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Comments. 1.Jeff Buchanan. Possibly with the use of a time machine?

1.Jeff Buchanan. Possibly with the use of a time machine?

2.DC. What's important is taking the grotesque out of Christmas, rather than putting the Christ back in. The rampant buying of meaningless " gift suggestions"; kids expecting ludicrously expensive presents; most of the population spending months after the event in debt: that's what's wrong with Christmas.

3.D.Haslam, In the UK, where 85% of the indigenous population no longer attend church except for weddings, Christenings and funerals, it should come as no surprise that to many Christmas is merely another extended public holiday. Rightly or wrongly religion now plays a diminishing role in Western society. Religion is nothing other than a form of social control, usually based on fear of the unknown and ignorance. A largely better educated Western society now questions the very foundation blocks of organised religions, which have been used as an excuse for centuries to make peoples lives miserable, whether by wars, persecution or inner guilt.

4. Daniel N. Bring Christianity back into schools. Removing it from schools took the separation of church and state to an extreme. A more moderate position would be to bring Christian worship back to schools for the sake of morality. Also ending the litigious nature of society and multiculturalism would help to improve social cohesion.

5. Joseph A. There is absolutely nothing wrong in celebrating Christmas. Actually the memory of Jesus Christ should be celebrated daily - 365 days a year - in our hearts. This way, your soul, your heart and your entire being, will be cleansed and fortified to weather the storms of life and to keep at bay the evil thrown our way by the faithful followers of Satan. What a world it would be, if only we follow his teachings.

6. Rob, We must accept that for many people the modern 'winterholidayfestyuletimetoss' of modern Christmas debt and binge drinking is exactly what they want and deserve. Was Jesus born at Christmas - no. Did the nativity happen as we learnt as Children - no. Was there a pagan festival that Christmas replaced - yes, whether that be Yuletide, Saturnalia or whatever! Does that matter - hell no!

7. Sonia, Athens Only faith will bring him back. Imagine if people think for several minutes what was the best thing they did to help someone. The meaning of returning Christ back to Christmas is what we feel in our heart. What else do we need from having our optimistic point of view, being grateful for the gift of life and enjoy every moment, because we don't have a second chance of living twice!! Then, Jesus will return not only for Christmas time, but for all the year!!

8. Jack, Christmas has gone because " we don't want to offend non-Christians" (read Muslims) Get a life! We can't comment on any Muslim festivals that our children are being " forced" to learn about under the diversity label; we are accused of being negative and racist to do so. Bring Christmas back because it means something to Christians, which if the census is to be believed, still make up more than 75% of his country. I refuse to be silenced by political correctness. Live alongside me in peace and harmony and what you are personally is completely unimportant, I will accept you as a good neighbour regardless of who or what you are.

9. Susan Kruse I think it's very important to remember Jesus's birthday. It's time for Christians to stand up for their faith; we celebrate the fact that God came to earth as a baby and gave his life so that we might have eternal life. If we are not careful we will have to celebrate other faiths and be denied our own. Come on people, this is our heritage!

10. Tina, Christ is still there at Christmas as well as the rest of the year. He doesn't need " putting back". The question for us is - to what extent are we going to allow his message (Love God and love your neighbour) to influence our lives and behaviour? As for pagan festivals, yes Christmas has adopted some aspects of paganism and I see that as positive.

Section 5. Picture

Чертово копытце


Section 1. Практикум Линн Виссон

Текст 15

Представитель Республики Кыргызстан по окружающей среде (ООН, 1997)

Representative of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan on the Environment (UN, 1997)

(Читается с американским акцептом)

