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Translate the text into Russian in writing

10. Read the article “Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye”. What are some basic anatomical and physiological characteristics of the eye?

The anatomy of the visual system is extremely complex, so our discussion here will focus only on basic characteristics. The physical object being seen becomes an electrical impulse that is sent through the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain, the occipital lobes. Before reaching the optic nerve, light rays reflecting off the object being seen pass through several structures within the eye. The light rays do the following:

1. Pass through the cornea (a transparent cover in front of the iris and pupil), which performs the major part of the bending (refraction) of the light rays so that the image will be focused

2 Pass through the aqueous humor (a watery substance between the cornea and lens of the eye)

3, Pass through the pupil (the contractile opening in the middle of the iris, the colored portion of the eye that contracts or expands, depending on the amount of light striking it)

4. Pass through the lens, which refines and changes the focus of the light rays before they pass through the vitreous humor (a transparent gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and lens)

5. come to a focus on the retina (the back portion of the eye, containing nerve fibers connected to the optic nerve, which carries the information back to the brain).

The main components of the eye include:

Cornea - a transparent cover in front of the iris and pupil in the eye; responsible for most of the refraction of light rays in focusing on an object.

Aqucous humor - a watery substance between the cornea and lens of the eye.

Рupil - the contractile opening in the middle of the iris of the eye.

Iris - the colored portion of the eye; contracts or expands, depending on the amount of light striking it.

Lens - a structure that refines and changes the focus of the light rays passing through the eye.

Vitreous humor - substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens of the eye.

Retina - the back portion of the eye, containing nerve fibers connected to the optic nerve.


11. Read the article “Social interaction with people who are blind: points of etiquette”.

How could attitudes and actions of sighted people affect the behaviors of individuals with visual impairments?

The following letter to " Dear Abby" from the president of the American Foundation for the Blind lists some appropriate ways that the sighted can interact with those who are blind. Suggestions such.as these help to avoid awkward social situations,

Dear Abby:

You recently ran a letter from a woman who gave a few tips on what sighted people should do when they meet a blind person.

As president of the American Foundation for the Blind, and a blind person myself, I believe I can add a few more points of etiquette your readers may find helpful

1. Speak to people who are blind or visually impaired using a natural conversational tone and speed.

Do not speak loudly and slowly unless the person also has a hearing impairment

2. Address blind people by name when possible. This is especially important in crowded places»

3. Immediately greet blind people when they enter a room or service area. This lets them know you are present and ready to assist.

4. Indicate the end of a conversation with a blind person in order to avoid the embarrassment of leaving a person speaking when no one is actually. There.

5. Feel free to use words that refer to vision when conversing with blind people. Words such as " took, " " see", " watching TV, " are part of everyday communication. The words " blind" and " visually impaired" are also acceptable in conversation.

6. Do not leave a blind person standing in " free space" when you serve as a guide. Also, be sure that the person you guide has a firm grasp on your arm or is leaning against a chair or a wall if you have to be separated momentarily.

7. Be calm and clear about what to do if you see a blind person about to encounters dangerous situation. For example, if the person is about to bump into something, calmly and firmly call out, Wait there for a moment; there is an obstruction in your path.

Carl R. Augusto, President

American Foundation for the Blind, New York.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 825. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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