam without causing internal conflict in Serbia itself.
4.Cabe UK wrote: Define Hero? - I always thought it was someone who was a 'saviour' but in the fairest, noblest sense of the word? - Yes even in war, one does not need to be a Monster! Well, it sounds hypocritical then if the Serbians want to now defend the same type of psychopathic personality, who took pleasure in the genocidal torture and slaughter of innocents for no reason, except that they shared the same land? And, by making him into a 'National Hero' it seems they are trying to lessen his (and their) crimes, and sweep them under the carpet?
5.Pancha Chandra wrote: A man who allegedly ordered the massacre of 8000 innocent people should not be shown any mercy. Rather all the charges should be investigated thoroughly. I f the charges are proven beyond doubt he should be punished accordingly.
6.Ibrahim in UK wrote: Right Wing nationalists/patriots consider him as the defender of Serbs during a war, he's one of " their boys". All the things he did, were in the name of, and for the cause of the Serbian people. The " Ends justify the Means" right? That's the excuse when our nations and our allies commit crimes, we only realise how destructive this mentality is when it's another nation and not our allies who are commiting the crimes.
7. Darko Mladic insisted that his father, the former commander of the Bosnian Serb military, had actually saved the lives of Muslims and bore no personal responsibility for the 1995 massacre, the worst war crime on European soil since the end of the Second World War. " Whatever was done in Srebrenica, he has nothing to do with it, " said Darko Mladic. " He saved so many women, children and soldiers. His orders were first to evacuate the wounded, then women and children, then captured soldiers. Whatever was done behind his back, he has nothing to do with that."
Section 5. Picture
Домашний тиран.
Section 1. Практикум Линн Виссон
Текст 18
О развитии женского малого и среднего бизнеса в Казахстане (ООН, 1997)
On the Development of Women's Medium and Small-scale Business in Kazakhstan (UN, 1997)
(Читается в нормальном и быстром темпах с британским акцентом)
Уважаемая госпожа Председатель!
1.Численность женщин в республике составляет8, 5 млн. человек, или 51, 38% от всего населения. В целомпо народному хозяйству уровень занятости женщин на 1.01.96 составил 49%.Следует отметить, что занятость женщин в республике Казахстан характеризуется относительно высоким уровнем по сравнению с другими странами азиатского региона.
Отличительной чертойженской занятости в республике является то, что основная часть работающих женщин сосредоточенав образовании, здравоохранении, торговле, социальном обеспечении. В органы государственной службы занятости из числа обратившихся женщины составили 50, 5%. Состав безработных женщин характеризуется преобладанием в их среде работниц со стажем трудовой деятельности, ранее занятых на рабочих местах, имеющих среднее образование, находящихся в наиболее трудоспособном возрасте.
Среди женщин, получивших официальный статус безработного, 45% проживают в сельской местности. Средняя продолжительность безработицы у женщин составляет 5 месяцев. Министерство труда, Государственная служба занятости принимают меры по содействиютрудоустройству безработных женщин. В утверждаемую ежегодно Правительством Республиканскую программу содействия занятости населения включен специальный раздел «Занятость женщин», предусматривающий использование активных мер по ее обеспечению. Одним из действенных средств помощи в трудоустройстве малоконкурентных на рынке труда групп, к числу которых относятся женщины, остается квотирование рабочих мест, при посредстве которого ежегодно трудоустраивается пятая часть безработных, получивших рабочие места. Особое внимание уделяется профессиональной подготовке, переподготовке и повышению квалификациибезработных женщин, что является наиболее действенной формой социальной защиты, оказываемой службой занятости Республики за счет средств Государственного фонда содействия занятости.
2. В современных условиях особую роль приобретает развитие женского малого и среднего бизнеса.
Участие женщин в предпринимательстве — это необходимость, вызванная условиями рынка, и своеобразная альтернатива безработице, бесплатному домашнему и малооплачиваемому труду в государственном секторе.
