Студопедия — Ex. 2. Choose the best alternative and translate the sentences into Russian. A) Beijing to Hong Kong
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Ex. 2. Choose the best alternative and translate the sentences into Russian. A) Beijing to Hong Kong

1. Tourists are travelling from ___.

a) Beijing to Hong Kong

b) Hong Kong to Beijing

c) Beijing to Singapore

2. Century-old traditions go ___ with modern developments.

a) foot in foot b) head in head c) hand in hand

3. The unique old Chinese culture continues to ___ every-day life.

a) improve b) dominate c) save

4. ___ point of the journey is the Chinese capital Beijing.

a) standing b) starting c) striking

5. The biggest tourists’ attraction of the country is ___ of China.

a) the Great Wall b) the Great Door c) the Great Floor

6. It was built to defend the country from attacks of ___.

a) enemies b) foreigners c) animals

7. The first brick was laid ___ years ago.

a) two thousand b) three thousand c) two hundred

8. The wall stretches ___ km.

a) five hundred b) five thousand c) fifty-five thousand

9. The construction took place under very difficult ___.

a) circumstances b) sentences c) spaces

10. In the heart of Beijing lies the Square of ___.

a) Heavenly Peace b) Sky Peace c) Heavenly Place

11. ___ mausoleum is situated on this square.

a) Stalin b) Mao c) Lenin

12. From the square of ___ the tourists enter the Forbidden City.

a) the Forbidden Town b) the Forbidden City c) the Foreign City

13. It is the Chinese ___ where Chinese Emperors have ruled for 5 centuries.

a) imperial palace b) king palace c) internal palace

14. The Forbidden City is a beautiful example of the Chinese ___.

a) music b) art c) architecture

15. The most popular means of transport in Beijing is ___.

a) motor car b) bicycle c) scooter

16. The most modern and largest railway station in China is ___ in Beijing.

a) West Station b) South Station c) East Station

17. The tourists bought their train tickets ___.

a) on Monday b) in advance c) on the day of departure

18. Railway authorities didn’t allow the tourists to use their ___ for taking photos.

a) telephones b) cameras c) glasses

19. The journey goes ___ to the city of Zhengzhou [ Чжэнчжоу ], the capital of Henan province.

a) southbound b) northbound c) westbound

20. In socialist China the train doesn’t have a first, second or third class; passengers book a ___ seat here.

a) hard or soft b) high or low c) white or black

21. The hard section is the cheapest and the most ___ section on the train.

a) luxurious b) popular c) crowded

22. The tourists have booked soft seats because their journey is ___.

a) last b) long c) light

23. It takes ___ hours to travel from Beijing to Zhengzhou.

a) twenty b) twelve c) twenty-two

24. On the platform passengers can buy ___.

a) fish b) pancakes c) food

25. Zhengzhou is one of the most important ___ in the Chinese railway network.

a) connections b) junctions c) stations

26. When the train is leaving the station the hostess ___ people seeing off the train and people standing on the platform ___ passengers leaving their city.

a) salute(s) b) good-buy(s) c) hello(s)

27. Every compartment has its own ___.

a) cook b) porter c) hostess

28. In a soft seat compartment only a ___ number of passengers can be seated.

a) limited b) lighted c) listed

29. Many Chinese take their own food and beverages with them but the staff also ___ simple meals.

a) gives b) serves c) steals

30. The railway ___ maintain order on the train. But in a soft seat coach they don’t have much work to do because there are not many passengers.

a) police b) army c) policy

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