Студопедия — Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - access – 1) means of entering, way in, entrance; 2) means or right of using, reaching or obtaining;
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Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - access – 1) means of entering, way in, entrance; 2) means or right of using, reaching or obtaining;


- access – 1) means of entering, way in, entrance; 2) means or right of using, reaching or obtaining;


- to adjust – to change slightly in order to make right or suitable for a particular purpose or situation;


- advantage – 1) something that may help one to be successful or to gain a favourable result; 2) a favourable condition resulting from a particular course of action, gain, benefit;

to take advantage of – to make use of, profit from;


- aerial – 1) antenna; 2) of, from or happening in the air;


- alloy – a metal that consists of two or more different metals mixed together;


- to consist of – to be made up of;

to consist in – to have as a base, depend on;


- damage – 1) the process of spoiling the condition or quality of something and the harm and loss that results; unwelcome and detrimental effects; 2) pl. money that a person is ordered by a court to pay to another person in compensation for a loss or injury;


- device – a piece of equipment intended for a particular purpose;


- to extend – 1) to reach, stretch, continue; 2) to make longer or greater, especially so as to reach a desired point;


- to handle – 1) to pick up, touch, feel with the hands; 2) to deal with, control; 3) to have responsibility for, be in charge of;


- ladder – a structure, consisting of two bars or ropes joined to each other by steps (rungs), and used for climbing;


- length – the measurement of something from one end to the other; the quality or condition of being long;


- manpower – the number of workers needed for a certain type of work;


- means – 1) a method or way of doing; 2) money, income, wealth, especially large enough to afford all one needs;


- to notice – to pay attention with the eyes, other senses, or mind;


- to perform – 1) to do, to carry out; 2) to act or show, especially in the presence of the public;


- to permit – to allow;


- to provide – to supply with the necessary things;


- purpose – 1) an intention or plan, a person’s reason for an action; 2) a use, effect, result;

on purpose – intentionally;


- quality – 1) the degree to which something is excellent, standard of goodness; 2) characteristic;


- to rely on / upon – to trust, have confidence in;


- to resist – 1) to oppose, fight against; 2) to remain unchanged or unharmed by;


- surface – the outer part of an object, the top of a body or liquid, the part that is easily seen;


- specifications – a detailed plan or set of descriptions or directions;


- strength – the quality or degree of being strong;


- tool – a simple instrument that is held in the hands and used for doing special jobs;


- to use – 1) to employ for a purpose, put into action or service; 2) to finish, consume; 3) to take unfair advantage of, exploit;


- to treat - 1) to act or behave towards in the stated way; 2) to deal with or handle in the stated way; 3) to give medical care or attention; 4) to buy or give someone something special, as a friendly act; 5) to put something through chemical or industrial process in order to change it;

treat someone to – to provide someone with food, drink, entertainment at one’s expense;

to treat oneself – to do or have something very pleasurable;


- weak – not strong (to work, in character);


- weight – 1) the heaviness of something, amount that something weighs; 2) a piece of metal that has a known heaviness and can be balanced against something else in order to measure its heaviness;


- wet – covered with liquid or in a liquid state, not dry;



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