Господин Председатель, 1.Позвольте мне присоединиться к поздравлениям, высказанным в Ваш адрес в связи с избранием на этот высокий и ответственный пост.Позвольте также выразить уверенность, что Ваш богатый профессиональный и жизненный опыт, помноженный на высокое дипломатическое искусство, будут способствовать живому диалогуи плодотворным дискуссиям, которые приведут к выработкеконкрет­ных мер и рекомендаций по достижению грандиозных целей Рио.     Конференция в Рио-де-Жанейро подтвердила, что социаль­но-экономическое развитие и охрана окружающей среды тесно взаимосвязаны и взаимообусловлены. В рамках эффективной политики они должны рассматриваться совместно. Она свиде­тельствовала также о том, что новые экологические угрозы: повреждение озонового слоя, изменение глобального климата, сокращение запасов пресной воды, обезлесение, сокращение биологического разнообразия, заражение окружающей среды промышленными и радиоактивными отходами, наступление пустынь и другие, — стали более острыми и их решение не терпит отлагательства. Государства — участники конференцииподчеркну­ли, что решение проблем окружающей среды и развития требует создания новой формы партнерских отношений — глобального партнерства на основе постоянного и конструктивного диалога, определяемого необходимостью создания более эффективной и справедливой мировой экономики с учетомвзаимозависимости сообщества наций и приоритета вопроса устойчивого развития.   2. Конференция также приняла решение привлечь внимание к исключительно важному значению горных массивов для челове­чества и предложить Генеральной Ассамблее ООН объявить Международный Год Гор. Эта просьба была поддержана Прези­дентом Кыргызстана А.Акаевым. Хочу выразить надежду, что эта просьба найдет откликкак среди правительств, так и у не­правительственных организаций, различных региональных и субрегиональных инициатив. Горы занимают пятую часть суши, в них проживаетпо мень­шей мере 10% мирового населения, которое находится в зависи­мости от горных ресурсов. Еще большая часть населения использует другие горные ресурсы, включая, в особенности, во­ду. Расположенные на вершинах гор ледники являются основ­ными источниками пресной воды. Недостаток воды, наряду с недостатком других природных ресурсов, приводит к усиле­нию нищеты, углублению социальных противоречий, к росту этнической напряженности и, как следствие, к возникновению вооруженных конфликтов. Не случайноиз 48 вооруженных конфликтов, имевших место в 1995 году, 26 произошли в гор­ных районах. Горы часто являются местом экологических рис­ков и стихийных бедствий. Землетрясения, оползни и обвалы не только наносят серьезный ущерб экономике горных районов, но ежегодно уносят тысячи человеческих жизней. С другой сторо­ны, горы предоставляют прекрасные возможности для развития туризма, горнолыжного спорта, альпинизма, охоты.     3.Правительство Республики Кыргызстан придает огромное значение вопросам экологии. Развитие природного потенциала является центральным направлениемнациональной стратегии Ре­спублики Кыргызстан по устойчивому человеческому развитию. В ноябре 1995 года нами был принят Национальный план охра­ны окружающей среды. Горы покрывают 90% территории Кыргызстана. Ледники на многотысячных вершинах Памира и Тянь-Шаня дают жизньре­кам Аму-Дарье и Сыр-Дарье, которые являются главными водны­ми артериями Аральского моря. Обладая огромными водными и гидроэнергетическими возобновляемыми ресурсами, Кыргыз­стан поистине является экологическим сердцем Центральной Азии. Однако, чтобы это сердце продолжало биться, нужно бе­режное отношение к его здоровью. Законом Республики Кыргызстан об охране природы предус­матривается ответственность промышленных предприятий за за­грязнение окружающей среды при выбросах в атмосферу, сбросах в водоемы, при размещении твердых отходов. Это положение рас­пространяетсяи на химические и радиоактивные вредные веще­ства. В настоящее время ведется работа над Законом Кыргызской Республики о радиационной безопасности населения. 4.Господин Председатель, Прошедшие пять лет продолжали характеризоваться ухудше­нием глобальной окружающей среды и истощением природных ресурсов. Народная мудрость гласит: «Дорогу осилит в гору иду­щий». Только смелый и настойчивый человек покоряет верши­ны гор. Только настойчивые совместные усилия и ресурсы пра­вительств, неправительственных организаций, частного сектора, международных, субрегиональных, региональных организаций и инициатив приведут к осуществлению грандиозной Повестки дня на XXI век, на пороге которого мы стоим.   Спасибо за внимание.   Mr. President, Allow/Permit me/May I/associate myself with/join the/ congratulations extended to you/also congratulate you/on your election to this distinguished/important/major/post. Allow me also to express my/our confidence/certainty that your extensive/abundant/wealth of professional and personal experience, along with/together with/your great diplomatic skill/skill as a diplomat will promote/advance/active/ lively/creative dialogue and fruitful discussions, leading to/resulting in/ (the drawing up of) specific measures and recommendations to achieve the far-reaching/lofty/noble/ambitious goals/objectives of Rio. The conference in Rio de Janeiro reaffirmed that socio-economic development and environmental protection are closely connected/ linked and interdependent. Within the context/framework of/effective policy they must be considered together/jointly/in tandem. The conference also demonstrated/showed/proved/that new ecological/ environmental threats: depletion of the ozone layer, changes in the global climate, a decline in fresh water supplies, deforestation, the decline in biodiversity, environmental pollution, industrial and radioactive wastes, the spread/encroachment of the desert/ desertification and other problems have become more critical/ dramatic/drastic and require immediate solutions/their solution brooks no delay/is urgent. States-parties to/states which participated in the conference emphasized/stressed/underlined that a solution to the problems of the environment and development require (the creation/establishment of) new forms of partnership relations: global partnership on the basis of an ongoing/ continuing/permanent/ unbroken and constructive dialogue, predicated on/resulting from the need to create a more effective and just world economy which takes into account/takes due account of/is fully aware of/fully acknowledges the interdependence of the community of nations and the high priority of/attached to the problem/issue/question of sustainable development. 2. The conference also took a decision to call attention to the enormous/great/highest priority importance of mountains/mountain ranges for mankind and to propose to the UN General Assembly the declaration of the International Mountain Year. This request was supported by the President of Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Akaev. I wish to express /voice the hope, that this request will be backed by/meet with the approval of/will be taken upby/both governments and non­governmental organizations, and by various regional and subregional groups/initiatives/associations. Mountains account for/occupy/one-fifth of all dry land, and at least 10 per cent of the world's population live here/in these regions, and are dependent on mountain resources. An even greater part of the population uses/makes use of other mountain resources, especially water. The glaciers located on mountain peaks are the basic sources of fresh water. A shortage of water together with a lack of other natural resources leads to an intensification/aggravation of poverty, intensifies social strife, and leads to a growth of ethnic tensions and, consequently, to the outbreak/emergence of armed conflicts. It is no accident that/it is not fortuitous that48 armed conflicts took place in 1995, and that 26 occurred/took place in mountainous regions. Mountains are often the site of ecological disturbances and natural disasters. Earthquakes, landslides, and avalanches not only inflict on/ cause/do serious damage to the economy of mountainous regions, but also claim thousands of victims/kill thousands of people/cause thousands of casualties/annually. On the other hand, mountains provide superb/outstanding opportunities/possibilities/for the development of tourism, skiing, mountain climbing and hunting. 3. The government of the Kyrgyz Republic attaches great/the highest/importance to questions of ecology. The development of natural resources/nature/is the major focus/thrust/primaryarea/of national strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for sustainable human development. In November, 1995 we adopted a National Plan for environmental protection. Mountains cover 90% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Glaciers high up on/thousands of feet above/the Pamir and Tien-Shan peaks nourish/feed/therivers of the Amu Darya and the Sir Darya, which are the major water sources for the Aral Sea. With its enormous water and renewable hydroenergy resources, Kyrgyzstan is truly the ecological heart/center of Central Asia. For that heart to keep on beating, however, its health must be carefully monitored/it must take care of its health/it must stay healthy. The law of the Kyrgyz Republic on environmental protection stipulates/lays down/spells out/the responsibility of industrial enterprises for environmental pollution as a result of emissions into the atmosphere, sewage runoff into reservoirs, and disposal of solid waste. This provision is also applicable tochemical and radioactive toxic substances. Now/currently/at the present time work is underway on a law of the Kyrgyz Republic on radiation safety for the population. 4. Mr. President, The last/past five years have been marked by/continue to reveal/ to display a deterioration of the global environment and the exhaustion/depletion of natural resources. The popular saying goes/ Popular wisdom has it that " He who climbs the mountain will master the road/reach his journey's end." Only a brave/courageous and persistent/determined person can conquer mountain peaks. Only the persistent joint efforts and resources of governments, non­governmental organizations, the private sector, international, subregional, and regional organizations and initiatives will lead to/ result in the implementation of the farsighted goals of the agenda for the 21st century — and we are now standing on its threshold.


