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I. 1)What is philosophy?

2)The object of philosophy.

3)The methods of philosophy.

4)The main parts of philosophy.

5)The meaning of the notions of ALETEIA,EPISTEME, DOXA, ARCHE in Greek philosophy.

6) The meanings of Ontology, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics.

7) The translation of the word “philosophy”.

8) Who first introduce the word “philosophy”?

II. 1)The first philosophic school in Greece.

2)What did the representatives of Ionian school sought to discover?

3) The primary substance according to Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes.

4)Who defined ARCHE as fire?

5) Who is the author of this statement: “Into the same river you could not step twice”?

6) Who said that: “Good and evil are the same”?

7) Who is the author of this statement: “Nature loves to conceal herself”?

8) Representatives of what school believed in metempsychosis?

9) What Greek school saw ARCHE in number and numerical relations?

10) What Greek philosopher ridiculed the anthropomorphic gods and introduced God as pure spirit in philosophy?

11) How did Heraclitus call the unity underlying all change and opposition?

12) Who is the founder of Eleatic school?

13) According to Parmenides, what can lead us to the truth about the existence?

14) Two kinds of Zeno’s paradoxes.

15) What Greek philosopher defined four elements and two forces as basic in the universe?

16) Who introduce a separate, immaterial, creating principle in Greek philosophy?

17) Who first held that void exists?

18) What did Sophists teach?

19) Who said that: “ Man is a measure of all things”?

20) Who discovered that good argument could be made on either side of an opposition?

21) What was the principal question that concerned the Sophists?

22) What is PHYSIS, NOMOS, according to Greek thought?

Ш. 1) Socrates’s main interest in philosophy.

2) To what did Socratic ‘elencus’ eventually gave rise?

3) The Socratic paradox.

4) The main Plato’s dialogue, devoted to his teacher.

5) Socratic schools.

6) The most fruitful Socrates’s disciple.

7) The founder of Cynic school.

8) Who wanted to destroy social conventions and return to ‘natural’ life?

9) Who advocated anti-conventionalism, shamelessness, outspokenness and austerity?

10) Who intended to show that happiness and independence were possible even under reduced circumstances?

11) What Greek philosophic school held that the pleasure of the moment is the criterion of goodness?

12)What type of government did Socrates prefer?

13)Who was accused to be a sophist?

14)Who appealed “ to avoid excess in everything”?

15)What Socrates considered his wisdom?

16)Why Socrates considered that he had no need of travelling?

17)Who identified himself as a gadfly sent to awaken the sleeping citizens from their torpor?

18) The founder of the Cyrenaic school.

19)Who said that: “I possess, I am not possessed”?

20)The founder of Megarian school.

21)hat Greek school cultivated dialectical skills?

IV. 1)The founder of Academy.

2)What was the genre of Plato’s writing?

3)The most famous of Plato’s dialogues.

4)What philosopher created the doctrine of ‘eidoses’?

5)Who was the author of the theory of ‘anamnesis’?

6)What does the word ‘anamnesis’ mean?

7)The main part of Plato’s theory.

8)What problem begins Plato’s dialogue “The Republic”?

9)The hierarchy of Plato’s ideal state.

10) Into how many parts does Plato’s allegory of the cave divide the world?

11)According to Plato, what can we have of the visible world?

12)According to Plato, what can we achieve of the intelligible world?

13) Into what two regions the visible or changing world can be divided?

14) Into what two regions the upper region can be divided?

15)Who first brought philosophy into a comprehensive system?

16) Whose philosophical doctrines did Plato combine to create his own system?

17) What division was the groundwork of Plato’s scheme?

18) According to Plato, can our visible world be perfect and why?

19) What is the perfect world, according to Plato?

20) How can we characterize Plato’s “eidoses”?

21) What is the most fundamental distinction in Plato’s philosophy?

22) The distinction between soul and body, according to Plato.

23) The main difference between a philosopher and common people, according to Plato.

24) Whose ethics became the foundation for Plato’s ethical doctrine?

25) What three parts of the soul did Plato distinguish?

26) What three virtues did Plato distinguish?

27) According to Plato, what should we do to be virtuous?

28) What virtue is the bond among parts of the soul and what is its function?

V. 1) Who was considered a know-it-all in Ancient Greek philosophy?

2) Who was the teacher of Alexander the Gleat?

3) Who founded Lyceum?

4) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, by what does knowledge that is true all the time characterized?

5) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, by what does uncertain knowledge characterized?

6) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, to what kind of knowledge do mathematics, ethics belongs?

7) The four Aristotelian causes.

8) According to Aristotle, everything is always moving and changing and has some

9) Aristotle’s analysis of phenomenon and change.

10) Why does Ethics admit a high degree of uncertainty?

11) Aristotilian Doctrine of the Mean.

12) The foundation of modern law and justice.

VI. 1) The main Hellenistic schools.

2) What borrowed doctrine did Epicurus develop in physics?

3) What concept did Epicurus introduce to physics?

4) Epicurus’s supreme good and ultimate end in ethics.