Возможность участия женщин в предпринимательстве обусловлена такжеих достаточно высоким уровнем образования, необходимостью развития сфер услуг кустарного производства, национальных народных промыслов, где женщина имеет опыт и навыки в этой работе.
Развитие бизнеса женщин — позитивный фактор во многих аспектах, так как предпринимательская деятельность, наряду с другими, является одним из лучших способов самовыражения личности, реализации ее потенциала. Она также формирует в человеке чувство достоинства и уверенности в себе.
Чтобы участие казахстанок в малом и среднем бизнесе стало в будущем успешным и плодотворным, необходима работа как минимум на двух уровнях. На государственном уровне следует организовать целенаправленнуюправовую, экономическую и финансовую поддержку предпринимательству женщин. Делаться это должно вовсе не с целью предоставления им каких-то поблажек или необоснованных льгот по половому признаку, а с расчетом выравнивания стартовых условий деловых или
коммерческих инициатив мужчин и женщин. Параллельно с этим необходимо подкрепить весь комплекс экономико-правовых меркропотливой и деликатной работой на персональном уровне. Вместе с тем трудно признать за женским предпринимательством какой-либо социальный статус, пока нет единой программы женского предпринимательства, нет ни одного указа или законодательного акта по женскому предпринимательству.
3. Особый статус, оправданный в социальном, экономическом и морально-психологическом плане, женское предпринимательство принимает, на наш взгляд, только в рамках общественного движения, которое сегодня у нас в Республике получает особое признание. Ибо, занимаясь предпринимательством вынужденно или сознательно, женщина прежде всего защищает свои интересы как полноправного гражданина своего общества. Таким образом, перспектива развития женского предпринимательства, во-первых, лежит в плоскости развития женского движения, во-вторых, в государственно-правовой поддержке женского предпринимательства.
Сложившаяся в настоящее время экономическая ситуация
благоприятна для ряда быстрых решений, подкрепленных необходимыми ресурсами. Это позволит в течение ближайших лет обеспечить быстрое становление малого и среднего бизнеса, что особенно важно в настоящее время.
Особое место в нашей Конвенции занимает раздел содействия обеспечению равных прав и равного обращения на рынке труда. Раздел концепции предусматривает разработку республиканских и региональных программ развития малого и семейного бизнеса, экономического стимулирования в виде временного освобождения от налогов, льготного кредитования, укрепления системы профессионального обучения, постоянной тендерной экспертизы правовых норм, государственной поддержки научных разработок в области тендерных исследований, осуществления постоянного мониторинга положения женщин на рынке труда, разработку критериев оценки влияния экологических факторов и условий труда на здоровье женщин, создание условий для обеспечения занятости женщин.
Такая целенаправленная работа позволит успешно реализовать международные актыпо улучшению положения женщин
| Madam(e) Chairman/Chairwoman/Chair,
1.In our country/republic/there are8.5 million women/women (who) number/account for8.5 million people/or/that is, 51.38 per cent of the total population. In all/all toldas of January I, 1996, 49% of the women were employed (in the economy). It should be noted/ recalled/remembered/that the employment rate for/the number of women employed/holding jobs/in the Republic of Kazakhstan is relatively high/at a relatively high level in comparison with other countries of the Asian region.
A distinguishing feature/characteristicof women's/female/ employment/What characterizeswomen's employment in the republic/is the fact that most/the bulk/of working women are concentrated/clustered/found/ineducation, health care, commerce/ trade and social services. In government employment centers women accounted for 50.5% of the applicants. Unemployed women/The cohort of unemployed women for the most part/primarily have work experience, have previously held jobs, have a high-school/secondary education, and are in their prime working years/of prime working age.