Section 2. Phrasal Verbs



1. At the last election he stood for his town. 2. At any rate I mean to stand on my rights (stand my ground, stand up for my rights). 3. We won't stand for your appeal, for it's groundless. 4. Will you stand off (aside) and clear the way for the contenders. 5. It stands to reason that your project is all wrong. 6. Let the discus­sion stand over till the end of the term. 7. He stood out among his fellow-workers. 8. We stand in need of some more assistants to be able to complete the research in time. 9. I can't stand his lacktable manners. 10. The elder schoolboys stood up for the younger ones during the onslaught of the hooligans. 11. M.P. stands for Member of Parliament. 1. At the last election he was a candidate for his town. 2. At any rate I mean to defend my rights. 3. We won't support your appeal, for it's groundless. 4. Will you step aside and clear the way for the contenders? 5. It can be proved logically that your project is all wrong. 6. Let the discussion be postponed till the end of the term. 7. He was a conspicuous figure among his fellow-workers. 8. We need some more assistants to be able to complete the research in time. 9. I can't endure his lack of table manners. 10. The elder schoolboys defended the younger ones from the onslaught of the hooligans. 11. М.Р. means Member of Parliament.



1. She made bold to say that she was going to get married the moment she left the school. 2. I can't make out your friend. 3. You must have your old coat made over. 4. They made for the gate as soon as the lights in the house went down. 5. The two made it up only after the lapse of ten years. 6. He made up a dozen excuses for being absent from the lecture. 7. The children made believe they were grown-ups. 8. Someone made off with my friend's watch which he had left on the mantelpiece in the hall. 9. Why did this man make away with himself? 10. When are you going to make it up? 11. Is he going to make up on his contenders?   1. She ventured to say that she was going to get married the moment she left school. 2. I can't understand your friend. 3. You must have your old coat altered. 4. They went to the gate as soon as the lights in the house went down. 5. The two reconciled only after a lapse of ten years. 6. He invented a dozen excuses for being absent from the lecture. 7. The children pretended they were grown­ups. 8. Someone stole my friend's watch which he had left on the mantelpiece in the hall. 9. Why did this man commit suicide? 10. When are you going to settle that dispute? 11. Is he going to catch up with his contenders?