5) According to Epicurus, where does the principle of utility find its highest expression?

6) Who appreciated a withdrawn and quiet life very high?

7) Who asserted that we must not feel the fear of death and fear of gods?

8) What school did Pyrrho of Elis found?

9) Why did Pyrrho dispute the possibility of attaining the truth?

10) The author of the 10 tropes.

11) What did Sceptics show in their tropes?

12) What should we do in the situation of impossibility of the truth about the world, according to Sceptics?

13) Who was the founder of Stoic school?

14) The formula that connected with Stoic teaching.

15) What did Stoics assert about of cause of the passions?

16) “Preferable things”, according to Zeno of Citium.

17) Into what categories did Zeno of Citium divide all people?

18) By what is Stoic mode of conduct characterize?

19) The founder of Neo-Platonism.

20) According to Neo-Platonism, there is a plurality of what is arranged in hierarchical descending order?

21) Degrees of being, according to Plotinus.

22) The lowest level of being, according to Plotinus.

23) The highest level of being, according to Plotinus.

24) According to Plotinus, by what is Soul produced?

25) According to Plotinus, by what is Intellect is produced?

26) According to Plotinus, by what is corporeal world produced?

27)According to Neo-Platonism, by what means can a human reach the contemplation of the One?

28) The purpose of human life, according to Neo-Platonism.

VII. 1)The defining characteristic of Hindu belief.

2)According Hindus believe what is the foundation, cause and goal of all existent?

3)What does Brahman cause the universe and all beings?

4)What two main images has the Supreme essence Brahman got?

5)The meaning of Ahimsa in Hinduism.

6) What is Pracriti, according to Hindu philosophy?

7)The meaning of Guna.

8)Three gunas.

9)The meaning of Samsara.

10)According to Hindu philosophy, In what does any social interaction results?

11)According to Hindu philosophy, To what should human endeavour be directed?

12)The meaning of Moksha in Hinduism.

13)To what notion in Buddhism is Moksha in Hinduism equivalent?

14)The main Veda.

15)Who was Vardhamana Mahavira?

16)What doctrine is central to the moral code of Jainism?

17)The principal ingredient of Jaina metaphysics.

18)The doctrine of karma has got a specific meaning in Jainism.

19)Jaina concept of nonabsolutism.

20)Three primary true values in Jaina logic.

21)Every statement is regarded as having _____ values, considered from different standpoints.

22)The meanings of Jina and Jain.

23)The Three Jewels constitute the basis of Jain doctrinal and ethical position.

24)Into what two groups are Jaina monks and nuns divided?

25)The translation of Yoga from Sanskrit.

26)The translation of Buddha from Sanskrit.

27)To what philosophy does the notion of nirvana belong?

28)The four Noble Truth in Buddhism.

29)According to Buddhism, by whom can nirvana be experienced?

30) According to Buddhism, when can nirvana be experienced?

VШ. 1) That primary necessity did Confucius showe with all his life?

2)Confucian Classics consists of ____ books.

3)In what book of Confucian Classics is metaphysical vision expressed?

4)According I Ching, cosmos is a great transformation occasioned by the constant interaction of two _________, yin and yang.

5)According to Kong Tzu, the meaning of politics.

6) According to Kong Tzu, what is the best way to attain the new.

7)By whom was the Lun-yu (Analects) written?

8)Confucius said: “At ___ I followed my heart’s desires without overstepping the boundaries of right”.

9) To whom did Confucius want to make education available?

10)Confucian concept of cheng.

11)Confucian ideal hsiao.

12)Confucian concept of jen.

13)The founder of Taoism.

14)The author of “Tao te Ching”.

15)For whom was “Tao te Ching” written?

16)According to Lao Tzu, how must ruler’s actions pass?

17) Lao Tzu’s attitude to arms.

18) The concept of Wu-wei.

18)Lao Tzu proposed _____ as social ideal.

19)According to Taoism, what plan does man’s body reproduce?

20)Lao-tzu’s attitude to civilization.

21)What social ideal did Lao Tzu introduce into the Eastern philosophy?

22)What features must people cultivate in the ideal state, according to Lao Tzu?

23)Old age in the framework of Taoism.

IX. 1)The main source of Western European Medieval philosophy.

2)The main representatives of European Medieval philosophy.

3) Into what philosophy turn at the Medieval Times?

4)With what does God, for Augustine, coincide?

5)What is Mind, for Augustine?

6)What must human mind do to know God?

7)The most famous of Augustine work.

8) By what are Christians endowed, according to Augustine?

9)The most famous Aquinas’s work.

10)Whom did Thomas Aquinas Introduced to Medieval philosophy.

11)The composition of what parts are creatures, according to Thomas Aquinas?

12)What is God, according to Thomas Aquinas?

13)According to Thomas Aquinas, the highest kind of knowledge human can possess.

14)Aquinas’s system and explanations and developments made by his followers.

15)To whom, according to Aquinas do both man and lower creatures have natural tendency or love?

16)According to Aquinas, when we do what is right, to what is it objectively suited?

