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Task 1. Group the following words according to some criteria.


Facebook, misogyny, website, twin, Internet, roommate, computer, social network, billionaire, entrepreneur, ambivalence, blog, e-mail, student, arrogance, hacker, greed, business partner, narcissism, alienation

Task 2. Answer the following questions:


1. Is this based on a book?

2. How accurate is the movie?

3. Who is the "movie star" on campus?

4. Why did Eduardo want to expand Facebook to Stanford?

5. What is in the package Mark receives immediately after Eduardo confronts him?

6. How did Mark betray Eduardo?

7. What happened to Sean Parker?

8. Did Mark really do all those things Eduardo implied he did in the confrontation?


Task 3. Write an essay on theme “the Internet and social nets in our life”.


Task 4. Use the following words in the sentences:


Fraternity, Deception, Opportunist, Lawyer, Intellectual Property, Contract, Betrayal, Investment.

1. On one of them, we read, "They must act with and for each other, in a spirit of ___________."

2. ___________________ protection is an issue that has to be addressed at practically all stages of doing business.

3. ______________ enforcement on average takes 55 procedures and a five- to 10-year litigation process.

4. The possibility of ____________, of treason, had never presented itself to his mind.

5. He knew it was true, but his own act of _______________ tasted bitter in his mouth.

6. The __________ acquainted himself with the facts of the case.

7. Both of them were __________, trying to make the most of a unique situation.

8. Investment opportunities had not expanded proportionately.


“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”

Release date: 2010

Director: Oliver Stone

Genre: Drama



As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader's mentor.



Task 1. Match the words with their definitions.


a) competitiveness, insider dealing, bailout, bubble economy, double cross, capitalism

b) deceive or betray; an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state; relating to or characterized by competition; the illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one’s own advantage through having access to confidential information; an economy undergoing an unsustainable boom, especially that of in Japan in the late 1980s; an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 1.

1. I was willing to be dignified in the face of adversity when I was the victim of a that cop, but not when I was the victim of a _______.

2. The results thus provide a sense of the magnitude of the efforts required to raise _________________ levels.

3. Six people have been convicted of _______________ in a case brought by the Financial Services Authority.

4. The most useful precedent is probably Japan in the period from the end of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange-rate regime in August, 1971, to the collapse of its “________________” in 1990.

5. After the euphoria over the ________ of Freddie and Fannie is mostly over, investors will return attention to the macroeconomic situation.

6. Thatcher and Reagan preached the political gospel of democracy, ___________ and individual liberty in the face of too much government.


Task 3. Translate the following notions and define them.


Финансовые махинации; наставник; освобождение из тюрьмы; дух соперничества; жадность, алчность; план вывода из кризиса; на грани банкротства; рискованные инвестиции; ценные бумаги; процветание рынка.


Task 4. Combine the words and their definitions. Then use the words in the following sentences.


1.wiped off a) experts who are employed by banks, stockbrokers and investment groups to make judgments about the success of companies which their clients may want to invest in
2.analysts b) differences
3.a gap in the market c) if something is unbiased it is done fairly without showing prejudice or favouritism
4.likely d) probably
5.unbiased e) if you end up doing something, you do it even though you did not originally intend to
6.variations f) if you point something out, you cause people to notice it or look at it
7.points out g) when money is wiped off the value, or the price of shares falls
8.end up h) a service or product that is not there in the market but should be there, because there is a demand for it
9. a dying breed i) a particular sort of personwho is becoming increasingly rare

b) Use the words in the following text. Some words can be used more than one time:

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