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Судебный иск

to bring a case - возбудить иск


Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) to argue / plead a case 2) to decide a case 3) to hear / try a case 4) to lose a case 5) to win a case 6) to dismiss a case 7) to file a case 8) to initiate a case 9) to review a case а) возбудить иск, обвинение, судебное дело d) выиграть дело, выиграть процесс с) вынести решение по делу d) рассматривать судебное дело е) оспаривать обвинение, выступать в защиту обвиняемого f) пересмотреть дело g) подать иск h) прекратить дело i) проиграть дело / судебный процесс

Ex. 8. Translate the following text into English:

Особенностью Верховного суда Англии и Уэльса является то, что он состоит из трех судов:

• Высокого суда;

• Суда Короны;

• Апелляционного суда.

Высокий суд имеет гражданско-правовую юрисдикцию, Суд Короны - уголовно-правовую, а Апелляционный суд рассматривает жалобына ихрешения.

В составе Высокого суда имеется три отделения:

• Отделение королевской скамьи;

• Канцлерское отделение;

• Отделение по семейным делам.

Отделение королевской скамьи рассматривает сложные гражданские дела, в том числе связанные с морскими перевозками и торговлей.

Канцлерское отделение решает дела, касающиеся интеллектуальной собственности (патентного и авторского права), атакже дела о доверительном управлении имуществом и банкротстве.

Отделение по семейным делам рассматривает сложные семейные споры. Суд Короны имеет уголовно-правовую юрисдикцию (в отличие от гражданско-правовой юрисдикции Высокого суда). Дела рассматриваются судьей-профессионалом и присяжными.

Апелляционный суд рассматривает жалобы на решения Высокого суда и Суда Короны.



Text 4.


Criminal Procedure



  1. pleadings, n – исковые заявления; со­стязательные бумаги, которыми обме­ниваются стороны на предварительной стадии судебного разбирательства
  2. iformation, n – заявление об обви­нении
  3. affidavit, n – письменное показание с целью выдачи ордера на арест
  4. probable cause – возможная причи­на, основание для возбуждения судеб­ного дела против правонарушителя
  5. bench warrant – распоряжение, приказ суда, судебный ордер
  6. subpoena, n – вызов в суд, повестка
  7. to plead – заявлять, отвечать на обвинения в суде
  8. to take into custody – взять под стражу, под охрану
  9. indictment, n – обвинительный акт
  10. plea of " guilty" or plea of " not guilty" – заявление подсудимого о признании или непризнании себя виновным
  11. to waive one's right - отказаться от права, заявить суду отказ от права
  12. deposition, n – письменное показа­ние под присягой и приобщение к материалам дела документов, вещественных доказательств
  13. testify, v – давать показания
  14. indigent, adj. – неимущий
  15. plea bargaining – сделка о призна­нии вины в наименее тяжком из вме­няемых обвинением преступлений
  16. omnibus hearing – слушание раз­личных вопросов
  17. mandatory sentence – обязательное по закону наказание
  18. on parole, n – условное освобожде­ние; отпускать на поруки
  19. confrontation, n – очная ставка


Criminal Procedure


In both criminal and civil proceedings, a document (Pleading) must be filed with the court to start a proceedings — called an Information in Crim­inal Law. The papers are filed for the State by a Prosecutor. To an Informa­tion is attached an Affidavit To Show Probable Cause, under oath. The docu­ments name a defendant, set forth the facts constituting the offense, the statute which has been violated, and the source of the information (confes­sion, eyewitness, etc.).

The judge then issues a bench warrant to the sheriff for arrest of a defen­dant. The court cannot proceed further until the defendant is served with warrant plus information and affidavit sendee results in arrest, and the de­fendant is taken into custody.

Upon arrest, a day for the defendant to appear in court is set normally within one week. At arrest, the defendant will be advised of: (1) the charge; (2) right to an attorney; (3) right to an appointed attorney at state expense if he can't afford an attorney; (4) does not have to say anything without an attorney present; (5) anything said can be used against him in court; and (6) right to bail, amount of bail, and way to post it. The defendant is allowed free phone calls to tell people where he is, and to arrange bail.

The defendant may be arrested before papers have been filed when the of­ficer has probable cause to believe he has committed a crime. Then he will be told these same rights, except bail. But if a warrant is not secured from a judge filed within 72 hours, he must be released (he can be rearrested later, however).

At the first court hearing (arraignment) the court will:

Ask the defendant (1) if he has an attorney, intends to employ an attor­ney, or needs attorney appointed for him; (2) if he is prepared to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty; (3) advise defendant of his right to jury trial; (4) if the defendant says he wants to waive any right, court will examine him to see if he understands rights and effect of a waiver; (5) reconsider the matter of bail possibly by a pre-trial release report; (6) possibly set the matter for prelimi­nary hearing or for omnibus hearing and/or set the case for trial.

If the defendant remains silent court will enter a plea of not guilty, set the case for jury trial, and appoint an attorney to meet and consult with the defendant.

Between arraignment and trial, the defendant has the right to discovery:

to see investigatory file of prosecutor, take depositions of witnesses, view physical evidence, have special investigators appointed or expert witnesses hired to examine evidence and testify, right to compel people to come and testify (subpoenas), or produce tangible evidence, etc. He must tell prose­cutor names and addresses of his witnesses, and certain special defenses (as alibi or self-defense). If the defendant is indigent all necessary costs of defense will be paid by the state.

