Студопедия — Task 3. Match the words and their definitions.
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Task 3. Match the words and their definitions.

1. a damning indictment a) didn’t do it (because it was too much effort or because it was pointless)
2. didn't bother b) very disappointing
3. scale c) size
4. staggering d) performed well; here, got lots of votes
5. staying away from the polls e) if something is a damning indictment of something else, it shows how bad it is
6. a source of deep disappointment f) different
7. gained ground g) incredible, amazing
8. overall h) generally, with everything considered
9. dissimilar i) not voting
10. switching to j) turning its attention (from one thing to another)



Task 4. Write a paragraph about the political system in Russia, Chine, Turkey, Japan or any Arab country, using words from the list:

Member of Parliament, politician, statesman, Prime Minister, chamber, cabinet, President, ambassador, embassy, ministry, constituency, candidate, majority, referendum, by-elections, marginal seat, the opposition, stand/run for Parliament, vote, elect.

Task 5. Imagine that you’re Members of Parliament and there is a discussion of a new bill. You should play the scene. Try to recreate the troubled atmosphere of parliamentary debate.

“Fair Game”


Release date: 2010

Director: Doug Liman

Genre: Biography | Drama | Thriller


Read information about the film, analyse it and create a summary. Name Middle Eastern countries which were mentioned in the film.

Fair Game is a biographical film drama directed by Doug Liman and starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. It is based on Valerie Plame's memoir, Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House. and Joseph C. Wilson's memoir "The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity: A Diplomat's Memoir".

"Fair Game," is a drama about the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. Plame Wilson's CIA status was compromised due to a Bush administration leak about her after her husband Joseph Wilson wrote op-ed columns that accused the administration of manipulating intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq. Plame Wilson left the CIA in 2005, and she and her husband filed a civil suit against Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Cheney's ex-chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Rove and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage admitted that they leaked her agency status to journalists, and Libby was convicted of lying to a federal grand jury about his role in compromising her covert status.

Then-President Bush commuted Libby's 30-month sentence in 2007 but stopped short of granting him a full pardon despite aggressive lobbying by Cheney before Bush left the White House in January.


Task 1. Remember the episodes from the film with the following words.

CIA, weapon of mass destruction (WMD), uranium, covert operation, indictment, following someone, tabloid journalism, taking the fall, de briefing, reckless driving, yellowcake uranium, war ruins, investigation, commuted sentence, political threat, terrorism, political corruption, reflection, traitor, responsibility, breaking point, treadmill, smear campaign, false report, graveyard, justice, political conspiracy, explosion, mossad, faked intelligence, stubbornness, news leak, montage,


Task 2. Translate the following words and expressions and create your own sentences with them.

CIA agent, covert operation, credibility, taking the fall, death threat, injustice, integrity, splashing water on one's face, treadmill, news leak, uranium ore, looting, duty as a citizen, security threat, vengeance, government propaganda, trespassing, joint task force, tyranny, pillory, fraud, abuse of power, paranoia, espionage, U.S. department of justice, assumed identity, undercover operation, character assassination, uranium enrichment, treachery, letter of resignation, political manipulation, fertilizer, CIA covert operations, political intimidation, counter proliferation, false accusation, congressional testimony, oath, political dirty tricks, accusation, quasi racist conundrum.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 532. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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