17)Aquinas wrote: “God is not offended by us except by what we do against ______.”

18)Aquinas’s five proofs of God’s existence.

X. 1)The Characteristic of Renaissance.

2)The great representatives of Renaissance thought.

3)What did Renaissance thinkers consider of physical world?

4)Through what did Renaissance thinkers have a tendency to explain nature?

5)Nicholas of Cusa’s principal work.

6)According to Nicholas of Cusa, there are three stages in acquiring knowledge.

7)What is the world, for Nicholas of Cusa.

8)What is the task of human life, by Nicholas of Cusa?

9)What is God for Nicholas of Cusa?

XI. 1)Francis Bacon conceived of philosophy as a new technique of reasoning. What is its task?

2)The steps of Baconian method applying to natural science.

3)By what method has Baconian method of exhaustive cataloguing of facts since been replaced as a scientific method?

4)Why did Sir Francis Bacon advocate experience?

5)The Baconian idols of mind.

6)The title of the Great Baconian utopia.

7)The Extract from Spinoza’s ‘Ethics”: “Except ______, no substance can be or be conceived”.

8)Into what aspects did Spinoza divide substance?

9)The extract of Spinoza’s “Ethics”: “The two attributes of God of which we have knowledge are extension and __________.”

10)The stages of cognition, according to Spinoza.

11)According to Spinoza, what we should strive for is to be free from the _________ - or, since this is not absolutely possible, at least to learn how to moderate and restrain them – and become active, autonomous beings.

12) Whose method Descartes used to start his philosophy?

13)Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism. What two substances did he mean?

14)According to the Cartesian system, what is the essence of mind?

15)According to the Cartesian system, what is the essence of matter?

16)According to the Cartesian system, God is a third, infinite substance, whose essence is necessary existence, and God unites minds with bodies to create a fourth, compound substance. What is it?

XII. 1)The Kant’s greatest works.

2) I. Kant’s therminology. The notions of a priori, posteriori, synthetic, analytic statements.

3)The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”.

4)In what three fields does this problem arise, according to Kant?

5)Where did I. Kant investigate the problem of synthetic a priori forms in mathematics, physics, metaphysics?

6)In “Transcendental Analytic” Kant maintained that physics is a priori and synthetic. Why?

7)What Kant’s conclusion made a Copernican revolution in philosophy?

8)What ideas did I.Kant consider in his “Critique of Practical Reason”?

9)In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant formulated the Categorical imperative. How?

10)In his “Critique of Judgement” Kant asserted that organisms must be investigated only ‘as if’. What did he mean?

11)What things were the most admiring things for Immanuel Kant for all his life?

12)In what greatest work did Hegel presents the evolution of consciousness?

13)The notion of ‘Phenomenon’, according to Hegel.

14)The title of the first, second, third, fourth parts of “The Phenomenology of Mind”.

15)With what did Hegel start the evolution of consciousness?

16)According to Hegel, what is the main feature of infantile consciousness?

17)After many centuries consciousness evolved into two main categories of Self consciousness. What are they?

XШ. 1)To what kind of philosophy did Friedrich Nietzsche belongs?

2)Friedrich Nietzsche contribution in philosophy, in the whole Western European culture.

3)By what was Friedrich Nietzsche preoccupied in his mature writings?

4)How did Nietzsche characterize the fundamental cultural values of Western philosophy, religion and morality?

5) According to Nietzsche, Christianity offered imaginary world as truly real instead of

6)Etymology of what words did F. Nietzsche examine in his analysis of traditional values?

7)In pagan world the principle values were

8)Nietzsche asserted that man must live his life in such a way that he would find it possible to accept the eternal repetition of his very life. How is this concept called?

9) To whom Zarathustra gives such characteristic: “One no longer become poor or rich; both are too burdensome. Who still want to rule? Who still want to obey? Both are too burdensome”?

10) According to “Zarathustra”’s “Three Metamorphoses” of the spirit, the first, second, third metamorphoses.

XIV 1)The founder of Existentialism.

2)In what his work Seren Kierkegaard gives three limited existential sphere of human life?

3)According to Kierkegaard, the first, second, third existential spheres.

4)By whom, according to Kierkegaard, the first, second, third stages or existential spheres personified?

5)What notion did Kierkegaard introduced into philosophy.

XV. 1)The main topic of “The Myth of Sisyphus”.

2)According to Camus, what is the only truly serious philosophical problem?

3)According to Camus, when does one choose death?

4)Why is Sisyphus an absurd hero?

5)Why must we imagine Sisyphus happy?

6)How did Heidegger declare the purpose of his principal work?

7)In what terms did Heidegger consider man?

10)According to Heidegger, into what is man thrown?

11)Characteristics of das Man, according to Heidegger’s.

12)What concept did Heidegger introduce in philosophy in his famous lecture “What is metaphysics?”?

13)According to Heidegger, in what mood does man reveals nothing?

14) Heidegger’s conclusion about authenticity of human existence.

15)Heidegger’s conclusion about metaphysics.



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