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Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them


- to absorb – 1) to take or suck in gradually; 2) to fill the attention completely;


- to add – 1) to put together with something else as to increase the number, size, importance; 2) to join numbers, amounts so as to find the total;

to add fuel to a fire – to make a difficult situation worse;


- amount – number (used with uncountable nouns, or when talking about large quantities of goods);


- available – 1) able to be used or obtained; 2) not occupied, free;


- to burn – 1) to destroy or be destroyed by fire; 2) to hurt or be hurt by fire or heat; 3) be entirely possessed by a desire or emotion;

burn – a hurt place or mark produced by fire or heat;


- combustion – the process of catching fire and burning; chemical activity;

- complete – lacking nothing, finished, total, fully supplied;


- to conduct – 1) to act as the path for electricity, heat; 2) to behave;


- convection – the movement caused by warm gas or liquid rising or sinking;


- to cover – 1) to place something upon or over something in order to protect or hide it; 2) to fill an area, to extend out;


- to depend – to be controlled or determined by, rely on;


- to dilute – to make a liquid weaker and thinner by mixing another liquid with it;


- to equip – to provide with what is necessary for doing something (especially for activity of a practical and technical kind);


- to exist – 1) to live or be real; 2) to continue to live especially with difficulty (of a person);


- fire - the state of burning; 2) shooting by guns; 3) a gas or electrical apparatus for warming the room;

to fire – 1) to shoot off bullets; 2) to dismiss from a job;

on fire – burning;

to catch fire – to begin to burn;

to fight fire – to extinguish fire – to suppress fire – to put out fire;


- flame– red or yellow body of the burning gas;

- fuel – material used for producing heat or power by burning or by atomic means;

to fuel – to provide with fuel;


- grease – 1) any thick oily substance; 2) animal fat when soft after being melted;


- to ignite – to (cause to) start to burn;


- to include – to have as a part, to take in;


- to increase – to make or become larger in amount, number;


- to involve – 1) to include as a necessary part or result; 2) to cause to experience or participate in an activity or situation; 3) to cause to become connected or concerned;


- layer – a thickness of some substance, often one of many;


- liquid – a substance which is not a solid or a gas, which flows, is wet and has no fixed shape;

- to measure – to find the size, length, amount, degree of something in standard units;


- to occur – to take place, to happen;


- to oxidize – to combine with oxygen;


- to radiate – to send out (light or heat) in all directions;


- to reduce – to make less in size, amount, price, degree;


- to refer – 1) to mention or speak about; 2) to look at for information;


- to release – 1) to set free, let go; 2) to allow a new film or record to be shown or sold publicly;


- to remove – to take away (from a place) or take to another place, to get rid of, to go to live or work to another place;


- to require – to need or make necessary; to demand by right;


- to smother – 1) to cover thickly; 2) to keep from developing, growing or getting out; 3) to kill from lack of air;


- solid – not flowing; not needing a container to hold its shape; not liquid or gas;


- soluble - that can be dissolved in a liquid;


- source – 1) a place from which something comes; 2) means of supply; 3) a cause; 4) a person or thing that supplies information;


- to supply – to provide something that is needed;

supply – an amount for use; the providing of something needed;

in short supply – difficult to obtain because of shortage;

supply and demand – the balance between the amount of goods for sale and the amount that people actually want to buy;


- to suppress – 1) to destroy or bring to an end by force; 2) to prevent from being shown; 3) to prevent from being printed or made public;


- to undergo – to experience especially something unpleasant, unwelcome or difficult;


- volume – 1) a book forming part of a series; 2) the amount of space occupied by a substance or object or enclosed within a container; 3) quantity or power of sound.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 681. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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