Among/of/those women officially designated/categorized as unemployed, 45% live in rural areas/villages. On the average/ The average length of their unemployment is five months. The Ministry of Labor and the state employment service are taking steps/ measures/action to help/assist/render assistanceto/unemployed women in finding jobs. The government's job assistance program/The employment program of the government of the republic, which is approved/revalidated annually, includes a special section/division, " Employment of Women, " which provides for/calling for active measures to implement it/carry it out/proactive measures. One effective way to help disadvantaged groups/groups poorly equipped/ groups at a competitive disadvantage to find jobs is still the use of/the assigning of/job quotas. In this way every year/annually/one-fifth of the unemployed are placed/find jobs. Special/particular attention is given/paid to professional/vocational training, retraining and enhancement/advancement/upgrading of the skills/qualificationsof unemployed women, and this is/which is the most effective form of social assistance/protection/social safety net/provided by the state/ republic employment service, financed by the State fund for assistance to employment.
2.In today's/present/current/conditions/
circumstances/the development of women's small and medium-size/scale business/enterprises is acquiring/taking on/special significance/playing a significant role.
Women's participation/involvement in business/enterprise is a necessity/is a need/caused by/due to/resulting from/market conditions, and is a kind/type/of alternative to unemployment, unpaid domestic or poorly paid work in the state sector.
Women's opportunities/potential/
possibilities for participation in business/enterprises is/are also determined by/stem from/are linked to/is a functionof/their rather high educational level, the need for the development of the service sphere of the cottage industry/ handicrafts/and traditional national handicrafts, areas in which women have experience and skills.
The development of women's enterprises/women's role in business is a positive factor in many respects, since entrepreneurial activity, inter alia, is one of the best forms for self-expression/self-realization and realizing one's potential/self-fulfillment. It also builds/ develops/a sense of dignity and self-confidence/self-assurance.
For/If/the participation of Kazakhstan women in medium-scale enterprise is/is to be successful (and fruitful), work is needed/action must be taken/on at least two levels. The state, for its part, must organize focused/targeted/concentrated/legal, economic and financial assistance to women's enterprises. This must be done/This is necessary not to do them any special favors/consideration/coddle them or provide unwarranted benefits/advantages for reasons of gender, but to equalize/place on an equal footing the starting/ initial/start-up conditions for business or commercial initiatives by/of men and women. At the same time/In parallel/In tandem/ Simultaneously there is a need to strengthen/buttress/reinforce the entire range of economic and legal measuresthrough painstaking and carefully/deftly handled/sensitive work on the individual level/with individuals.
At the same time, it is difficult for women's entrepreneurial activities to achieve/attain/win/gain any kind of social statusas long as there is no single program for the development of female entrepreneurship, nor any directive/edict or legislative act/instrument to deal with/address it.
3. A special status, justified on social, economic and moral-psychological grounds, is something women entrepreneurs acquire/ enjoy, in our view, only within the framework/context of a social/ popular movement, which today is gaining/winning recognition/is particularly/increasingly acknowledged in our country. For/Thus/The factis/by becoming involved in business/enterprises by necessity or by choice/voluntarily or not, women are above all/primarily/first and foremost protecting their own interests as full-fledged citizens of their society. Thus, the prospects for expanding/developing women's role in business/enterprises are, first of all, to be found/hinge on/depend on/are placed in the context of the/women's movement, and second, in state and legal support/backing for women entrepreneurs/women in business.
The present economic situation/The economic situation nowadays
is conducive to/calls for/invites a number of swift/immediate decisions, backed by the required/requisite resources. This will make it possible over/in/the next few years to bring about/ensure/provide for the rapid development/growth/formation of small and medium-scale businesses/enterprises, which is especially important right now/at the present time/at present.
A particularly important part/of our Convention is/in our Convention is played by/the section on ensuring/advancing equal rights and equal treatment in the labor market. The section on the overall/ basic concept provides for the elaboration of republic and regional programs of development of small and family businesses, economic incentives in the form of temporary tax exemptions, favorable credit conditions, a strengthening of the system of vocational training, ongoing gender-based analysis of legal norms, state support for research projects in the area of gender studies, the implementation of ongoing monitoring of the situation of women in the labor market, the establishment of criteria for assessment of the impact of environmental/ecological factors and working conditions on women's health, and the establishment of conditions to provide employment for women. Such targeted/focused/ concentratedwork will help to/create/bring about/make a reality of international instrumentsto improve the situation of women.
