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Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - acid – 1) a substance that forms a chemical salt when combined with an alkali; 2) having an unpleasantly sour or bitter taste;

- acid – 1) a substance that forms a chemical salt when combined with an alkali; 2) having an unpleasantly sour or bitter taste;


- cause – 1) something that produces an effect; 2) reasonable grounds for a belief or action; 3) a matter to be resolved in a court of law;

to cause – to be the cause of, to make something happen;


- care – 1) the process of looking after and giving attention to someone who needs it; 2) the responsibility for protection or looking after someone, dealing with a problem or difficulty; 3) serious attention and effort; 4) carefulness in avoiding harm, damage; 5) worry, sorrow or uncertainty, anxiety;

to care – to be worried, anxious, concerned;

to care about – to think it is important;

to care for – to like (in negative sentences and questions);

to take care of – to look after;


- to char – to become black by burning;


- condition – 1) the state of something or someone with regard to appearance, fitness, working order; 2) circumstances affecting the functioning or existence of something; 3) a state of affairs that must exist before something else is possible;


- consequent – following as a result;


- convenient – fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities and plans;


- to couple – to join together, to connect;

couple – 1) two things related in some way, two things of the same kind; 2) two people who live or spend time together; 3) a few, several, a small number;


- detergent – a soluble cleansing agent;


- dimensions – measurements of size (height, length, width);


- to discharge – 1) to allow to go (from a hospital), dismiss from a job, release from the custody; 2) to emit or send out (a liquid, gas); 3) to unload; 4) to perform (a duty or promise) properly;


- durable – able to last, long-lasting;


- to exceed – 1) to be greater than; 2) to do more than;


- to expose – to uncover, to leave without protection; 2) to make known (a secretly guilty person or action); 3) to cause someone to be vulnerable or at risk;

- flexible – 1) capable of bending easily without breaking; 2) readily adaptable;


- hose – rubber or plastic tube conveying water, used for watering plants and in firefighting;


- to injure – 1) to cause physical harm, hurt seriously; 2) to damage;


- item – a single thing on a list or among a set;


- lining – material covering the inner surface of a garment, box, etc.;


- loss – the fact or process of losing something or someone; 2) a defeat in sport; 3) the feeling of grief after losing a valued person or thing;

to lose (lost, lost) – 1) to no longer have something as a result of carelessness or accident, death or destruction; 2) to fail to win, to be unsuccessful;


- to melt – to cause a solid to become liquid; 2) to become gentle, sympathetic;


- mildew – a soft, usually whitish growth that forms on plants, food, leather, kept for a long time in warm wet conditions;


- moist – slightly wet, damp or humid;


- to obtain – to become the owner, especially by means of effort or planning, to get;


- to penetrate – 1) to force a way into or through; 2) to see into or through;


- pressure – 1) the action of putting force or weight onto something; 2) forceful influence, strong persuasion;


- to remain – 1) to stay after others have gone; 2) to continue to be;


- rubber – 1) a substance, made either naturally from the juice of tropical tree or artificially, which keeps out water and springs back into position when stretched; 2) a piece of rubber used for removing pencil marks (Br.E.);


- to store – 1) to make and keep a supply of something for future use; 2) to put or keep in a special place while not in use; 3) to fill with supplies;


- sufficient – enough, as much as is needed for a purpose;


- watertight – through which no water can pass;


- to withstand – 1) to offer strong resistance or opposition to something; 2) to remain unharmed or unchanged.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 591. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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