Between arraignment and trial, the prosecutor and defense attorney will engage in plea and/or sentence bargaining. There may be special pre-trial hearings on issues of the admissibility of evidence (such as a confession, evi­dence seized by a search warrant, etc.). There may be a preliminary hearing requested by the defendant to test the existence of probable cause. Court may set omnibus hearing with prosecutor and defense attorney to discuss if case is ready for trial. In criminal cases the judge keeps the case moving; in civil cases, the lawyers do.

If the defendant pleads guilty or is convicted at trial the court sets sen­tencing hearing and pre-sentence report (normally prepared by Probation Department). The report will contain: criminal, educational, family and work histories of the defendant; statement of facts of the crime charged; and drug or psychological evaluations. The defendant gets the right to view report before hear­ing and can introduce evidence at hearing. Victims are often invited to hear­ing, and can give input on what they believe should happen. However, the court may be bound by a form of mandatory sentence.

If sentenced to prison, the defendant is sent to the Department of Cor­rections, which selects the actual prison. When released from prison he is placed on parole (like probation - periodic reporting to officer).

A purpose of jury was to keep citizenry informed about lightness of the law as a check against tyranny of the law. That protection is breaking down because of(l) inability of the jury to nullify the law; (2) failure of the jury to know the penalty; (3) the dramatic increase of plea-bargaining; (4) the devel­opment of Administrative Law where there is no right to a jury trial. At the same time, confrontation of the offender is breaking down. Confrontation means: This is what you did; It was wrong; You chose to do it; Here is the hurt you caused; Here is what you must do to make the wrong right; Don't do it again. Without confrontation there is little chance of reformation.

Problems are:

(1) lack of speed in the process; (2) plea bargaining; (3) lack of direct confrontation by victim; (4) prosecutor discretion; (5) change in defense attorney from counselor to upholder of rights rules, and process; (6) Juve­nile Justice System; and (7) highly adversarial nature of the process.

Results are: excuse, justification, rationalization and blame-casting of defendant rather than repentance.


Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents:

arraignment; depositions of witnesses; to take into custody; affidavit;

prosecutor; plea bargaining; information; pleadings; the existence of prob­able cause; to introduce evidence at hearing; mandatory sentence; to be placed on parole; confrontation of the offender; jury trial; subpoena.

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. In both criminal and civil proceedings, a document (pleading) must be filed with the court to start a proceeding. In criminal law it is called an information.

2. The papers are filed for the state by a prosecutor. To an information is attached an affidavit to show probable cause, under oath.

3. At time of arrest, a defendant will be advised of: (a) the charge; (b) right to an attorney; (c) right to appointed attorney at state expense if he can't afford an attorney; (d) that he does not have to say anything without attorney present; (e) that anything said can be used against him in court; and (f) right to bail, amount to bail, and way to post it.

4. The judge issues a bench warrant to the sheriff for arrest of defendant.

5. At the first court hearing the court advises the defendant of his right to jury trial and if defendant says he wants to waive any right, court will examine him to see if he understands rights and effect of a waiver.

Ex. 11. Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions which you don't need to use.


prosecutor, subpoena, deposition, indigent, pleading indictment information, custody, public defender, interrogatory, bench warrant, affidavit to show prob­able cause, confrontation, omnibus hearing, request for admission, testimo­ny, bail


1. Documents filed in any court case are called ___.

2. To begin a criminal case, the ___ files either an___ together with an ___; or an ___ as a result of actions of a Grand Jury.

3. This document, issued by a judge in a criminal case, causes you to be arrested: ___.

4. This document, in either a civil or a criminal case, orders you to ap­pear and testify: ___.

5. If a person is taken into ___ without a court order, the police may only hold him for 72 hours.

6. Three types of discovery are: ___; ___; and ______.

7. In a criminal case, if the defendant is ___, he is often represented by a___.

8. In a criminal case to see if a case is ready for trial, a judge meets with the attorneys in an ___.

9. In Criminal Law the act of setting a witness face to face with the ac­cused is called ___.


Ex. 12. Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions:

заявление об обвинении; письменное показание с целью выдачи ордера на арест; приказ суда, судебный ордер; взять под стражу; вы­давать на поруки, освобождать из-под стражи под залог; предъявле­ние обвинения; отказываться от права; обязательное, по закону, на­казание; условное освобождение; очная ставка; прокурор; вызов в суд по повестке; обвинительный акт; суд присяжных; давать показания.


Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:


1. Судебное дело о привлечении к уголовной ответственности за совершение преступления возбуждает прокурор.

2. Судья выдает шерифу ордер на арест обвиняемого.

3. Во время ареста обвиняемому сообщается следующее: (а) обви­нение; (б) что он имеет право воспользоваться адвокатом; (в) что он имеет право на адвоката за государственный счет, если у него нет средств оплатить услуги своего адвоката; (г) что он имеет пра­во не отвечать на вопросы в отсутствие своего адвоката; (д) что все сказанное им может быть использовано против него в суде и (е) что он имеет право быть отпущенным под залог.

4. Обвиняемый имеет право быть ознакомленным с показаниями свидетелей.

5. Потерпевшие часто приглашаются на слушание дела.


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