Section 2. Phrasal Verbs
1. The thief was caught by a group of policemen. 2. He didn't catch the meaning of her remark. 3. The mother caught the child in her arms. 4. I like catching fish. 5. It's next to impossible to catch a runaway dog. 6. The old woman caught the man's hand in despair, 7. The strange man caught everybody's attention. 8. The travellers were caught in a storm. 9. The boy threw the ball right into the girl's hands but she didn't manage to catch it. 10. We caught him just as he was leaving the house. 11. I caught her while she was doing up her face. 12. Tom caught a glimpse of him when he was crossing the street. 13. That lock doesn't catch. 14. The dog-cart was caught between two cars. 15. I caught a glimpse of him just when he was leaving the stadium. 16. They have missed so many lectures that they we have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the group. 17. I wonder whether I can catch the post. 18. We caught some children stealing vegetables from the farm field. 19. The house caught fire in the middle of the night. 20. They caught sight of the burglar when he was running towards the exit. 21. I didn't quite catch what they said. 22. Catch up the puppy or it will run away. 23. Bright things catch a baby's eye. 24. Did you catch my meaning?
| 1. The thief was arrested by a group of policemen. 2. He couldn't grasp the meaning of her remark. 3. The mother clasped the child in her arms. 4. I like fishing. 5. It's next to impossible to overtake a runaway dog. 6. The old woman gripped the man's hand in despair. 7. The strange man arrested everybody's attention. 8. The travellers were overtaken by a storm. 9. The boy threw the ball right into the girl's hands but she didn't manage to get hold of it. 10. We stopped him just as he was leaving the house. 11. I came upon her suddenly while she was doing up her face. 12. Tom saw him for a moment when he was crossing the street. 13. That lock can't be fastened. 14. The dog cart was jammed between two cars. 15. I met him just when he was leaving the stadium. 16. They have missed so many lectures that they will have to work hard to be on the level with the rest of the group. 17. I wonder whether I can put the letter in the box before it is emptied. 18. We came upon some children stealing vegetables from the farm field. 19. The house started burning in the middle of the night. 20. They saw the burglar for a moment when he was running towards the exit. 21. I didn't quite hear what they said. 22. Pick up the puppy quickly or it will run away. 23. Bright things attract the attention of a baby's eye. 24. Did she understand my meaning?
Section 3. Typical Drill
How many beautiful things are we missing?
Picture the scene: Washington DC Metro Station one cold January morning a short while ago. The man is busking - playing his violin; he plays for about 45 minutes and completes six pieces by Bach. During that time approximately 2, 000 people pass through the station, most of them on their way to work. Only 6 people have stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 have given him money but continued to walk at their normal pace. He collected $32.[£ 19.76 GBP]. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
Now - who was the violinist? No one knew this, but the violinist was *Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a Stradivarius violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100. [£ 62 GBP]
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Can we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
Game. Word in edgeways
Students work in pairs. Each partner is given a strip of paper with an unusual sentence written on it. They keep this concealed. If possible they try to learn the sentence off by heart.
Then they start conversing about any subject, but their real object is to get their given sentence into the conversation without their partner realizing and before their partner is able to do the same. To do this successfully they have to move the topic of conversation towards a context in which their sentence could naturally occur.
To win the game, you have to continue speaking for a while after getting your sentence into the conversation without being correctly challenged (Your partner says " Stop”). You can also win by correctly challenging your partner as soon as you think they are reciting their sentence (You say “Stop”). You lose game if say “Stop” more than two times. It is therefore good strategy to set traps for your partner by including strange sentences in the conversation which differ from your given sentence.
(ref to. Appendix for sample sentences)
Section 4. Have Your Say
Should prisoners get the vote?
MPs have overwhelmingly voted to keep the ban on prisoners voting, in defiance of a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights. The government says it has been advised that unless the UK law is changed it could face compensation claims from prisoners costing well over £ 100m.
Who should be allowed to vote? Should people lose their right to vote when they commit a crime? Have you ever lost your right to vote? Is voting a privilege or a right?
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