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Summary. Becky (Rachel McAdams) is a hard-working morning TV show producer, or at least she was until she got fired

Becky (Rachel McAdams) is a hard-working morning TV show producer, or at least she was until she got fired. Desperate to get a job, she finally gets an interview with Jerry (Jeff Goldblum) - who is desperate to hire a producer for the struggling show "Daybreak". Becky accepts the job and it proves to be more difficult than even she might be able to handle. She has to fire the sexist co-host, then try to convince egotistical news reporter, Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford), to take the job, and then try and get him to actually do the job, properly. And she has to do this while falling for handsome Adam (Patrick Wilson), and trying to save the show from plummeting ratings. Will Becky be able to hold on to her dream job and her sanity?


1. What is the main difference between Russian and Western morning TV shows, if there is?

2. Why did Mike Pomeroy agree to start working with Becky?

3. How did she manage to persuade him to work well?


Task 1. Study the following words and word combinations. Give your own examples using them.

Television, obsession, fictional TV network, workaholic, disillusionment, satire, unemployment, ex beauty queen, female protagonist, fictional news show, TV station, bitterness, TV producer, TV morning show, fictional TV show, hunting, TV reporter, pantsuit, broadcasting, TV journalist, fired from the job, co-worker, TV anchorman, work ethic, ex war correspondent

Task 2. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word combination from Task 1.

1. Her personal appearance, always of absorbing interest to her, now became almost an ____________.

2. People are cagy around _______________.

3. He doesn't have the cool to be an ___ _______________.

4. Radio ____________ is a technology of transmitting sound information through radio waves, wire networks or packet switching networks.

5. Not until the next generation would Soviet leaders experience the shocks of ______________.

6. Woe to the ____________ who dared to write a misplaced allusion!



Task 3. Make up a short play as if you were anchormen and you had to anchor a morning show with a couple pieces of news, guests and dialogues.

“The Pursuit of Happyness”


Release date: 2006

Director: Gabriele Muccino

Genre: Biography | Drama



Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner. Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a "Bone Density scanner". He feels like he has made these devices. However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price. As Gardner tries to figure out how to sell them, his wife leaves him, he loses his house, his bank account, and credit cards. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner is now desperate to find a steady job; he takes on a job as a stockbroker, but before he can receive pay, he needs to go through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices.


Task 1. Match the following words and expressions with their interpretations.

1. залезть в сбережения a) they only keep going
2. франшиза b) payment delay
3. бесперспективная работа c) to pay on account
4. задержка оплаты d) voluntary probation
5. по счетам e) brokerage house
6. маклерская фирма f) pass over an opportunity
7. гостиница для временного проживания бездомных g) Homeless Shelter
8. ночлежка h) to dip into one's savings
9. они сводят концы с концами i) franchise
10. неоплачиваемая стажировка j) a dead-end job
11. упустить возможность k) to set up commission house
12. основать брокерскую фирму l) bunkhouse

Task 2. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word combination from Task 1.

1. He had already done a few jobs for some small _______________ on Wall Street, mainly on the recommendation of his uncle George, an independent stock analyst.

2. I was plodding along in a _________________.

3. Your objective is to maximize sales across your entire _____________ system.

4. How active a new colleague is during such sessions can impact on when his or her ______________ period ends.

5. She didn’t want to ___________________ so she drew me aside.

6. We have agreed to ______________ a joint venture with German partners to invest some new projects.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 370. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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