Section 3. Typical Drill

Fluency Practice 1 (Cool, No17) (Pick – Lamb/Sheep)

You need to study the phrasal verbs and idioms from this month's magazine before attempting these exercises.

phrasal verbs idioms
pick out – to choose pick out – to see even though the object is difficult to see pick smth up – to take smth and to lift it from a surface pick someone up – to find smb in order to give a lift to pick on smb – to treat smb badly to pick up (a language, knowledge, skill, etc) Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb Like a lamb to the slaughter In two shakes of a lamb’s tail Like a lamb As gentle as a lamb Mutton dressed (up) as a lamb


A: Tongue Twister

Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can: " Three flies flew free."

B: Pronunciation: connected speech with lamb idioms

Write down (5 sntns)

C: Sentence transformation (Evening entertainment)

Listen to these sentences and try to make a question with the word " you". (5 snts)


D. Rapid Response (Evening entertainment)

Now answer these questions as quickly as you can. 5 (sntns)

E: Phrasal Verbs with " Play”

Repeat the sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb with " Pick “.

F: Time Dictation


Fluency Practice 2(Cool, No18) (Play –Rat)

Here are six quick activities for you to improve your pronunciation and fluency. Answer the questions as quickly as possible, and try not to think too much.

You need to study the phrasal verbs and idioms from this month's magazine before attempting these exercises.

phrasal verbs idioms
Play up – do not work properly (photocopier plays up) Play up - do not behave themselves properly Play with smb’s feelings Play through – to play a song from beginning to the end Play along with smb – pretend to agree Play it down – to say that it isn’t important To rat on smb To smell a rat Rat race Look like a drowned rat Be a rat

A: Tongue Twister

Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can: " Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."

B: Pronunciation: connected speech with rat idioms

Write down (5 sntns)

C: Sentence transformation (Music)

Listen to these sentences and try to make a question with the word " you". (5 snts)


D. Rapid Response (Music)

Now answer these questions as quickly as you can. 5 (sntns)

E: Phrasal Verbs with " Play”

Repeat the sentence but change the used verb with an appropriate phrasal verb.

F: Number Dictation

Упражнение 3. Read the text and retell the chosen abstract with as many details as possible.

Problem Solving: How to Get Rid of squirrels

I have a squirrel living in my attic! The professionals want almost $300 to get it out and I don't have that kind of money to spend. I bought a cage and put it on the roof with peanut butter/nuts/sunflower seeds etc. I guess that food isn't up his alley because he hasn't touched it! Any other suggestions?

1. For a small deposit, you can rent what is known as a live animal trap from either Animal Control, the SPCA, or the Humane Society. You will probably have to put the trap close to where the squirrel is living. Bait it with peanut butter (they love this) and put it on an apple slice.

2.You could also use a deterrent, such as " Squirrel Away." This can be purchased in WalMart and livestock/feed supply stores.

3. My brother had squirrels in his attic and tried luring them out with food (didn't work), flushing them out with water (didn't work), waiting 'til they were out and filling the hole (they came back), and many other things. What finally worked was spraying fox urine, bought at a hunting supply store, in to the hole. Since foxes are higher on the food chain than squirrels, they left promptly!

4. To drive out the squirrels, use moth balls. Then find how they're getting in, and patch it up. Moth balls are made out of naphthalene flakes and cost $2 for a one pound box. Bat and squirrel repellant is made of the same naphthalene flakes, but goes for $10 a box.

5. Try wetting rags with ammonia and spreading them around the general area that the animal is living in. Most animals have more highly developed senses of smell than we do, and ammonia drives them nuts. At the same time, leave a light on in the area where they are living, and leave a radio playing non-stop. The radio doesn't need to be loud enough to bother you, just them.

6. First, walk all the way around your home with a bag of nails and a hammer looking for any small loose boards or gaps that need to be hammered down. Then get hardware cloth (a wire mesh) at a hardware store and spread it over any opening in your attic, turbine or other vents, and any kind of opening. And if you hear them trying to chew through it, go out and throw pine cones or rocks at them. We tried traps, loud music, and other things, but the above was all that worked.

Think of the ways to get rid of “…….”(cockroach, mice, bed-bug, rat, locust or anybody you think of) and present the idea to your classmates

Section 4. Have Your Say

Is education the next bubble?

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 546. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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