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Text С. Medical Service in the USA

In the USA there are three levels of organization of medical service: the private doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United State Public Health Service.

The average American has a doctor of his own, whom he calls his " family doctor". This doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors (the so-called " group practice"). This doctor gives the patient regular examinations, vaccinations and medical advice. This doctor generally receives pay directly from the patient.

But many Americans whose income is low have no family doctor. For instance, the majority of the Negroes living in the central part of Baltimore come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. Here they are cared for in clinics by interns, residents (врачи, живущие при больнице) and the doctors who work there.

Each hospital has an " Emergency Room" which serves cases that need immediate attention. The broader questions of medicine such as vaccination of school children and studies of epidemics come under the control of the Public Health Service.

The great cost of medical care in the country and a great number of people who cannot pay for it have led to the development of two new programmes by the Federal Government—Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides free medical care for all the Americans over 65. Medicaid provides free medical care for all those whose income is below a certain level and who are not able to pay for medioul aid.

But during the coming years the decision has been taken to decrease the allocations on Medicare and Medicaid for 2 billion dollars. Within 1970— 1980 the cost of medical service of hospitalized patient has increased 3, 5 times. In 1950 the cost of one hospital day was 15 dollars, and in 1980 it increased up to 240 dollars. The main scientific problems facing American medicine are the same as those facing Soviet medicine — heart diseases and cancer. Great effort is being taken to determine the causes of these diseases and their successful cure.

V. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. Most cases of cancer are considered incurable. 2. He is a well trained medical adviser and can give qualified medical aid to the patient. 3. Thanks to the great achievements of medicine many infectious diseases have become curable. 4. It is advisable that the patient with stric ulcer should follow a definite diet.

VI. Express the following definitions in one word:

1. a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system; 2. a specialist who treats the diseases of the inner organs; 3. a medical adviser who makes X- ray examinations and describes X-ray films; 4. a doctor who treats our teeth; 5. a doctor who treats mental disturbances; 6. a medical specialist who works in the field of infectious diseases; 7. a physician who treats cardiac diseases; 8. a surgeon who operates on the heart; 9. a scientist who works in the field of physiology; 10. a researcher who investigates the life of microorganisms

VII. In Text С find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

1. медицинское обслуживание; 2. домашний врач; 3. частный кабинет; 4. обслуживать больных; 5. находиться под контролем; 6. бесплатный медицинский уход; 7. ниже определенного уровня; 8. проблемы, стоящие перед советской медициной; 9. успешное излечение

VIII. Combine the pairs of sentences choosing the necessary conjunctions. Translate the sentences:

1. You may go to the polyclinic. You need medical advice, (provided, though) 2. In the USA most Negroes are the poor. Their income is very low. (after, because) 3. The patient must be admitted to the emergency room. He needs immediate surgical operation, (if, after) 4. Many diseases are cured successfully. The medicine has achieved great progress, (since, before) 5. In the USA Negroes have no family doctors. Private medical service is very expensive, (until, as)

IX. Read Text D. Speak about your impressions upon the courage of Soviet doctors in the Great Patriotic War

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 6587. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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